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  1. zipper, are YOU going to make a mission/campaign for this? I loved your Op.Cobalt and Blood, so I wonder if you're making another one.
  2. Wiki


    dogs of war is a good camp. too. otherwise, I made 2 of them, Desert Wrath and Gothic Serpent.
  3. Bug report: maybe you should check the Hellfire of the Apache, cause they are useless: they don't lock at all on any target. otherwise, really nice mod, can't wait until it's released!
  4. Wiki

    CWR² Demo

    Bug report: maybe you should check the Hellfire of the Apache, cause they are useless: they don't lock at all on any target. otherwise, really nice mod, can't wait until it's released!
  5. hi sick1 first, thank you for these great campaign you've made. you're the best with zipper5 to make some. i've just begun the 1st mission of this one, but i'm currently trying to finish the 3 other st6 camp you've made. i've just re-watched tears of the sun, and i wonder if this movie inspired you for the 1st mission of this devgru campaign? Wiki
  6. v1.1 released changelog: -fixed end of mission 6 link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4NULELE4
  7. v 1.4 released http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H4I5XOZM see changelog
  8. glad you like it. I'll see to add a weapon selection, but maybe later thanks 4 feedback
  9. campaign released (see 1st post)
  10. Campaign finished. I'll release it Thrusday I think, I gotta finish the video adv. so here is a link to dl it for those who want, but there is no desciption nowhere. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NHN47ZZ0 Needed addons: -arma 2 CO -aduke helo pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7356&highlight=ADUKE -HEXAgon pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10248&highlight=HEXAGON http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9682&highlight=HEXAGON http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9689&highlight=HEXAGON -AC130 script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10136
  11. update with version 1.3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L8ESVXIG see the changelog
  12. So here are the 10 missions name of my future campaign 1 Welcome in Afghanistan 2 Spearhead 3 The Airport 4 Patrol 5 Archangel 6 CSAR 7 Wrath Hammer 8 Mighty Justice 9 Taxi Driver 10 Death from above Campaign to be released in 2 or 3 weeks from now
  13. I do, its just that I spend about 1 day, 1 day and half for each mission cause I am on holiday so I CAN work fast.
  14. mission 1,2,4,5 and 6 finished 5 missions left
  15. I dont know how to do cutscene. glad you enjoyed my 1st campaign
  16. missions 1, 2, 4 and 6 finished!
  17. 1st mission finished, 2nd is on good way
  18. update with version 1.2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NUXRBDGE see the changelog
  19. hum, I think it's because of the mods you have. I've tried without ACE, and I works properly. however, can you finish this mission 2?
  20. update version 1.1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5QWOTVJL or you can wait for the update on armaholic
  21. I know what's what. it's just that there was no Mog map, the only urban big map was fallujah. so, i decided to set this gothic serpent campaign in 2005 in fallujah.
  22. @ST glad you like it. @ USMC soldier ok, the two cars came by. did the drivers got out and went to check it out at the desk of the CP? if yes, you should wait a little bit, something should happen. if it's not the case, maybe there is a pb, so the only way to pass it is to use the "endmission" code. i'm gonna check it out asap. question: are you using some mods or addons in addition of those required? maybe it can cause troubles
  23. @ USMC soldier when you arrive at the check point, have you spoken to your sergeant? he is at the table. do you do what you are ordered to? if yes, maybe something will happen...or not waiting for nothing is also something soldiers do
  24. @snafu ok, i check it asap. however, tell me how it's going after this mission @ST the mission Irene takes quite a while to launch, there is one big file. wait for about 1 minute (sorry about that) dont worry, the game is not crashed, just the mission that takes time to launch