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Everything posted by Janez

  1. I would like to see. Place one soldier behind another. Shoot 1st one in the head and second one dies/gets hit as well. :pray:
  2. Janez

    Too much muzzle flash and reload animations?

    I was thinking about how this could be done. In a game like BF3 it probably is not such problem since game deals only in rounds left, not magazines like Arma. Arma also, as you all know, counts how many rounds each magazine has left. Something like this came to mind, example (colors indicate state of counter on HUD, if weapon is ready to fire): -You would start with 29+1 | 5 -Empty whole magazine 0+0 | 5 -Perform changing magazine animation 30+0 | 4 -*Check if any rounds in chamber, if not, perform cocking animation 29+1 | 4 -*If round is in chamber then 30+1 | 4 So, game would always check if weapon is ready to fire after "tactical reload animation / switching magazine animation", "remove" one round from magazine inserted and do cocking animation if necessary. They have a lot of work done since they have dry reload animation already. They need to split the animations and add some checks. Now I am not a programer so this is probably way more complicated but I think principle should be somehow right. What do you guys think?
  3. They would not drop Arma. They would probably add some blue, bloom, make the sun over half of sky, make 90% of map out of bounds and use it to kill CoD (and your eyes). :p
  4. Janez

    Crysis 3

    Crysis 3 Teaser Trailer: Crysis 3 Official Announce Gameplay Trailer:
  5. Janez

    BattleField 3

    @3:10 he has no recoil with 240b. Even in bf3 1.0 the recoil was pretty brutal. This filter seems to nerf the sun which is way overpowered in vanilla. Although, flare from lights is still pretty annoying, even in daylight...
  6. No, you do not. I suggest you start up Arma 2, bind two keys that you like to "up" and "go prone" and try it out.
  7. Sorry, Im not sure what are you saying here. And you can go prone from standing and vice versa as I stated above. You can go in any stance from any stance with only 2 keys not 3. Thats in Arma 2.
  8. You can bind "up" and "go prone". I.E. I have "up = x" and "go prone = left CTRL". That way I press x once to crouch and x again to stand up. Same with LCTRL. However, this may cause issues if you have for example "lower weapon = LCTRL + R". Everytime you want to lower the weapon you go prone as well. If keys worked on release, not press, this could be avoided probably.
  9. Janez

    no ACR dlc Shortcut

    I noticed that it doesnt load up itself if I use custom profiles path parameter. If I start main arma2oa.exe and let it create its own profiles folder in My Documents then ACR loads up itself.
  10. Janez

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Maybe but from my experience new guys always asking how to set/use this and that. There isnt that much to tactics. Game as any other, except its mostly one shot kill and that applies to everyone, not just the player. Anyone who played hardcore in casual games can get down with that. Usually when you play a new game, you have to get used to actually detecting enemies. What to look for in environment. Once you do, you are pretty much good to go.
  11. Janez

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I find hints during loading nice addition, however I think hints should be more about how to use the game instead of "move from cover to cover". For example "you can set aiming deadzone and headbob in options menu". Hints like this could help new players a lot. These kind of hints should be part of new patch as well, not just ACR.
  12. Janez

    Steam discussion

    Except that some games demand you to have Steam even if you buy physical copy.
  13. Janez

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I narrowed alt+tabing/crashing driver issue a bit. Issue occurs far more often on 2 new summer chernarus maps. Disabling grass help a bit. Then I ran A2 in Win XP SP3 compatibility mode and I could play a lot longer. Finally I switched to XP SP2 compatibility mode and issue seems to be greatly reduced. So, if anyone has this issue I suggest to try XP SP2 mode. However, there is still some inconsistencies with ACR. -Game does not auto detect this DLC like it does with BAF and PMC. I have to add it to -mod= in target line. -After installing, it does not offer to add shortcut to desktop like it does with other two DLCs. Not a big deal but still.
  14. Janez

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    My game also crashes or better said alt+tabs it self to desktop after just few minutes. I think its the same problem as "display driver stopped responding" from the past. Now no message from nvidia though. You can still hear yourself moving around however all you can see is desktop. I used to be able to alt+tab back into the game but not anymore. Without ACR I used to get this once per five sessions, each lasting several hours. Now few minutes. I dont even have to play the game, can just wait in menu. I noticed, if I enable FXAA, especially sharp filter, the game alt+tabs almost immediately. I have already deleted .cfg file. It made no difference. I use GTX260. A friend of mine has GTX275 and same problem. Usually when we play, he gets it and me few min later. Another friend of mine was getting this all the time in Armed Assault. I had it once in a while in A1.
  15. Janez

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hi JH, please save us from A2: ACR sounds.
  16. I had that in beta patches but not in 1.60 or 1.62 full.
  17. @Franze Of course, you are mostly right but pistols were never OHK (except revolver maybe) and there was and is not any proper aiming with them since they all have too much random spread too soon. A bit more damage helped with that. Now, it is more realistic in terms of damage but in combo with random spread it renders pistols even less effective. Random spread should be removed or minimized to have an effect on longer range then now. All weapons in A2 have random spread after certain range but it starts way too soon for pistols. Oh, by the way, 1911 sights are still misaligned. Theres that as well.
  18. The biggest problem with sidearms (pistols and pdws) was not so much with damage but insane random spread even on very short distances. Now the deal even less damage...
  19. I rather have the game much later with as much features as possible as well.
  20. Im not sure what am I looking at on that chart. What does damage of 889 for G17 tell me i.e.? I see there 870MCS, Double-barreled Shotgun which are not in the game. However if damage for pistols and SMGs is really reduced then they are even less useful. On the other hand I dont use them anyway, maybe PDW sometimes.
  21. Ability to set waypoints for fellow AI squad members would solve a lot of problems. If they are under High-Command you can set as meny waypoints as you wish but only one for squad mates. So you have to select a unit, look on map, zoom in, click where you want new waypoint and do it all over again after hundred meters. It takes insane amount of time to get your squad mate to drive 2km if you dont want to risk him getting stuck with only one waypoint. Atleast if you are in his vehicle you can correct it or see it coming. If you are far away they all you can do is hope for the best. This would be welcome feature not only for drivers but for infantry as well. Unless there is already such feature and I just dont know about it. When Im making a mission I always give new waypoint after sharp corners just to be sure, however you cant do that in missions or campaign for that matter.
  22. As others suggested first play all the boot camp missions. Especially the ones where you learn how to command a squad and high command so you can understand how AI works and what are their limitations. Once you get used to how AI work you may find playing with them much more enjoyable. I would also suggest to try out some warfare missions, either in single player (Scenarios: War Welcome, Bear Rising...) or make your own coop "server". First let the AI be the commander and see how that goes. Then you try to be the commander to master commanding. Here is Warfare 2 manual to help you get started. Next, if you have at least one friend that plays Arma 2, you can try some simple "destroy the convoy" mission with or without AI squad mates (coop MP scenarios or go on armaholic.com and download some mission that suit you there). Once you understand how everything works you are good for MP. Most servers are running either Warfare or a mission called Domination. Google it for some manuals on how to play it or if you are lucky to join a server with friendly people they will explain it a bit more. You can also check mission briefing/notes for more information about it. Domination is mostly relatively slow, large scale coop mission and you can often find good teamwork. However it has a lot of features but luckily they are described in mission notes. If you do not use any mods its quite easy to find and join decent server, just watch out for under which parameters large scale missions like that are ran. Sadly people who start the mission, often enable all the features so it can be lag fest. Good luck!
  23. Janez

    Will Arma 3 have better mouse controls?

    Yes please, both of these.