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Everything posted by mariodu62

  1. mariodu62

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Hi Dwarden, i tried the both solution and still have this : 9:24:57 Dedicated client created. 9:25:02 > BattlEye Client: Initialized (v1.202) 9:25:02 > Player DChost connecting 9:25:03 > Player DChost connected 9:25:03 > BattlEye Client: Server requiring client version 1.204. Updating... 9:25:04 > BattlEye Client: Could not connect to BE Master 9:25:04 > BattlEye Client: Update attempt failed any idea, thx
  2. mariodu62

    =BTC= Revive

    if it don't find an empty position for an hunter or so on in 100 m area, it should be better to change the base position... lol But, i use this function in your script for month now and i didn't have any problem, both for the TP to the MHQ. For the TP it's very important to not be TP in a stone...
  3. mariodu62

    TeeTimes Warfare

    I'm not sure that it needs to join the slot for working. if the report is Report: HC Defense created for Camp Tempest that means that the HC is working fine. I suppose that the move to the headlessclient reserved slot is not working yet. Have you asked to BIS if it's working ??
  4. mariodu62

    =BTC= Revive

    Can i suggest you this : (i'm using it for month now... ) _veh = createVehicle [_type, ( _pos findEmptyPosition [2,100,_type]),[],0,""NONE""];
  5. mariodu62

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nope the rocket is still in the ammo launcher...
  6. mariodu62

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Someone knows the new name of Anti Air rocket for RPG32 ???
  7. the trigger timeout is the time for the trigger to be activated, i'm not sure it's a dead zone for deactivated.. i will try
  8. add this in the eos_init.sqf in the loop while if (!triggeractivated _spotFriendlies) then {// Waiting time sleep 120; }; like this : while {_eosActive} do {sleep 2; if (!triggeractivated _spotFriendlies) then {// Waiting time sleep 120; }; if (!triggeractivated _spotFriendlies ) then
  9. I understood why patrol leave the area. In fact we can't set max distance under 50m. this is the level min defining in the bis function... so you can verify by replacing (random _eosMarkerSizeB * 0.5) by 100 for example.
  10. Need variable definition in Gearbox...(for dedicated it should be necessary..) private ["_eosMarkerArray","_eosTypeArray","_eosFactionsArray","_dynamicBattlefield"];
  11. try to modify _currentmarker by _currentmarKER ... it should be better after...
  12. in files eos_init and eos_spawninfantry you have _currentmarker instead of _currentmarKER.
  13. Markers are not refreshed for the JIP... Invisible one stay default until there is one capture...
  14. Hi, Error on a dedicated server... 23:43:10 Error in expression <arkercolor (getMarkercolor _x);}foreach EOSmarkers; if (!isServer) exitwith {}> 23:43:10 Error position: <EOSmarkers; if (!isServer) exitwith {}> 23:43:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: eosmarkers 23:43:10 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\eos\eos_GearBox.sqf, line 1 23:43:10 Error in expression <ratis\eos\eos_GearBox.sqf" EOSmarkers = EOSmarkers + (_this select 0);publicvari> 23:43:10 Error position: <EOSmarkers + (_this select 0);publicvari> 23:43:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: eosmarkers 23:43:10 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\eos\eos_GearBox.sqf, line 1
  15. Hi, There is a mistake in the script... this is not independant but resistance... _enemyFactionVehicle =Resistance; not independant...
  16. mariodu62

    =BTC= Revive

    just an error... Error in expression <Pos BTC_respawn_marker; deleteVehicle _obj; }; if (BTC_black_screen == 0 || > Error position: <_obj; }; if (BTC_black_screen == 0 || > Error Undefined variable in expression: _obj as i saw _obj is not define in the function..
  17. hi, is it possible to load the loadout manager by scrpit not in the mission.sqm ?
  18. it's an array.. so it can contain some variable
  19. Why this expression is not working with dev branch and is working fine with stable branch ? bdetect_projectile_array = [[GrenadeHandTimedWest, 15, 4.5, 50],[GrenadeBase, 15, 4.0, 1000],[shellBase, 40, 20, 7000],[RocketBase, 30, 10, 1000],[MissileBase, 20, 8, 2500],[bombCore, 40, 10, 1000]];
  20. mariodu62

    =BTC= Revive

    ff sorry maybe stupid but i don't understand what is ff..
  21. mariodu62

    =BTC= Revive

    Just a question why do you add rating in the init ?
  22. if you are speaking about the dev branch, yes ihave a lot of error
  23. Can't put a decimal number in an array... bdetect_projectile_array = [ [GrenadeHandTimedWest, 15, 4.5, 50], [Gre> Error position: <GrenadeHandTimedWest, 15, 4.5, 50], [Gre> Error Undefined variable in expression: grenadehandtimedwest if we replace 4.5 by an integer there is no more error. both issue with test like tata < 0.1 any idea ?
  24. Since the new dev, We have some issues with decimal variables. for example : bdetect_projectile_array = [ [GrenadeHandTimedWest, 15, 4.5, 50], [Gre> Error position: <GrenadeHandTimedWest, 15, 4.5, 50], [Gre> Error Undefined variable in expression: grenadehandtimedwest if we replace 4.5 by an integer there is no more error. both issue with test like tata < 0.1 any idea ? Thx