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Everything posted by J-Guid

  1. is in Inventory or static objects?!
  2. J-Guid


    @twicedead: PM me please and show what you remake in current time :), interesting ;)
  3. J-Guid


    Show me this!? And fully say what you mean)
  4. J-Guid


    Sure, keep it cool! ;)
  5. J-Guid


    Sorry, but Thirsk does not have open houses, I investigated all known maps that were made for Arma2 and chose only those which are suitable for the Insurgency! But new map special for Ins inprogress ;) Panthera2 (by IceBrekr) in progress too!!!
  6. J-Guid

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    @[TcB]-Psycho- Try test this with ACE+ACRE+some mod, on another island, Lingor maby, interesting how fps show?!
  7. J-Guid


    Clafghan good map but have more errors, i port it few days ago, but have troubles in RPT and with AI (dont wish walk on map, helis not fly etc. - ALICE not integrated), I ask aobut thi to map dev's, WIP on fixes... I realise Ins on Clafghan when map be fixed!
  8. J-Guid


    @Diesel Tech JC Thanks we try improve everything and self too ;) Propose your ideas on DH or here!
  9. Ice, Im your Beta-tester and friendly critic ;) OK :)?!
  10. GAMEPLAY: Paint(IR - glowying at night) and GPS bullets, if you shoot in vehicle, you can recive her marker postion on map
  11. Amazing Steyr's! Looking very great! Use in server mod pack
  12. Animals: Monkeys Rhinos Girafes Lions Wolves Parrots Snakes Elephants Cats! Rats Rabbits Sparrows Boars (wild) Pigs (home farm) Chickens Dogs (little and big) Octopus (some interesting and dangerous under water ;) ) Alligators Buffalos & Bisons Small lizards and varans Crows And maybe something that I missed?! Simple animal morale and panic system!
  13. @rcdxph - progress in progress ;) New Year is coming soon ;)
  14. Bon, please make it on Lingor and Panthera2 too!
  15. Raunhofer, your map likes on Stalker territories! Its good :) Please make more different 'opened' houses! You can see thus in Panthera2 island and Lingor, its great variant for CQB and PvP (TvT) missions! Thanks!
  16. J-Guid


    @BelgarionNL - just wait a realise 0.82 (ported to new islands inisde) :) I working on Panthera2 too ;) Look on comments of progress inside tickets! And if you have some features and proposes, please make a ticket on Ins DH! p.s. Kol9yN
  17. - need WERY hot fix with ACE models, because sometimes model not playing animations, because bones broken... ---------- Post added at 22:31 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ---------- Smookie, please PM me, i find a awesome animator and we wish assist with SMK anims!
  18. J-Guid

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    LordJarhead, I thnk need decrease last 2-3 reverbs after shots, because its sounds like echo in room!
  19. J-Guid


    Stop, enough strain to each other! Big thanks to all who critics and help users with mission! (Criticism sometimes makes us think over what has been done!) Would be more useful if you offers new ideas and voted for on the DH Ins! Who wish make NVG 100% chance, just do it in personal edition, it eazy, i show code in prewious posts! :)
  20. J-Guid

    AI react to dead bodies

    And i think, AI if see dead body must check current body (maby is alive) and if he have gun and good courage, check bushes and perimeter arround! Good morale sys you can see in Splinter Cell too! (AI try find who kill/stun teamate, switch light on if in room, etc.)
  21. Engine Apply to servers and clients some like my ACM addon for chat and VON (ACM - Admin Chat Moderation & Voice) UAV Sikorsky Cypher 2 http://www.uav.ru/picofday.php?cat=46 http://www.dreamlandresort.com/black_projects/cypher.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikorsky_Cypher TALON's http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/TALON Crawler mine layer RU and EU types http://severrodnik.ru/?articleID=128
  22. J-Guid


    Delta99 - you propose make 'On/Off NVG' as variable right?!
  23. J-Guid

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    LordJarhead - maby you have a sounds of steps for snow ;)?!
  24. J-Guid

    Isla Duala

    @Maltti - Realy, agree! IceBreakr if you can - change buildings to 'walkable' :)!