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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. h34dup

    the Memory (Sarge studio)

    Started playing late last night and got a little taste for this campaign-- have to say, I'm highly impressed. The level of professionalism throughout, from the cutscenes, logos, soundtrack, to the voice work and the gameplay itself. I haven't even gotten into combat yet really, I'm just getting into the Intro Mission (m3). Excited to keep playing, I can tell this will be a rewarding experience with a well-developed and engrossing storyline. I'd love to pick your brain on how you achieved some of the really fine details, especially getting a unit to use his binoculars and stay that way (if I had to guess, I'd wager you added them to the unit's inventory, made them doWatch/doTarget something off in the distance and then disabled AI "anim"?). This project is an example of the incredible work that can come from the community, and what becomes possible when an editor has COMPLETE mastery over the tools available. This is a real achievement for the A2 community, I hope some players will give their A3 obsession a break and return to A2 for a camp like this! Congrats.
  2. Can't freakin WAIT to explore when I get home from work today. Congrats on the release and thanks for the hard work, minimalco!
  3. All glory to the Minimalco...for he will provide the FATA lands where I will captivate players with awesome black op scenarios. And it will be good. Amen.
  4. Excellent, thanks for the info and keep up the great work team!
  5. h34dup

    the Memory (Sarge studio)

    Congrats on the release - can't wait to try it this week! Quick question-- for those excellent teaser videos and launch trailer, how are you achieving that really cool-looking camera shake effect? I've been looking for a while to no avail, but just I now found the addCamShake command. Is this how it's done? I should just commit the entire com ref to memory...
  6. Very impressive teaser video indeed! Question-- where did those extra props come from, like the nice desks and wooden chairs, etc? Are they part of CWR mod or something else? Buried within the vanilla game's object library? Also, what software did you use to capture that video?
  7. A valid point-- thanks for bringing this up. The Chris Kyle mission is certainly fun from a gameplay perspective, but the more I have worked with fellow editors on RWO projects, as well as my own, the more I realize how sensitive it is to be portraying real people, especially people who are no longer alive. The last thing I'd want to do is dishonor the actual feats and sacrifices of these heroes. So, that mission may come out sometime after TF42, but it will likely not feature voice, and I will scrub it of any connection to Chris Kyle himself. It is a fun sniper mission, and appeared to be ACE-compatible, so it should see the light of day. At any rate, TF42 is the priority and will be 100% worth the wait! I plan to create a separate topic for TF42 when it's ready for release, but this thread will be updated as well.
  8. h34dup

    the Memory (Sarge studio)

    Wow-- talk about production value! What a well-designed post. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this one!
  9. This is incredible, you are the man! Thanks Just looking at the screenshots is sparking ideas...
  10. Hell yeah! Good news indeed! Excited to dig in when release time comes.
  11. h34dup

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    How about in the briefing, with weapon selection in the "Units" tab before you start the mission?
  12. h34dup

    [Campaign] OFrP Operation Tonnerre

    Congrats, looking forward to giving this a whirl!
  13. Fantastic news, M! Yes, please do release soon. I'm sure plenty of ideas will come together once it's out there too, once editors and players start using the map in ways you hadn't thought of.
  14. It's unlikely that TF42 will be released before August, but mid-to-late August is looking more realistic. If you want to test the latest build, let me know homie, I'll send it to you now!
  15. More progress, here's a look at the load screen for Mission 5. Everything is on the line, but you want to avoid even pulling your weapon out. A tense, challenging game of cat and mouse. Mission 5 will be one mission to include bonus mission content in the Addon + version!
  16. Hooray! Tasks and Dialogue are complete for all missions in TF42! Just need to flesh out the debriefings, finalize some identities and tie up a few loose ends. Then, like a broken record here, comes voice, intro/outro, and finally Addon+ version... Voice acting will be starting very soon. If you have a British accent (or in the off chance you or someone you know can speak Pashto, Urdu, Dari, or even Arabic) and are interested in helping, please PM me or post here.
  17. Wow, this looks awesome. I guarantee I'll do at least one scenario if not a small camp with this island. While I don't really hate A3, my interests are similarly locked with A2/OA. Hope it gets finished soon!!
  18. PM sent, thanks a lot guys! Missions 1, 2, 3, and 4 are fully together, 5 is mostly there, and 6 has a little left to do for tasks. Next step is voice acting, intro/outro, and Addon+. Hoping for a mid-to-late August release. A few more testers are welcome if anyone else is interested.
  19. Looking for some people to help play test Task Force 42 missions in a private BETA! If interested in some private beta testing, please reply here in this thread or refer to the thread I started on OFPEC: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=36375 Looking to complete testing this month so I can focus on getting voice acting together and do the intro/outro and Addon+ version.
  20. How are you calling the sound files in-game? IIRC, BIS uses the .bikb (BI Knowledge Base) format for dialogue and radio stuff, so perhaps the sideRadio command doesn't work? There's a thread stickied to this board about the new conversation system http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?91875-New-conversation-system-how-to Also maybe see http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/kbAddTopic Hope this helps! Sounds like a very cool idea...
  21. Just finished rigging up the tasks, brief, debrief and dialogue for Mission 2...good progress, 4 to go.
  22. Task Force 42 is making progress... slowly but surely. Yesterday I got M1 rigged up with briefings, tasks, dialogue, etc. But it took an entire day to do just one mission. Five to go, then voice acting and intro/outro... then Addon + version. Here's a little teaser-- the fictional JPEL-listed HVT you pursue throughout the campaign. Codename "BLACK SHADOW". Along with two of his subordinates you will also come into contact with. Black Shadow -- primary HVT (his dossier is teased earlier in this thread here) Person of Interest from Mission 2 -- you want to take this guy alive Second in Command from Mission 4 -- you are after both this guy and Black Shadow on his home turf
  23. h34dup

