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Everything posted by sturmfalkerda

  1. I'm having trouble getting this to work... Couple of questions: Where should missionNamespace setVariable be ran from in this case? init.sqf? init.sqf as server or client or both? Being unsure, I threw the "[[],"JSHK_fnc_Loadingggg",true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;" at the top of my init.sqf and simply copy/pasted the code snippet at the bottom of the init.sqf. No dice, no errors or anything. mind you, this was tested in the editor and in a local server. On another note, how should I go about putting the code snippet in it's own sqf and calling? I'm aware of precompile, but I suck at locality and I don't want to break anything. Thanks.
  2. sturmfalkerda

    Arma Languages support for Atom

    This is fantastic! Made me make the switch from Sublime and Code to Atom. Any chance of a Linter?
  3. Hello! Ingame error when trying to say3D. My first sound the list as an example: "Sound selfinformthrowgrenade0 not found" Addon file structure: @Callouts\Addons\callout_sounds.pbo callout_sounds.pbo file structure: callout_sounds.pbo\config.cpp callout_sounds.pbo\Sounds\informthrowgrenade callout_sounds.pbo\Sounds\informthrowgrenade\selfinformthrowgrenadeX.ogg, where X = 0 through 24. I also have all the generated .lip files for each. config.cpp contents: I've tried all kinds of directory variants and I can't seem to get my missions to recognize that I have tried to define these sounds :(
  4. This is fantastic... Wow...
  5. Oops, I posted that wrong... Thank you for catching that. callout_sounds.pbo\Sounds\informthrowgrenade is what it currently is. Updated post to reflect changes.
  6. Yeah, it might even be implemented as a "Gesture", so you should be able to blend with various stances. Not that it would look good with anything other then crouch/stand though...
  7. I can't seem to find mention of this anywhere... But when you aim at a teammate while in a vehicle, you automatically raise your gun to a safe stance. Is there a way to trigger this outside of vehicles? Would be a neat anti-TK feature.
  8. sturmfalkerda

    MKY Sandstorm script

    Wow... This looks fantastic... It actually looks like blowing sand in the videos, lol!
  9. Would there be anything that would cause this to just... stop working without any errors? Did Arma 3 update and change something? 0 = ["marker", 25, 6] execVM "Zen_GenerateVRArea.sqf"; does nothing. Marker is indeed named marker, ran from soldier. **EDIT** Scratch that. I'm stupid; I forgot that it automatically adapts to the size of a marker, It's been almost a year since I used this script. My bad! D:
  10. sturmfalkerda

    voice dubbing

    Yeah, no problem. I have no idea what the correct script command to play it is, each has their own problems, just try what you think will work lol. Lip syncing is a different story, I know its possible but I don't know how.
  11. sturmfalkerda

    voice dubbing

    It's pretty simple, I had a mate on teamspeak say a few lines while I was using a special plugin, did some edits in audacity. Here's the voiceover. http://www.twitch.tv/sturmfalkerda/c/3648927 Here's an example, just call via your favorite method (I don't want to get into say and say3D's, playmusics, all that jazz. I don't know what one I am really supposed to be using, lol!) class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class wolf1 { // how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects) name = "my_wolf_sound"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = {"\Music\Intro2.ogg", db-25, 1, 2}; // subtitle delay in seconds, subtitle text titles[] = {1, "Radioactive - Imagine Dragons"}; }; };
  12. sturmfalkerda


    How would I create a path similar to the road position thing from Object A (Player) and Object B? (Destination a few towns over) This would give the player a rail to follow. Also, choosing one of those random points and using it for a script? For example, calling this. ["helispawn1", "RandomPositionAlongRoad", 1, 8, 1, "Box_East_AmmoVeh_F", 0] execVM "ailift.sqf";
  13. sturmfalkerda

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Should I download the one posted above or wait for the next release for my mission? Looking forward to this!
  14. sturmfalkerda

    Shock's Redressing Script

    Thanks! I will post my event handler if I get it working. ****EDIT******* if (group _x == "GroupName") then { _units set [count _units, _x];}; generic error in expression..??
  15. sturmfalkerda

