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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. Harzach


    Well, more like {player setPosATL (getPosATL obj)} But then you're still just placing the player at the position of the object's center. Depending on what the object is, it might work fine, but more likely you'll need to specify the altitude explicitly. The easiest thing to do is place a unit exactly where you want them to appear then log its position (right click on unit, Log Position to Clipboard). Then you could just paste the info into your code: {player setPosATL <paste>} which would end up looking something like: {player setPosATL [4357.1,3892.42,31.4476]}
  2. Harzach

    Magazine Names

    Very nice, thanks Pierre!
  3. Harzach


    You'll get help faster if you share information. You are probably using setPos, when you need to use setPosATL.
  4. Harzach

    I need help with Task Force Radio

    Sure he could, ignoring warnings is human nature. Anyway, you are eminently more qualified to assist here than I, so I'll shut my cake hole. :D
  5. Harzach


    If you want large flat concrete floor-like pieces, take a look at: Land_Pier_F //Structures (Altis) > Seaport Land_AirstripPlatform_01_F //Structures (Tanoa) > Airport
  6. Harzach

    64bit Launch Problem

    Did you run System File Checker?
  7. Harzach

    64bit Launch Problem

  8. Harzach

    Magazine Names

    Or you could place one of each relevant vehicle in an otherwise empty mission and run the following in the debug console: _allMags = []; {_magsArray = magazinesAllTurrets _x; {_mag = _x select 0; _allMags = (_allMags - [_mag]) + [_mag]; } forEach _magsArray; } forEach (allMissionObjects "All"); copyToClipboard str _allMags; It will return an array of all magazines used by all editor-placed vehicles, with no duplicate entries, in your clipboard ready for pasting into your text editor. I placed all of the RHS T-80 variants in a VR mission (plus a civilian for player unit) and it returned this: ["rhs_mag_3bm17_14","rhs_mag_3bk14_8","rhs_mag_3bm42_10","rhs_mag_3bk21_8","rhs_mag_3bm22_10","rhs_mag_9m112m_4","rhs_mag_3bm22_14","rhs_mag_3bk18m_8","rhs_mag_3d17_12","rhs_mag_dazzler","rhs_mag_smokegen","rhs_mag_3bm46_10","rhs_mag_3bk31_8","rhs_mag_3of26_6","rhs_mag_9m119_4","rhs_mag_762x54mm_250","rhs_mag_3d17","rhs_LaserFCSMag","rhs_mag_127x108mm_50"] Obviously, you could change the vehicle class to look for certain types of vehicles only.
  9. Harzach

    Magazine Names

    CFGMagazines in Config Viewer has everything.
  10. Harzach

    Magazine Names

    It will return info on the vehicle you call it on.
  11. Harzach

    Magazine Names

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/magazinesAllTurrets Questions like this really belong in Editing and Scripting.
  12. Harzach

    Role slot is blank

    Do you have respawn enabled? What are your settings?
  13. @das attorney created All Round Defense for Arma 2, not sure if he ever ported it to A3 or if it would work out of the box (unlikely). Forum topic here: All Round Defense on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12815 Keep in mind that topic is long dead, so best to keep the discussion here.
  14. Harzach

    I need help with Task Force Radio

    What other mods are you using? Is CBA being loaded?
  15. Harzach

    Finding Muzzle Names

    You might want to take a look at forceWeaponFire and BIS_fnc_fire. Get muzzle names from CFGWeapons.
  16. For an ACE action there are two things we must do. Create the action (ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction) Add the action to the object (ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject) Here, we create the action: mcn_action = ["mcn_teleport","Beam me scotty","",{_player setPosATL (getPosATL trainstation);},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; mcn_action is the action's tag/variable name. I don't know if you have chosen a tag for yourself, so I used "mcn". mcn_teleport is the name of the action. We can reference this if we want to add a sub-action (multiple teleport locations, for example). It can be any string. Beam me scotty is the text that is displayed in the HUD. Any string. "" - We could use a custom icon, but we aren't, so this element is left empty. _player setPosATL (getPosATL trainstation); is our code (_player is passed in both statement and condition, which is why it works here). true is our condition. It is always "true" so the action is always available as long as the we allow it to exist. Now, we add it to our object: [TheDoor,0,["ACE_MainActions"],mcn_action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; TheDoor is the object the action is attached to. 0 designates it as an action, as opposed to a self-action (1). ACE_MainActions designates where in the ACE interaction menu the action will appear. Here, it is at the top layer. mcn_action again is the variable name of the action we are adding. So, add this to the init field of your object named TheDoor: mcn_action = ["mcn_teleport","Beam me scotty","",{_player setPosATL (getPosATL trainstation);},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [TheDoor,0,["ACE_MainActions"],mcn_action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; Tested local and dedi.
  17. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html Not quite as straight-forward as addAction, but all of the info is there.
  18. You could also create loadouts in the ACE Arsenal and share them.
  19. In the editor, one can create what is essentially a whitelisted virtual arsenal box. I use this often to limit what is available to players in certain missions, and it works perfectly. However, I would like to export the "contents" of this virtual box for reasons. After poring over the Biki for some time, I can't find any commands that appear to be relevant. Is this even possible?
  20. If anyone is at all curious, this is meant for use with ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox. Create a whitelisted arsenal box and name it "ammobox" (or whatever you want). Run this in the debug console: _stuff = []; _functions = [BIS_fnc_getVirtualBackpackCargo,BIS_fnc_getVirtualItemCargo,BIS_fnc_getVirtualMagazineCargo,BIS_fnc_getVirtualWeaponCargo]; { _things = ammobox call _x; _stuff = _stuff + _things; } forEach _functions; _init = format ["[this,%1] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox;",_stuff]; copyToClipboard _init; Output is: [this,[<array of whitelisted items>]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox; ...which can be placed in the init of any object for use as an ACE arsenal.
  21. Harzach

    Arma 3 Tanks DLC not installed

    They did!
  22. It seems that a lot of wall/fence objects are long axis forward (90 degrees from where you might expect), which really confused the heck out of me for a minute.
  23. Classic me. 30 minutes later and I found what I was looking for :D I always forget to look for functions!
  24. It's an interesting alternative to EOS/ALIVE/DAC/etc. but no - it's just a script system. You can get the Civilian and Traffic scripts from Armaholic, but Patrolled Areas is only available through TypeSQF. I don't know why, but that's the choice Engima has made and I respect it. TypeSQF is essentially a text editor like Notepad++ only with native SQF support, project management, and more. It's very lightweight (<700KB) and definitely worth a look, even if you end up using it only to grab Patrolled Areas.