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Everything posted by democore

  1. Development discontinued. If anyone wants to continue it, feel free to do so: https://github.com/democore/RTMV Hey everyone, I moved on from the last thread (which is dedicated to the native IOS version of this) to this new one, since this is pretty much a new thing. With this mod, you can make your arma game session accessable via any webbrowser. Try it out here: Link It currently works best with Chrome. This is a VERY early build, so don't expect everything to work the way it's intendet to. Implemented: - Display all Units on Map - Teleport Units - Give Waypoints to Unit - View Waypoints of Units - Spawn anything with given Classname - Admin option to only show selected side (west, east, ...) - Markers are shown - Display all Vehicles on Map - Auto Follow mode - Altis, Stratis, Takistan, Chernarus, Zargabad (Thanks to 10T) WIP: - add way more commands to the alter unit window - General way nicer UI (the current version is just for testing) - display list of units - Option to disable the commands and only use the map for GPS Planned for future: - easier implementation - login system for restricting visibility of units for example - add more maps - choice to only draw markers and no units - getting the refresh time faster - things that you guys point out Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/J1BA13f.jpg (597 kB) Download: http://justdev.de/@RTMS.rar Howto: - forward tcp port 3000 - copy the content of the folder "Copy content into arma 3 root folder" into arma root - open the ArmaHandleTcp.exe, select port 3000 and press the "Start Server" Button - start server or client with the @RTMS mod - browse to http://justdev.de/newol/map.html and enter your ip. - Click on Connect
  2. Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24453 Description: This mod is still in a early version. So please do not expect a perfect experience. It adds music to the game which is chosen from the current situation the player is in. For example if you're in a fight, it will play heavy and fast music. In night it will player more sneaky like music and so on. The music titles come from arma 3 itself. Installation / Usage: - Place the files in the Mission you want the mod to be in. - (If not exists) Add the file "init.sqf" in the root folder of the Mission. - Write ExecVm "musicHandler\musicHandler.sqf"; in the init.sqf. - You're ready to go. If you want, you cann set the "debugging" value in the musicHandler\musicHandler.sqf to 1 to see the debugging going on. - Once spawned each player should hear music. - Music can be turned off by using the mousewheel action "Disable music". - Don't forget to enable the music in the menu of Arma 3. Changelog: v1.0 - first release Tell me what you think! :)
  3. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Hey, I'm sorry that I abandoned the Project. If you guys want to continue it or just set it up yourself, here's the website and Arma code: https://github.com/democore/RTMV
  4. democore

    ArmA 3 Custom Buildings

    Thanks SO much for theese Buildings!!! Been looking for "non vanilla" buildings for ages! :) They are awesome!
  5. democore


