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Everything posted by cosmic10r

  1. cosmic10r


    Cant you only recruit blufor survivors... i dont think trader guards are recruitable?
  2. cosmic10r


    Some gameplay from Escape Malden... some of the stuff you see may be WIP
  3. cosmic10r

    [WIP] Great White Shark

    They are pretty... moved Pic to new thread
  4. lol... of course... shouldnt be long... if I can't MP test it shortly I'll just release it as a test demo. I don't want to sit on it too long. Cherno R is perfect for it...
  5. cosmic10r


    at some point it will come... its just a matter of getting the balances right and giving time to work it all into the mod properly... Which runs on it's own schedule lol... some things work easier then expected and others are like pulling your hair out by the root.... the ones in the nethers... lol
  6. cosmic10r


    It has to do with licenses and permissions. They allow retextures that work off the original mod so you arent touching the actual 3d files and just the textures. How it would work is I would release an optional PBO and if you wanted them you would have NIArms active... move my pbo into ravage and then the rusty versions would then be pushed into the ravage rusty weapons pool... So they currently are not part of the mod. More just an idea of what to come once the Guns are integrated into ravage which may take a bit with the Wear and Jamming features.
  7. cosmic10r


    ill have to have a look... its been awhile since Ive used the code.
  8. cosmic10r


    @Chuc https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files Its listed in here Worn mg42 from NIArms Rusty m60 from NiArms
  9. cosmic10r


    check your rpt and see if it is throwing an error
  10. That is some very impressive work. The new areas are insanely cool... the underground tunnel is crazy... Keep up the great work... I just finished off an Escape Cherno Redux for Ravage and one of the extract points is an airfield... Maybe some won't want to leave now
  11. cosmic10r


    That is pretty old... so I hope none of the building class names changed... You will add that code to the mission folder in an sqf, so say OzLoot.sqf (paste the code in there), and in the init.sqf at the end of the file add execVM "OzLoot.sqf"; make sure there is a delay in the execution of the script either in the init or OzLoot. just add add a sleep 2 at the start of OzLoot.sqf
  12. cosmic10r


    Check in the folder where fn_inventory_dblClick.sqf is located. Lbdblclick is the command so if there is a rSgleClick named sqf in there then you should be able to change it to ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 638) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "_this call RZ_fnc_inventory_DblClick"]; To something like ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 638) ctrlAddEventHandler ["RbSgleClick", "_this call RZ_fnc_inventory_sgleClick"]; Totally untested... Otherwise you need to write your own function :/
  13. cosmic10r


    ive always been a fan of the NIArms mod. I was reading their licence today and it does allow for sharing if you aren't a life server LOL and I did a search in the thread for retexture and War_Lord, who is the NIArms PR guy said retextures via config are fine. So along those lines I give you the Ravaged Edition Springfield m1903
  14. cosmic10r


    I don't understand inidb2 yet. Sounds like Tourist has a good sense of it though. At some point that would be a great thing to have :) @Chuc can you post the exact error?
  15. cosmic10r


    When a map doesnt have locations configured it cant find places to spawn things. I remember haleks saying there is markers or logics you can place on towns manually in the editor that will allow these maps to work. I think its under f5 and locations in the editor... town, village etc. Escape Malden and Cherno Redux are done and ready for MP testing. They will be released right after next update. Can you get to Freedom
  16. cosmic10r


  17. cosmic10r


    Try this. There is a radio trigger on Alpha and a 5m radius trigger around the chair... if you watch in 3rd person you can see your gear change etc. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxe2k8moid6flll/RavageEquipTest.VR.zip?dl=0
  18. cosmic10r


    @Chuc @BattleChief the addloot and gear do work... Im home sick today so i had a look There are two considerations that I can see. 1) It is NOT working in a units init because it pulls the lists from the loot module or ravage initialisation... It cant do it because on init the lists havent been created yet. It takes the PC a second or two to generate those and a units init doesnt account for that 2) The object needs to be in an array. Its working via script right now... (the addgear works on trigger but not the addloot) Ill post the demo mission in a bit here Im not sure addweapon works but i could check that too. edit - Addweapon works... but it only checks if you have one and if you do it won't change it... it only adds them if you dont already have one so it may appear to not be working depending on how you use it.
  19. cosmic10r

    Hidden Selections for accessories

    @da12thMonkey Ahhh. That helps me understand it better. Tis a shame but now I know. Cheers!
  20. cosmic10r

    Vehicle Interiors - Feedback

    That looks so good!
  21. cosmic10r


    @kodabar I'm about that age too... and really ... i was buying a lotto ticket the other day and the very nice lady in the mall looked at me and said "you never know" I looked at her and said... I would rather be happy then rich. She seemed kind of flabbergasted by that... I have had a few philosophies in life... and one of them is... When you are making other people happy you generally aren't making yourself happy... With limited exceptions like family and friends.. That 5#it you just gotta put up with.. LOL
  22. cosmic10r


  23. cosmic10r

    [WIP] Great White Shark

    no worries... i figured it was on purpose and the requirements in the config just needed updating... Im blown away with how natural it looks ... ill try to get some good shots... I want to add it to our ravage escape missions... its just such a great addition to the game :) A sweet Xmas present to play with!
  24. cosmic10r

    [WIP] Great White Shark

    Hi B@Co Thank you so much for this... it is in a word... outstanding... just had a little play in a bay and got attacked... they are simply fantastic... small error report Again.. simply amazing... I can't wait to add sharks to some missions to make the water scary again :)
  25. cosmic10r


    Every... single... day.... try not to get discouraged.. i got the same thing on youtube with the tacops videos i did... i stopped posting them cuz i didn't want people to thnk tac ops sucked its a tough one... sometimes you gotta do stuff cuz you believe in it and let the chips fall where they may... the nature of situation means you just do the best you can with what you have :)