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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. chrisb

    Frozen Synapse 2

    Scenario generator now included: This is a great way to plan and execute cqc engagements. Very customisable with pretty good ai.
  2. I played the first Frozen and it was a nice little game. This one I haven't played yet, but I'm going too pick it up this weekend. This guy does a really good series here and I just randomly picked out an episode: The games ai is pretty good by the looks of things. There is plenty of tactical play, but it does take time (so be warned). The first game, even playing the scenarios which I preferred and are not available in this title, were really thought out and quite time consuming, but very rewarding. This game now has a 'long turn' option, which may be useful. In this title you get to play the city as a sort of campaign, its open so you choose your direction. Obviously there is little here in the way of graphics, however there is a lot when it comes to game-play. So check it out if you like CQC and tactical play, in an open world/city setting. Watch this series and you'll get a very good impression of what Frozen Synapse 2 is all about. I spent hours with the first title. This looks better tactically, but less so graphically, but who cares about graphics when good game-play is present. I should add, there is MP mode and you can play several games at a time, a little like chess, with other people. Or just play straight head to head with the one person.
  3. chrisb

    Frozen Synapse 2

    They said they are going to put in a scenario generator later, which will be very nice indeed. It's a good game.
  4. chrisb

    Red Dead Redemption

    Ideally playing it on pc would be my first thought, especially if the port is done by the devs. I'll have to think, probably look around at other titles for console. On the whole I play sandbox type games, so not sure if the console carries many of those. I'll have a look and see. Thanks all.
  5. chrisb

    Red Dead Redemption

    Was the port of gta-v done by Rockstar ? or was it a mod port type thing ? Do you think they may port this to pc then ? @EO Yeah, looks good. Thanks both.
  6. chrisb

    Red Dead Redemption

    I'm going to actual buy a console for this (as no pc release, again). So which one to buy, to have it look nice and run great. Just in 1920x1080 nothing special, but would still like it to look like 1920x1080.. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. chrisb

    Do people still play?

    Yep, a number of groups I know never moved over to A3. Tried it first, didn't like it and stayed with A2 CO. I still play every week, not always in group, but either way I play.
  8. chrisb

    Which mouse do you recommend for ArmA

    I'm using the Roccat NYTH for A2, don't play A3. It a very good customisable mouse. ;)
  9. They have thought it out carefully, the result is quite stunning. I have hundreds of hours in this game, love the style of it. Now after 'Next' planets are harsh, whereas before they were pretty easy to survive, now they can be deadly. I really enjoy the alien planets, they give that true old style sci-fi look and feeling. Just a great game to play. At one stage I thought, ah.. they are pandering to the moaners, but I was wrong. They have really put some effort into this game. It was a great little game when it released, perhaps not for everyone, but some of us. Relaxing and fun. Now it is a great 'big' game, still quite relaxing in places, but bites every now and then. Top marks HG.
  10. This is going to be a great update: 'Next'
  11. chrisb

    Vigor : New game from BI

    BI moved on, but left many of us behind playing their older mil-sim games. A market gone to waste, I feel.. A4: If its a return to mil-sim gaming, I'll buy it. Use the dcs or train sim type path. Have decent content that has a mature price tag. Most mil-sim players understand its a niche market and will gladly pay for content, as and when. Deaf ear's I fear. The game above, is just more of the same... Unfortunately..
  12. If you make them all playable, you can play down the ranks as each dies, little more realistic that way. Or don't you want that ?
  13. chrisb

    downloading and viruses.

    'Malwarebytes Premium', costs me £20 per year and is like a steel door. I use mods for ETS2, anyone that is familiar will know the sites these tend to be distributed from are really bad, but its very hard to get the mods any other way. That said, MB/Premium locks every found 'dodgy' site out for good. Plus I then scan the DL with MBytes and not had a single problem in the years I've used it.
  14. Ah, I see. Should have read up on it a little further back. ;) Are you lads running any mods ?
  15. The effect is o.k. If you have a bright light at night there is a certain amount of dazzle to your eyes, the game reflects that. This is why the terrain darkens a little. If you wore n/g they would white-out (green-out;)), more or less, its what happens.
  16. chrisb

    Maverics Proving Grounds

    I'm of the opposite opinion. If A4 was to be like this, then the only choice is to put MP first and scrub ai, decent content and game-play options altogether, which is the way gaming is going, unfortunately. What you tend to end up with, when games are this open to MP (but look pretty), is the same type of game-play.. Boring and dull. Many groups have the right balance, and when I say groups, I mean those using ai, a varied amount of content and full terrains, within their gameplay. I'd much rather less graphically and much more game-play wise for the future. This is partly what A3 struggles with, ai is all but forgotten, other than keeping it ticking over in a 'fairly' bad way. There is brilliant ai out there in mod form, that devs won't/can't use, because rightly or wrongly they see performance issues, which means less sales. Obviously they have to look at the much broader player base. So its easier perhaps, just to give a pretty map and a little content, then leave the players to it. That's great, but it gives nothing to SP or groups that have a more indepth style game-play. Just imo.
  17. chrisb

    Super Map

    OFP/Arma: Ace team (I think), did all the ofp islands into one world (IIRC), called 'ofp world' novel title, but too the point. That was for Arma IIRC. I think that lacked the desert island, although I could be wrong, its been a while since I looked at it. Regards Arma 2, not sure there are any released, 'multi' island maps. Can't think of any private ones I've seen/heard of either, but there may be some. There are some huge terrains around, 'snakeman' has done a few, plus some others, lots of private ones (groups). But I think you'll be out of luck finding some, AH may be a place to look plus google. I found a sci-fi set of worlds a while back from google, wasn't really looking for it, was looking for something else Arma related. It is sometimes quite surprising what you come across. PMC also has a site/forum that will link some terrains, just look for snakeman or pmc here on the forums. If your thinking of looking at ofp world (mentioned above), and want to play it in A2, you'll also need 'caa1', perhaps some others too. Its been a long time since I loaded it up.
  18. chrisb

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Optimist. ;) not idiot.
  19. chrisb

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    I know, Enfusion. My only real problem with Arma and even A4, should there be one, is... Since BI decided the game needed Steam. I've bought a crap load of.. well.. crap.. If I have to wait around for A4 on Steam, I may just end up a 'video gamer'.. Which wasn't really my intention. I was more a hobbyist, with at least some taste, I thought..
  20. Yes, it looks fantastic.. Stunning even. __ The next part is nonsense.. But its fish, isn't it. ;) I had a goldfish once, when I was very young. I would sit for ages just watching it swim around in the bowl. After a while I got bored and got on with something else. I think the fish got bored too.. It died.. Sad, but true. (this short story has nothing to do with the game of course, but watching that, just reminded me about it) __
  21. I wish I liked underwater stuff, because your right, this looks to be one hell of a good game. Still, underwater just isn't my thing.. :(
  22. chrisb

    I love BOMF but need Help

    Am I missing something.. What's BOMSF ?
  23. chrisb

    Angels fall first - Early Access

    I tried this game a good while back. Its not a bad game. That said, I didn't play it for long, but that of course is probably me, not the game. ;)
  24. My sons into milsims too.. Mind you, he's 37 this year..