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Everything posted by J-Guid

  1. Again, America with self Democraty :D! (about campagin) Be good to see climbing anims (some likes in Splinter cell COOP) with players interactions
  2. If somebody want know and learn Java, explore lynda.com ;) he have a good video courses
  3. may have sense to add someone additional manpower for SMK?! ;)
  4. J-Guid

    Celle 2

    Good Pufu :), and realy chill! I think you working to mutch more, and need a rest... I think nobody here dont wish or think about you badly, and me too, skip that, its chat-imaging issue (bug)! All good man, sunshine is funny :), PEACE! :) ps: Pufu have a Licensed Max (linked by him screenshot), Respect man!
  5. Smookie, have any news about addon, or we must waiting SMK anims integrated in A3 ;) :D?!
  6. J-Guid

    Celle 2

    Right :) BUT, I love make buildings of specific theme, for example here for this map, be good to have models of German native style houses :)! We have a lot of buildings, restouran's, pubs, stadiums, fuel stations, Villa's, hangars, garages, radio towers, cottedges (and winter style), Wooden houses, concreate buildings, airports, Hawaii and Malibu style, all of this in very good detailed and quality, maded for our costumers :) If you want some building, just PM me and show requred pictures! :) Pufu, /handshaking ;) you are good mate :) Mondkalb, any chance to see !!!Winter!!! Celle as additional variant?! thats be great, because Arma dont have more Winter maps
  7. New Next-Gen Camo type! Kryptek Be great to see this in A3!!!
  8. J-Guid

    Celle 2

    Maby, Mondkalb, but be great to see a NEW great ENTERABLE buildings for PvP, I can made it in ArchiCad->Max->O2->Game, its very quikcly and nothing hard for us, just show me pictures of wanted/requred houses! :) my mates is proff's too, officialy certified by Autodesk ;)
  9. Oke Raptor, i wish crying when see models maded in O2, we can assit you in (with) Max, PM me :) if you need some tips or assistance ;)
  10. J-Guid

    Celle 2

    @Pufu, and you have software licensed or pirated, I think pirated? My team have a license... Here not have sense, O2 curve... Skip it... Giorgy and Stagler thanks for defend ;) Mondkalb, you island is very preaty for me :), because have a very nice forests! Realy, any chance you change default ug bis buildings to more better?
  11. :cool: nice :) what about more different colors for lights :)?
  12. Somewhere in config for units I see params for swimng anims, check that :)
  13. J-Guid

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Only if BIS begin listen community, because community its MAIN customer for his product... Just looking for A2, how many bugs, issues you see on tracker, and how many features proposed by users and maded AddOns by community, but less amount realised, I hope A3 be more better 10x /facepalm But in nova days we see a Wish list, we are very hoped to see main part of proposes in A3, because Arma is awesome and outstanding Game, times show... Main issues of Arma devs, he dont have a progressive and extravertly creative director :(, or have but very lazyness (point)
  14. J-Guid

    AH-64 Pack

    Where the BIS :D?!
  15. Just WOW! :D Keep it up and add it to ACE :D!
  16. Full Pixel Shader 3.0 support, with all features
  17. Good its posible with scripts :)! About animations, all posible, you know ;)
  18. Animations: Animations for ineraction player with player, clap by head(...), push, kick, stroke by gun, !can grab a player from behind(if target staying) and use as shield (look to Splinter Cell)!. Animations for Disarm!
  19. J-Guid

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Woohooo Good keep it UP man! Thank you :)!
  20. J-Guid

    Celle 2

    Try 3d Max, peoples sayd, its helping :D :D :D What about MORE enterable buildings?! I have a lot of good different buildings prepared for game ;)
  21. J-Guid

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I mean, first person sounds for all important vehicles
  22. J-Guid

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    realy :D :D :D :D :D :D
  23. Game without ACE not have sense for me...
  24. J-Guid

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    @Celery, and if peoples know more and can assist to BIS improve game, he must be recruited ;) likes you mate! :)