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About JEFE_7PC

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  1. Hi a new tuto for customize the menú of interaction in spanish but it is understandable (sorry my ENG XD) Hola un tutorial para personalizar el menú de ACE , algo que viene muy bien a muchos, en especial si usáis Track IR! BYTES!!!
  2. Anyone know if this really works?some try it? I can create multiple servers whith this? Tnx. BYtes!!!
  3. this is the developer beta patch? really work?
  4. when the 0.25 release?. others players whit out the addon can see the moves ?
  5. In "back to the wall" How i can change the position the shoulder side left for right against the wall LOOK LEFT TO RIGHT CHANGE LEFT SHOULDER RIGHT SHOULDER FOR PLZ I HAVE SET THE KEYBOARD LIKE THE INSTRUCTIONS Please y search for all google but.... nothing about keys CHANGE SIDE BACK TO THE WALL ,srry my english im from Bolivia. :bounce3: PD.-Others persons can see the movements whitout the addon? PD2.-CONGRATULATIONS GREAT JOB!! u are me happy !! its the fantastic work!