    Operation Powderburn

    Sounds really cool Aust! Looking forward to seeing it released, you know I enjoy stuff based on the real-world...
  24. [i44] Northern Wind Type: SP Scenario Island: MCN Neaville Winter Author: Alex / HeadUp (h34dup.com) Version: 0.90 beta Submitted: June 11, 2013 **Requirements**: ArmA2 & OA (or Combined Ops) 1.57 or later Invasion 1944 (I44) mod - http://www.invasion-1944.com Community Base Addons (CBA) - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103871-CBA-Community-Base-Addons-for-A2-OA-and-CO Download: --------------------- Download from ARMAHOLIC Download from H34DUP.com Overview: --------------------- Bear the brunt of the last German offensive of WWII, loosely based on Operation Nordwind. Direct mortar fire against the incoming German onslaught, scout the overwatch position ahead, and hold the line until reinforcements arrive. Features: --------------------- * Intense action on a large scale, you'll need all the firepower you can muster! * Call in unlimited mortar support adapted from JW Custom's mortar script! * Pull up to 6 men at a time off the line to assist you in your tasks! * Immersive detail from the snowfall and foggy breath (via TPW's script) to the various set pieces * Randomized enemy unit strength and weather, for a different experience each time * More than one strategy can be used to complete your tasks, tackle it your way Known Issues: --------------------- * Hardware strain becomes evident on some lower-end machines as the mission continues, will continue to try to reduce this, suggestions welcome. Legal: --------------------- a) This scenario is distributed without any warranty, it may work or even not. If you encounter any bugs feel free to report them at http://dev-heaven.net or at the above-linked forum thread. b) This is NOT an official release supported by BIS. The use of this scenario is entirely at your own risk. c) ABSOLUTELY NO COMMERCIAL OR MILITARY USE OF THIS CAMPAIGN OR PARTS OF IT! NO EXCEPTIONS SO DON'T EVEN ASK. Thanks to: --------------------- - The Arma2 editor community for providing so much documentation - McNools, JW Custom, TPW, Celery, RCMW, and the community at large for their amazing addons - Kommiekat for pre-release testing and feedback - Armaholic for file hosting and being the portal to the wide world of Arma modding - Bohemia Interactive for giving the hardcore mil shooter fanatics the game of their dreams Screenshots: ---------------------
  25. I ended up removing TPWCAS and LOS from most missions in Lions of Kandahar: In the first mission while moving thru "IED Alley" there was a massive spike when the "surprise" is triggered, not sure why, but removing it alleviated the issue noticeably. I'm not sure if TPW houselights had anything to do with it, but that stayed. I also removed it from some of the larger assault missions (lots of units in a wide open space), as the CPU was experiencing some strain that I noticed was decreased after disabling it. The strain wasn't nearly as bad. TPW houselights was not active in these missions. My understanding of TPWCAS and LOS is very limited, so I am not able to provide many granular details, but the above two cases stuck out in my mind. Hopefully it will be of help!