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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. onPlayerRespawn.sqf is auto ran by the game and doesn't need to be called onPlayerRespwan.sqf is not auto ran by the game and does need to be called onPlayerRepawn.sqf is the name of a chinese takeaway and does need to be called 1 #53
  2. BL1P

    UIcorrections Suite

    Dear Beazley. I have done a small mod that Removes the icons for but leaves the functionality in Action menu with the following :- OpenBag Rearm Refuel Repair Gear GetInCommander GetInDriver GetInPilot GetInGunner GetInCargo GetInTurret TakeItem TakeWeapon TakeMagazine This allows players to use High-Low corner cover without some gay ass "Open BackPack Pink Carryall" message in your face, also means you can take cover behind vehicles and objects without get in or rearm icons in your face. We use this along with your mod and some other Gameplay Enhancement mods on our server. If you want the files you are more than welcome to them, just pm me. PS. your signatures or Key for your pbos isn't working last time I checked so I did my own key and sigs for your files hope thats ok with you ? PPS. I am still trying to remove Player voices and Radio subtitles via mod, No luck so far. any idea why autospot = 0; doesn't work in mp or what files I can have a read of to try fixing it ?
  3. BL1P

    Regarding the AI

    Play it in Elite but set the AI as Regular
  4. BL1P

    detailed blog about performance

    I don't do blogs. Fix the game first THEN social media the results.
  5. For me at the moment its Autospot = 0; still doesnt work in MP and hasn't worked in MP since OFP.
  6. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Hello NouberNou Could you explain a little about why this message :- "!!!! WARNING ONEACHFRAME POSSIBLY REASSIGNED !!!! IT APPEARS THAT A ADDON OR MISSION HAS POSSIBLY FAILED TO CORRECTLY USE THE BIS STACKED EVENT HANDLER FUNCTIONS FOR ONEACHFRAME!" could be called if the only thing using onEachFrame is ACRE2 ? Is it specifically looking for problems with on onEachFrame in Mission or Mods or is it looking at performance delays ? PS. bitchAndMoanBadMissionMaker = ROFL The only thing I can think of which we use is this :- addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { if (vehicle player == player && visibleGPS && inputAction "minimapToggle" == 0) then { showGPS false; } else { showGPS true; }; }];
  7. Is that the Battleye bug ? Is it ok to turn battleye back on now on stable ?
  8. Request for a mod that :- 1. Removes the players radio calls and chat so that coop players don't have some crappy AI voice saying stuff but doesn't remove the none player AI voices. 2. Removes the radio subtitles for players. All to work in MP. Or just a mod that fixes AutoSpot = 0; in MP
  9. We turned of battle eye and haven't crashed so far since then.
  10. BL1P

    Titan MPRL (Multi-purpose?!)

    You are right they should rename the launchers. To match what they do. 1. Titan AT/AP 2. Titan AA Also they should give the Titan NVG as not all Servers/Missions allow Thermals.
  11. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Hello again :) I ran some tests using the mission AIServerBenchmark https://github.com/BL2P/AIServerBenchmark/releases/tag/3 The mission creates AI on a dedicated server as long as the average fps is at or above 45fps I ran two tests Test one was Dediserver mods :- ASM,CBA,ACRE2 Test Two was Dediserver mods :- ASM graph results :- With ACRE2 Test one Without ACRE2 Test two You can see that test one(ACRE2) took twice as long to create 50 less AI than test two and that test one(ACRE2) had quite a big difrence between CPS and FPS compared to test two. Also notice the lower minFPS shown for test one (ACRE2). I ran these test to eliminate the possibility that it was our stock server mission which was causing the poor FPS results. I hope these results help in some way. BL1P.
  12. I would like to create multiple base templates with vehicles and objects set to use a condition of presence that reads a variable from a file in the mission. The file would select a random preplaced base pos then it will set a variable to true on that pos and false to all other positions. Is there a way to then set the condition of presence to true based on the created variables using a preprocessFile type thing ? Thanks. BL1P
  13. Biological Weapons and Countermeasures. Chemical Weapons and Countermeasures. Electronic Warfare Systems.
  14. BL1P

