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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. sorophx

    Imagine What Next Gen In Arma Would Look Like

    turns out DayZ is being remade in a completely new engine, which is being worked on by the Arma 3 dev team? that's why Arma 3 gets no serious updates to the engine, Arma 3 is already in the past it would seem :D
  2. sorophx

    Is Arma 3 a reasonable replacement for Arma 2?

    that's kind of true. Arma 3 doesn't feel like an evolution of Arma 2, and that's very unfortunate. it feels like a game from a different studio, a game that tries to copy Arma 2. it reminds me of the latest Operation Flashpoint, actually. and that's a bad thing
  3. sorophx

    lack of coop missions

    coop gameplay, since all servers are running Wasteland, Altis Life, Battle Royale or a similar mission. to those who say, "learn to make your own missions", that's a pretty shitty attitude. it's not easy to make good missions. it requires some effort in order to learn scripting. not everyone is willing/able to do it. it's makes more sense to play older proven missions than to try and duplicate them. and then it requires experience, to be able to balance the mission, and most importantly it requires a lot of time. saying to a beginner, "Arma 3 doesn't have any good missions, but that's your problem, go make them yourself", really shows why this community will never get past a certain size. Arma 3 was never advertised as a construction kit, as a mission creator/game maker. it's always advertised as a FPS with rich single- and multiplayer experience. and that's not the case currently.
  4. sorophx

    Is Arma 3 a reasonable replacement for Arma 2?

    better and smoother movement and realistic animations in Arma 3? since when? I have to see that
  5. sorophx

    Is Arma 3 a reasonable replacement for Arma 2?

    weapon resting in Arma 3? is that some new Arma 3 I haven't played? and you don't have to press anything for it to activate? wow, sounds like a dream
  6. sorophx

    lack of coop missions

    ^this, so much. I won't speak my mind, because that would justify banning me, but BIS really have to get their shit together. the fact that every server has its own list of addons, that you don't know about unless the admin puts it up somewhere, and have to manually try to connect to deduce what to download/enable, alone is slowly killing Arma multiplayer year by year. people are reduced to playing on vanilla servers (and I'd rather play Takedown: Red Sabre than vanilla Arma), or on the same server. in fact, some server admins use this to filter out less experienced players simply by signing the server, enforcing certain addons (like ACRE, vehicle addons etc.), and while it's their server, they're paying for it and therefore are free to do with it as they please, it puts off new players that want to experience something new but can't; because the whole of Arma multiplayer rests on the shoulders of admins who rent servers. come to think of it, BIS is the laziest company ever when it comes to developing for multiplayer. you're talking about all the Wasteland servers, I assume. yeah, tried that once, it was miserable. smarter players my ass. you're probably talking about your experience with Arma Free public servers.
  7. sorophx

    Worth getting ArmA2?

    I agree about the graphics. on lower quality settings Arma 3 looks like ass. even shit like GTA 4 or Titanfall looks better on my machine. I also get artifacts sometimes (but that could be my gfx card overheating)
  8. sorophx

    lack of coop missions

    you've made COOP versions of Blitzkrieg? :butbut: will chekc them out right away! if DAC is anything like it was in A2 it won't have ready missions with it' date=' still have to wait for somebody to make those :( amen, brother! it's Insurgency in name only. a lot of these missions simply repeat fireball's/Pogoman's mechanics, and sometimes rather poorly. that Insurgency was great thanks to the combination of all its features. most Insurgency versions for A3 miss some or most of those features. I could go on for hours on what made Insurgency great (in my opinion it's even better than the original from Project Reality, and I've played a lot of both). its only shortcoming was its unbalanced PvP.
  9. sorophx

    Worth getting ArmA2?

    Arma 2 has a lot more user-made content. what we have in Arma 3 is nothing compared to how many mods there are for A2. and ACE is brilliant. they did make a few questionable design decisions over the last few versions of the mod, but still it's the bees knees, and I never launch A2 without it. other notable mods/total conversions you can play in A2: Unsung, Invasion '44, DayZ and all its versions (like Epoch, which is brilliant) and many many others. but most of the stuff you have in A2 is already available in A3 anyway (ported over, remade or hacked to work in A3's environment). and A3 has a lot of stuff that A2 doesn't. for example: multiple stances, weapon attachments, separate equipment items like vests, uniforms etc. (hell, A2 without Operation Arrowhead doesn't even have backpacks) - the list goes on. in conclusion, is it worth it to downgrade from A3 to A2 just to have access to all that stuff? in my opinion, yes. I still regularly launch A2 and fool around on public servers because there are missions (like fireball's Insurgency, which is the best thing in A2's multiplayer ever; or Xeno's Domination; eggbeast's Evolution etc.) that aren't available in A3. and ACE.
  10. sorophx


    the script does make units invulnerable for a very short moment, then switches it off. at least it used to. so if you shoot in full auto there's a big chance some bullets just don't do any damage
  11. yes, kind of. as of 1.63 the only people able to use the in-game server browser are the ones that have Arma 2 installed in Steam. everyone else will have to connect by IP
  12. I may have joined your server yesterday to play Insurgency, but I forgot that I had my chat disabled, and my speakers were off. I didn't want to restart the game just to enable the chat, so if you saw a guy who wasn't replying that was me
  13. sorophx

    Imagine What Next Gen In Arma Would Look Like

    ACE and other similar mods use a hack to emulate bipods. a proper way would be to make the weapon pivot, make it possible to rest weapons on all kinds of surfaces even without them etc. that's out of scope of most mods and should be, ideally, done on the engine level, not with scripting
  14. sorophx

    Design mastery weapons

    holy crap, that's a lot of camo patterns :o
  15. sorophx

    RH wip Thread

    EricJ has an M468 in his pack, it lacks textures and uses 5.56 ammo, but if you can get someone to give it a proper texture he'll reconfigure it. and you'll have your M468 ;)
  16. sorophx

    RH wip Thread

    but the M468 was discontinued, no? superseded by REC7 (which looks hotter anyway) http://www.gunpundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/rec7_with_ammo.jpg (216 kB)
  17. sorophx

    EricJ Release thread

    wow, some people are just entitled little shits and I've been seeing a lot of BR on YouTube lately. it's really getting traction, and you're getting no credit :(
  18. too bad for me you guys are half way around the world away :(
  19. I just hope there will be servers to play on. right now the situation is pretty grim in that respect
  20. in Armaverse BLUFOR has red tracers and OPFOR has green. but it doesn't mean we should follow this rule ;)
  21. like I said, it pains me to see wheels pop at a slightest bump. I'd much rather have them be indestructible so I don't have to worry about driving bushes over without breaking my vehicle
  22. can you make the wheels indestructible?
  23. sorophx

    Exit WITHOUT saving?

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSaving the enableSaving command lets you set it, to an extent. to quote the wiki: I'm not sure how saving works in Arma because I never use it, though. so just experiment with these
  24. sorophx


    don't mention it, I should be thanking you for your modding work