    Shock's Redressing Script

    Is there any way to use this to only apply it to a certain unit or group in an event handler for zeus? this is what I have now, and it seems a bit silly to redress everyone every time I spawn a group. Should I be using MP Event Handler if the mission is COOP? Haha, thanks! CuratorGroupPlaced Triggered when new group is placed in curator interface. This handler is supposed to be added to curator module, not player. curator: Object entity: Group _EHZeus = myCurator addEventHandler [ "CuratorGroupPlaced", { null = [EAST, true, "HandGrenade", 3, "SmokeShell", 3] execVM "jsere_Redress.sqf"; } ];
  16. I am attempting to optimize a script, and I have done something stupid. I cant finish the part that detaches stuff and the ground detection.... Any ideas? OPTIMIZED 0 = ["lz", Pcar1, Pcar2] execVM "boxdroponmarker3.sqf" if(isServer) then { _wpPos = _this select 0; _chuteType = "B_Parachute_02_F"; _carnameType = "B_supplyCrate_F"; _stuff1 = "chemlight_red"; _stuff2 = "SmokeShellRed"; _stuff3 = "F_20mm_Red"; _stuff = [_stuff1, _stuff2, _stuff3]; _carname = _this select 1; _carname2 = _this select 2; _handle = [_carname, _carname2]; { _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getMarkerPos _wpPos select 0, getMarkerPos _wpPos select 1, 200]; _x attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0.2]]; { _randomstuff = _x createVehicle [0,0,0]; _randomstuff attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0.2]]; } forEach _stuff; } forEach _handle; // waitUntil {position _carname select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute}; UNOPTIMIZED if(isServer) then { _wpPos = _this select 0; _chuteType = "B_Parachute_02_F"; _carnameType = "B_supplyCrate_F"; _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getMarkerPos _wpPos select 0, getMarkerPos _wpPos select 1, 200]; _carname = _this select 1; _light = "chemlight_red" createVehicle [0,0,0]; //create the chemlight _smokegrenade = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle [0,0,0]; //create the Smoke _carflare = "F_20mm_Red" createVehicle [0,0,0]; //create the Flare _carname attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0.2]]; _light attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0.2]]; _smokegrenade attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0.2]]; _carflare attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0.2]]; waitUntil {position _carname select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute}; detach _carname; detach _light; detach _SmokeGrenade; detach _carflare; _carname setPos [position _carname select 0, position _carname select 1, 0]; [_carname, "mis_fnc_boxInit"] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; //remove this if you don't want VAS on your box };
  17. sturmfalkerda

    WaitUntil inside forEach loops?

    No luck. My brain must be off, this was working this morning. :| Thanks for the help!
  18. sturmfalkerda

    WaitUntil inside forEach loops?

    Where? _chute is local and cant be seen by the above because it is inside a forEach loop. I may need to rewrite my script, :|
  19. sturmfalkerda

    WaitUntil inside forEach loops?

    It works at the moment, I have no idea how. I will try setting them private. How do I implement the following for each vehicle? My attempts result in wierdness. This prevents the vehicle from slamming into the ground. waitUntil {position _carname select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute}; _carname setPos [position _carname select 0, position _carname select 1, 0]; Thank you for the help!
  20. sturmfalkerda

    WaitUntil inside forEach loops?

    o_o...... I never thought of that. What will setting _x private do? I may use your second method.
  21. This is driving me up a wall, I get errors such as "Missing ], Missing ;, Type Array expected object" Depending on how I change this. Can somebody fix my horrible syntax? Thanks! Mission1.sqf called on a Mission Module with nul = [] execvm "Mission1.sqf"; (Assuming this is how I am supposed to do this.... LOL) The line so far with problems is the one with statements.... _pos1t = getMarkerPos "Teleport1"; _grp1t = Walrustest; _wp1t = _grp1t addWaypoint [_pos1t, 0]; [_grp1t, 0] setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_grp1t, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; [_grp1t, 0] setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_grp1t, 0] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; [_grp1t, 0] setWaypointStatements "true", [walrustest [""end1"", true, true] call BIS_fnc_endMission,]; //myRespawnInventory = [west,"WEST1", "WEST2", "WEST3", "WEST4", "WEST5", "WEST6"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; PAPABEAR=[West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR SideChat "Loading Complete";
  22. sturmfalkerda

    Going crazy!! Stupid syntax error

    Thank you so much! No more errors. I tried so many different ways, brackets and stuff. :| Problem though, the AI gives a move to order "Sounds like Move to 0,0,0,0,0,0,0" and they do nothing but get in formation, so I cant really see if it will end the mission. I should squad up and see where the waypoint goes. Leader has the following on him walrustest = group this; The marker type is a circle and the whole thing is being called from a init on a strategic map mission module. nul = [] execvm "Mission1.sqf"; **EDIT** The marker name was Teleport, not Teleport1, LOL.... They now move to the marker, but no mission end. I basically want the mission to end when a group member (or whole group, or a certain group member) finishes the waypoint. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaypointStatements Different sites say different things.. BisSim has a great example of the alive thing in use, BisStudio wiki has more info (and most likely more up to date) I still love Arma 3. XD