    Range Tables for Mortars

    I agree.
  15. No worries m8 it got me further than I had been without your help :) Could you give me an example of how the cfgFunctions is used I am unsure on how that works ? or a do this for dummies explanation :) If not no worries ill do some reading on the biki
  16. Thanks sxp2high Trying it with the gamelogic atm. gamelogic init call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "BL1P_startpos_fnc.sqf"); BL1P_startpos_fnc.sqf if (!isDedicated) exitwith {diag_log "I am not a dedicated server i was Kicked from BL1P_startpos.sqf"}; diag_log "====----- start of starpos function ----===="; private ["_StartMarkerSelect","_position"]; //--- created a random number from 0 - 3 _StartMarkerSelect = round random 2; diag_log format["_StartMarkerSelect = %1",_StartMarkerSelect]; //--- set all start variables to false START0 = false; publicVariable "START0"; START1 = false; publicVariable "START1"; START2 = false; publicVariable "START2"; diag_log format["START0 = %1",START0]; diag_log format["START1 = %1",START1]; diag_log format["START2 = %1",START2]; //--- use the random number to select the marker to use switch (_StartMarkerSelect) do { case 0: { diag_log "case 0 "; "respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal (markerPos "START0");//--- move respawn marker to start marker diag_log "respawn is moved"; _position = getmarkerpos "START0"; diag_log format ["_position = %1",_position]; { _x setpos _position; }foreach playableunits; diag_log format ["postion for playableunits moved to %1",_position]; START0 = true; publicVariable "START0"; //--- set start var as true }; case 1: { diag_log "case 1 "; "respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal (markerPos "START1"); diag_log "respawn is moved"; _position = getmarkerpos "START1"; diag_log format ["_position = %1",_position]; { _x setpos _position; }foreach playableunits; diag_log format ["postion for playableunits moved to %1",_position]; START1 = true; publicVariable "START1"; }; case 2: { diag_log "case 2 "; "respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal (markerPos "START2"); diag_log "respawn is moved"; _position = getmarkerpos "START2"; diag_log format ["_position = %1",_position]; { _x setpos _position; }foreach playableunits; diag_log format ["postion for playableunits moved to %1",_position]; START2 = true; publicVariable "START2"; }; }; diag_log "============================"; diag_log format ["START0 = %1",START0]; diag_log format ["START1 = %1",START1]; diag_log format ["START2 = %1",START2]; diag_log "====----- end of starpos function ----===="; 3 vehicles mission.sqm class Vehicles { items=3; class Item0 { presenceCondition="START0"; position[]={1746.6208,5.5,5784.626}; id=9; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="B_MRAP_01_F"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item1 { presenceCondition="START1"; position[]={1714.9448,5.5,5656.4395}; id=10; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="B_MRAP_01_F"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item2 { presenceCondition="START2"; position[]={1671.865,5.5,5509.0483}; id=11; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="B_MRAP_01_F"; skill=0.60000002; }; }; players get moved to the start pos ok respawn gets moved but vehicles are not spawning for some reason ?
  17. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    1. ok good to know its required thanks. 2. here is a graph :) the top graph is the mission using ACRE2 the objects count is OC0 and OC1 the time interval I have no idea but you can see that its time regular spikes when ACRE2 is used the bottom graph is same mission without ACRE2. http://i.imgur.com/0HdLEw9.jpg the object count is around 230 on both servers and AIL (AI local to server) count is around 100 for both servers. Both servers running for about 30min. I dont want to distract you from all the hard work i'm sure you are doing atm, if this is something you think is none related to ACRE... feel free to tell me to fuck off while you're busy :) Love ACRE and really pleased you make this mod for us all. Im drunk so i love you too .... hope this helps :) EDIT:- Oh yer server stats Core i7 4770, 32 GB of RAM, and 2x 320 GB SSDs in a RAID-0 config. unlimited bandwith (about 500 down 250 up "drunken guess")
  18. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Dumb question time :) Does a dedicated server need to run acre2 mod as well as the clients ? Reason I ask is we have disabled VAS in our stock mission and our server is still showing lowered CPS -4-5 also large lag spikes on FPS when using acre2 on the server. This also happens if we load a stock mission like escape from altis coop 10. can supply rpts and or ASM graphs with Server not running Acre as comparison if needed.
  19. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    re read the post :) Ok will try that thanks you :)
  20. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Ok nou thanks for the info. I guess theres not much i can do except remove VAS from the missions ? Hopefully that will fix the large fps spikes we get as well. http://i.imgur.com/7BHIkOB.jpg Thats the mission with acre2 running. Normally at 50 fps and 49 cps with no spikes. This is without acre2 same mission http://i.imgur.com/m6ohOgU.jpg Not saying its acre2... maybe its a conflict with scripts and acre or something dunno just passing on info m8 :)
  21. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Salut Lynx75, Hmm VAS for us was working with ACRE but isn't working with ACRE2 now. The only problems we had with the VAS we are using and the previous ACRE was that you could not send someone a loadout with acre in it as you would both end up with same IDs. For us VAS and ACRE has worked fine with that one exception mentioned above.
  22. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Congrats on The Release. I was so looking forward to this. The radios and direct talk are such a pleasure to use once again. Direct talk seems spot on and the levels inside vehicles to outside etc seems great. So nice to have a sqwark back :) Alas though we are Having a few Probs with VAS and Radio IDs I think. This is from my client rpt when playing on a dedicated server thats using a version of VAS to supply the acre_prc343 and the acre_prc148. 369.949 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC343_ID_1 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID 371 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC148_ID_3 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID 371.002 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC343_ID_4 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID 372.061 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC148_ID_5 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID 372.062 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC343_ID_7 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID 373.118 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC148_ID_7 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID 373.119 ACRE Warning: Radio ID ACRE_PRC343_ID_8 was returned for a non-existent baseclass in inventory, possibly removed by a gear script while requesting ID There are alot of lines that look like that, all the way upto ID_500 i think ? I am unsure what this code means any enlightenment would be fantastic :) So that I can fix it and get ACRE running on our server. Once again congrats. BL1P
  23. When me and some m8s play in a Squad the Squad leaders character will call out enemy at blabla. This is very annoying for them as they themselves haven't spotted the Enemy. We have Configure\Audio\radio turned off. Also Configure\game\Radio Subtitles turned off. But the squad lead still shouts enemy at blabla. Are there any script commands we can use in the mission Which will turn of Voice shouts ?
  24. Came a cross a problem whereby if a player tks another player then the radio subtitles return from the TKer When using :- waitUntil {! (isNull player) && time > 1}; oldSubs = showSubtitles false;