    Hey guys, since quite some time (3-4 month) I've been developing a "Operating system" for arma and here it is! I'm kind of happy with the current version of this, so I'm finally going to release it now. I just didn't want to release it before it's in a stable form, so I don't end up with getting everyone excited for a projekt and dumping it anyway in the end like I did with the real time map viewer... Github link Github Wiki Implement in mission You can add this to you Mission by adding theese lines to your init sqf: MISSION_ROOT = call { private "_arr"; _arr = toArray __FILE__; _arr resize (count _arr - 8); toString _arr }; player addaction ["Open CoalaOs", "CoalaOs\CoalaOsMain.sqf", player, 1, true, true, "", "(backpack player) in ['tf_rt1523g', 'tf_rt1523g_big', 'tf_rt1523g_sage', 'tf_rt1523g_green', 'tf_rt1523g_black', 'tf_rt1523g_fabric','tf_rt1523g_bwmod', 'tf_rt1523g_big_bwmod', 'tf_rt1523g_big_rhs', 'tf_rt1523g_rhs']" ]; and theese lines to your description.ext: #include "CoalaOs\common.hpp" #include "CoalaOs\base.hpp" To open the laptop, you have to have a big TFAR radio on your back, but you can change that to being openable by anyone by changing player addaction ["Open CoalaOs", "CoalaOs\CoalaOsMain.sqf", player, 1, true, true, "", "(backpack player) in ['tf_rt1523g', 'tf_rt1523g_big', 'tf_rt1523g_sage', 'tf_rt1523g_green', 'tf_rt1523g_black', 'tf_rt1523g_fabric','tf_rt1523g_bwmod', 'tf_rt1523g_big_bwmod', 'tf_rt1523g_big_rhs', 'tf_rt1523g_rhs']" ]; to player addaction ["Open CoalaOs", "CoalaOs\CoalaOsMain.sqf"]; Media Finally: Screenshots because everyone loves screenshots :D http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541894933442794104/05F232D5E4C3DD2F67F0D28A7D3F78D5D6E4840A/ (293 kB) http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541894933442794293/EDBB6B87EAEDBEBF25CC246F7285D5B3ACCC51A1/ (339 kB) http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541894933442794452/BFDC08EA2D53C26D9559AEB706886BA3560B806F/ (365 kB) http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541894933442794611/6BB22A9DBE3E47DEC2F63B5241E92C08477994F6/ (348 kB) This is me using the laptop in a mission of our clan: Twitch recording, skip to 60 Minutes (We forgot to put the difficulty up to Veteran, so we sadly got the enemy displayed on the map. This is not the bluefortracker's fault) Description So, you may now be asking: Okay so I get a bodycam, dronefeed and stuff, but thats already accessable by other mods, whats special?! The answer is simple: This being a "Operating system" you can add/remove Programs from the system, making it highly customizable! Also, there is a kind of real file system behind it, so you have folders and files in a structured system, just like in your windows explorer. I hope to add some more programs to this by their own. Maybe, you guys can point out missing features! Currently there are theese Programs: - Chatty -> just a simple chat for players - Surveilence -> view the turret perspective of any data drone in the air - BodyCam -> View any players first person perspective - Frontcam -> This was just for testing, but hey, there you go. Its just the Frontcam of the laptop. - BlueForTracker -> Shows all units that have a big radio on their back on the map. Currently this addon relies on Task Fore Radio, so you have to download it. :) If you just want to try it out, activate task force radio and load this map: Link
  6. Hey there, doesn't this solve your problem? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectViewDistance
  7. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    #Update 31.03.2015 - Still a problem with the units freezing and not being updated anymore. I found the source of the problem kind of, but I don't have a solution so far. It's some problem with thread safety in c#. - It's now possible to change the settings of RTMS on the fly via the .exe! :) http://i.imgur.com/oDeVDs7.jpg (585 kB) #Update 2 31.03.2015 - Follow, Adding waypoints and Teleport are working in the new version now. - Server FPS are shown in the browser. - New version of @RMTS download - New version of ArmaHandleTcp.exe (Included in the above download)
  8. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    I think I will put the code up on github, yea. If you have any specific questions, just add me in Steam and ask me :)
  9. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Sounds nice! How about we continue our work together? Since we both have the same target. Also you appear to have more knowlege about UI stuff than I do! :) Since I already have the most of the hard stuff done (communication from arma to browser AND the other direction) we could use each others work to do a even better map together I think! If you're interested, just add me in Steam! :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/DemoCoree/
  10. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Whoopsy, double post >__<
  11. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    The menu for placing markers looks badass! O__o how did you do that? Is it a leaflets thing? For the positioning: Well it depends on your coordination system. If 0,0 is at the bottom left its: mapx = player.x * pixelPerMeter; mapy = player.y * pixelPerMeter; You only have to calculate the pixelPerMeter for your map. (just count the pixel between the 100m marks and divide them by 100 ;D).
  12. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    #Update 30.03.2015 - made a bugfix in the .exe which made units with a groupname containing a space not showing up in the map. - Fixed some smaller issues in the browser version #Credits: A huge thanks goes to Tankbuster and his guys for helping me find bugs and testing in general!
  13. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Ok, I'll try to get him doing it :) -------------------------------------------------------- #Update 2 29.03.2015 Reimplemented Markers in the current Build. They now also show their description per default without making the browser lag like horrible! :) Screenshot
  14. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    I can ask him to give me some new ones. Which one are you looking for? --------------------------------------------- #Update 29.03.2015 Worked the last 2 days almost nonstop to get the new map version up and running. I sadly really had to rewrite the most of my code from scratch but in the end, this was a pretty good decision, since the old code wasn't that great afterall. The new Version is way smoother than the old one. I also did some fixing on the client side, so here is the new update! http://justdev.de/@RTMS.rar http://justdev.de/newol/map.html is now pretty stable. Stratis and Altis are working fine for me. Didn't test the other ones.
  15. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Please note, that the new version is just an experiment and won't work at all with the current setup. It's just to test out the speed advances.
  16. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Update 28.03.2015 I've concidered implementing the new Openlayer 3.4 instead of the old 2.0 for the browser side map implementation. The problem currently is, that the new 3.4 version is built from scratch, meaning it's almost impossible to just take the old code and run with it. I'd have to reimplement the complete drawing routines. The reason why I concider doing this at all, is the way better scrolling/zooming speed, since it caches tiles that have already been shown. You can compare the differences: Old version: http://justdev.de/maptest/map.html new version: http://justdev.de/newol/map.html I'll try to get this in but I'm not sure if that is currently possible. I've also encountered a problem, where with high update speeds, the connection goes lost after only a few seconds. I also want to thank Tankbuster for his help while testing the system! :)
  17. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    Update 27.03.2015 So, today I found time coding for this project again. I'll probably do some this weekend. So far what I've got is alot of changes in the Javascript side of the project. This mainly results in the connection being more stable. Also I've made an update to the server client. It would be nice to have somebody test it! :) I'll create a skype group for this, so anyone who is remotely interested in this project can just add me in skype: halo.gamer1 (the name is 11 years old, so don't judge me :/)
  18. democore


    Thanks! You're legend! :)
  19. democore


    Well, you can now create your own Programs super easy :) Just check out the Wiki! https://github.com/democore/CoalaOs/wiki
  20. democore


    Oh, no I actually didn't mean sub, I meant following :D
  21. democore


    Well, twitter is actually kind of working a bit in the browser :D Hah, thanks for the ideas :) I'll see what I can do! :) Thanks for the sub, btw :)
  22. democore


    Well, as much as I'd like to code that, I think thats slightly impossible :D
  23. democore

    Real time Browser Map

    I'm sorry but I pretty much abandoned the project. It's been a little to much problems on the javascript side of things (This is the first time I wrote javascript at all, so the code is very bad..) There's a kind of stable version on my pc. I'm gonna release it opensource on github so you guys can "play" with the active development branch and if anyone wants to continue development, it's possible! :) Maybe, just maybe, I'll find time to write some code again, but that time is not now, since I'm quite busy on other projects :(