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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. since 2.02 use: fileExists
  2. In this case try: [(group hostage), clientOwner] remoteExec ["setGroupOwner", 2];
  3. Try this as first line in hostageAction.sqf: [hostage, clientOwner] remoteExec ["setOwner", 2]; this orders the server to move the locality of the hostage to the client. It may take some time to change locality and therefore you should execute a sleep after it. A sleep for a second should be enough.
  4. to get a trigger fire every half second you just have to set all options to none and the condition to true. Other way would be to spawn a script with a loop...
  5. sarogahtyp

    Is it possible to preload textures?

    What I do not understand in this topic: why not just using paa files? Are they so much bigger?
  6. you are opening a bunch of classes with opening curly brackets but you never close em... Edit: You did not close all CUP_O_RU_... classes but the last one.
  7. sarogahtyp

    Trouble opening doors on pickup

    You also have the choice to teleport the AI with moveInDriver command instead of let it glitch through door.
  8. sarogahtyp

    Trouble opening doors on pickup

    You simply can't play an animation which is not ingame.
  9. sarogahtyp

    Trouble opening doors on pickup

    ingame you can get all animations of an object you are pointing at with: copyToClipboard str (animationNames cursorObject); in case of your offroad you ll get this: ["damagehide","damagehidevez","damagehidehlaven","wheel_1_1_destruct","wheel_1_2_destruct","wheel_1_3_destruct", "wheel_1_4_destruct","wheel_2_1_destruct","wheel_2_2_destruct","wheel_2_3_destruct","wheel_2_4_destruct","wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide", "wheel_1_2_destruct_unhide","wheel_1_3_destruct_unhide","wheel_1_4_destruct_unhide","wheel_2_1_destruct_unhide","wheel_2_2_destruct_unhide", "wheel_2_3_destruct_unhide","wheel_2_4_destruct_unhide","wheel_1_3_damage","wheel_1_4_damage","wheel_2_3_damage","wheel_2_4_damage", "wheel_1_3_damper_damage_backanim","wheel_1_4_damper_damage_backanim","wheel_2_3_damper_damage_backanim","wheel_2_4_damper_damage_backanim", "glass1_destruct","glass2_destruct","glass3_destruct","glass4_destruct","glass5_destruct","glass6_destruct","wheel_1_1","wheel_2_1","wheel_1_2", "wheel_2_2","pedal_thrust","pedal_brake","wheel_1_1_damage","wheel_1_2_damage","wheel_2_1_damage","wheel_2_2_damage", "wheel_1_1_damper_damage_backanim","wheel_1_2_damper_damage_backanim","wheel_2_1_damper_damage_backanim","wheel_2_2_damper_damage_backanim", "wheel_1_1_damper","wheel_2_1_damper","wheel_1_2_damper","wheel_2_2_damper","hide_dashboard","hide_dashboard_door_l","hide_dashboard_door_r", "hide_daylights","hide_reverselights","hide_rearlights","gunnerlf","gunnerlf_pos","gunnerrf","gunnerrf_pos","damagehidegunner_rf", "damagehidegunner_lf","drivingwheel","steering_1_1","steering_2_1","indicatorspeed","damagehidemph","fuel","damagehidefuel","indicatorrpm", "damagehiderpm","prop_02","damagehidetemp","hidedoor1","damagehidedoor1","hidedoor2","damagehideglass2","hidedoor3","hidepolice","damagehidepolice", "hideservices","hidebackpacks","damagehidebackpack_proxy","hidebumper1","hidebumper2","hideconstruction","reverse_light","daylights","beacon1", "beaconsstart","beaconsservicesstart","beacon2","beacon3","beacon4","beacon5","beacon6","beacons1","beacons2","beacons3","beacons4"] there is no animation for opening/closing doors in it (at least I see none which could fit). But you could hide the doors... when pointing the offraod ingame then this hides the drivers door: cursorObject animate ["hidedoor1", 1];
  10. looks wrong for me. should be worldSize * sqrt 2 / 2 Also it's important to run it before the player spawns. It will be much faster then. Therefore you have to ensure to run it before lines which wait for the player object spawned like waitUntil {sleep 1; time > 0 }; or waitUntil { player == player };
  11. I did not follow your whole code but idk if u noticed that every setMarker... command has a local and a global variant. If u set multiple attributes of a marker then you should use the local variant for all but the last attribute. using any global variant will propagate all marker attributes to all other clients. Therefore u need to use it only for setting the last attribute. But this has to be done to ensure that all clients knoe bout the changes.
  12. This for the sound: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound3D This for adding actions: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction
  13. sarogahtyp

    Tracing mission execution

    There is no easy way to do this. But there is a debugging tutorial which may enlight some things if you don't know already: my favorite phrase there:
  14. _rsp is a local variable which is not known in a EH. You have to use a global variable
  15. i guess the problem is that nameofthevehicle is not longer the vehicle object after respawn. But xeno - the creator of domination - has a discord where he answers such questions. The discord link is on his stean workshop.
  16. The leaders group has to be stored on start ...
  17. Yeah i guess the reason is that the leaders group has changed after he died. But that means your solution will not work if the leafer dies first.
  18. Just a suggestion. Are'nt dead units changing their group? Then this should be enough: units (group Leader1) isEqualTo []
  19. @Smart Games dont use count array > 0 faster is array isNotEqualTo [] also count array == 0 faster is array isEqualTo [] also allUnits select {side _x != side player && side _x != civilian}; faster should be (but here I guess) allUnits select {side _x getFriend side player < 0.6}; U may need to add some braces but ... i m on mobile Edit: I missed this one _cautious == true && _danger == false is the same as _cautious && not _danger there is never a need for comparing with true or false
  20. The default name is server.cfg but you could have changed it to default.cfg with your servers startup parameter -config https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Startup_Parameters#Server_Options
  21. Did u set difficulty to custom in mission rotation in server.cfg? Here is the documentation: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg#Mission_rotation Also the AI skills could get overridden by mods or by mission scripts...
  22. count loops through the objects and _x is the current element. _dummy is not needed here but its a habit of me. Count returns a value always and the dummy just stores it to prevent to have it as return value of the script. I always store not needed return values in a dummy because sometimes you have not wanted behavior if u dont do that. But at your scripting skill level u dont need to care bout the dummy. You should always read the biki entries for each command u use. This is the fastest way to learn scripting...
  23. Not tested: params [ "_Positions", "_Objects" ]; private _NumberofPositions = count _Positions; private _NumberofObjects = count _Objects; if (_NumberofObjects > _NumberofPositions) exitWith { systemChat "Random Pos Script: Items to be moved outnumbers available positions"; }; private ["_RandomPosition"]; private _dummy = { _RandomPosition = selectRandom _Positions; _x setpos ( position _RandomPosition ); _Positions = _Positions - [_RandomPosition]; } count _Objects; execute it with: [ [ Pos1, Pos2, Pos3 ], [ Obj1, Obj2 ] ] execVM "YourScriptPathAndName";
  24. you do not place any object anywhere in your script therefore I dont know what you are trying... Describe EXACTLY where do you want to call the script and what it has to do. What is that objects array and what is that positions array.
  25. I guess your script takes 2 arrays one with positions and one with objects. what exactly is the script supposed to do?