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Everything posted by MrSanchez

  1. MrSanchez

    CS of Jacobi - Saviours

    The download button doesn't work. Can't see anything there.
  2. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Adjust zombie density on the module settings.
  3. It's BattlEye blocking it I guess. Maybe BattlEye needs to update the ACE dlls in their services? (if that's the case, that's pretty silly imo).
  4. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Not yet. Soonâ„¢
  5. Those hand animations alone got me hyped :D
  6. MrSanchez

    Knock on Vehicles

    Tanks a lot man. (huehuehue)
  7. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    We removed no modules. I think you're looking for gamelogics. On Eden that's the icon on the left when you press F7. Also, one could technically create a proximity module with the modules we currently have. You can use the command attachTo to attach the 'spawner' module to the player. And additionally you can place the delete module to delete zombies that are 100m-200m-etc away from any humans. :P
  8. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    The ACE damage issue/health module not working properly has been fixed. Thanks a lot to jokoho482 and commy2 for narrowing down the CBA problem and providing a workaround (& soon an incorporated one). Kind regards, Sanchez
  9. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Our modules that I've tested all worked fine in Eden. Regarding the ACE damage and the health module..well it's a CBA-caused problem. The background story; Synced up with the Eden editor, CBA did an update where they rewritten a lot of their XEH, e.g. they're using the Bohemia-introduced nested eventhandler system now. This is a good thing because it makes ACE3 and other mods w/ eventhandlers compatible with eachother. However, that has essentially made the zombies (which previously weren't compatible/handled with/by ACE at all) ACE compatible. The result is that damage done to zombies is now being handled by ACE, and the zombies have like 5-20x more armor than regular humans, which may seem odd but to counter that we apply base damage upon initialization of each zombie. (if you have the health module set to 'weakest', then zombies will spawn and have their damage set to 97% (a hardcoded value), by default its 70% damage, 'strong' = 50% damage @ start, etc) Now ACE ofcourse expects a human with normal 'human' armor values. And probably works with those armor values along with other multipliers to adjust the damage for someone with the armor levels equivalent to three Juggernaut suits. Now I won't spill all the beans about how the zombie mod works but I'll try and find out a way to prevent the zombies from being handled by ACE. Also, if you want the damage to be what it was, downgrade CBA back to 2.2...or wait for us to release an update ^^ Kind regards, Sanchez
  10. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    1.56 and ACE breaks the zombies for some reason. The health module no longer works. :S
  11. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Just look at ArmA basic editor tutorials. I assume that the zombies are independent and you are blufor and independent is set to be friendly with blufor?
  12. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Regarding the ACE damage http://zombiebugs.site40.net/mantisbt/view.php?id=47
  13. Hey, When you guys rewrote the new XEH - did you guys intentionally change Extended_Fired_EventHandlers to be identical with Extended_FiredBIS_EventHandlers? I know that nowadays you're supposed to use FiredBIS and you have the whole background story about the differences, but I had some old (2013) mod running in my community's modpack that still used Extended_Fired_EventHandlers and I now noticed a shit ton of errors regarding the 5th parameter (used to be projectile object, is now magazine string). I've modified the mod now for the time being, but it's very possible that other mods are affected by this. Kind regards, Sanchez
  14. MrSanchez

    Pandur import from A2 - release

    Like...oh my gaawdd...did you not read the title? jeeeeeeeez :DDD
  15. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    1.56 could definitely have broken the ACE function. I haven't tested it yet. Are you running ACE on the server you're playing on as well? or is this singleplayer?
  16. I might be mistaken but I think the ruins are part of Icebreakr's Isla A2 Duala mod (ibr_dtowns.pbo) - thus changing AiA TP <-> CUP TP won't have any effect. As far as I know, the ArmA 3 version of Isla Duala does not contain these ruin objects so I think you're out of luck on this one >.< Kind regards, Sanchez
  17. How dare you criticize the model, we don't need your negativity here. :D Just kidding, what's missing?
  18. Just use yer editor experience lad, either set the elevation in the elevation tab on the object properties tab or use something like setposasl and you'll be dandy.
  19. MrSanchez

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getRelDiris 1.56 - With 1.54 you'll be receiving errors >.<
  20. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    The zombie AI have disabled FSMs and have repetitive orders, I doubt any AI mod can break their will to eat your brainsssssss ;)
  21. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Logics? Try using the modules :P
  22. Most likely something that can be fixed in configs, possible is that it's a mem LOD thing but that's doubtful. :P
  23. I'd like such an approach. For making actual (non scripted) missions to play with friends, I'd definitely prefer the 3D editor. However I also work on a heavily-scripted gamemode which requires a LOT of previewing, reloading, previewing, etc because I'm often working with description.exts and other dialog/UI related stuff. (I sometimes reload like 20 times in a hour). For that I'd prefer the 2D editor as the time it takes to go from editor -> preview -> editor is noticeably less. Besides, for heavily-scripted missions, the features of the 3D editor compared to the 2D editor are neglectable (e.g. my AIs are spawned by script, not placed on editor). Kind regards, Sanchez
  24. MrSanchez

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Please vote ;) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27656