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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. Open your Eden, save a mission, name it something unique (RickBMissionTest for example). Then open the Terminal of Mac OS X and search this folder via find ~/ -iname RickBMissionTest 2>/dev/null The terminal should show the folder where to find RickBMissionTest.
  2. It has been a long journey. John and me with all of your support managed to build some really cool aircraft for our favorite game. This development process was demanding, interesting and even rewarding at same time. John & me are currently busy with some other projects that remain G14 classified however we have found a new owner for our mods. Please welcome TeTeT - he will be looking after the future updates for F/A-18E. As promised this mod will stay free and available to all community to enjoy. Special thanks' for assistance in development to: Franze, Gnat, Vengeance1, Iceman77, Rock & Lord Jarhead This is not goodbye or us stepping down - this is us move on to new secret projects and regrouping before next battle... Saul ===== Change of Guard It's been quite a while since John_Spartan and Saul handed the development of the F/A-18 and SU-35 over to us. I remember how Leshrack did fix the broken configs and scripts which were caused by successive updates to Arma 3 over the years. MoonChilD and Jones did a tremendous job in testing the changes and we were able to push out a Super Hornet and Super Flanker that was no longer hindered by out dated configs. Over the years we got reinforced by Farquharson, J. Smith, Jaentzen, Rockapes and Rusk Rusk. Jaentzen did a great job by delivering many liveries for the whole US Navy fleet squadrons of Super Hornets. Rusk Rusk created Russian text for the SU-35. And all of us did a fair bit of testing. Earlier this year (2018) two new contributors entered the scene: RiverX with a brand new approach to the F/A-18 cockpit, and Yax supplementing the new graphics with top grade scripts and configs. They both advanced the Super Hornet in many ways that formerly was deemd to be impossible or at least very hard to implement. With these great steps forward to the advancement of the Super Hornet and Super Flanker, I'd like to inform you that we've decided to place the leadership of the project onto Yax capable hands. Good luck with the project! I will still own the Steam Workshop pages and be part of the mod team, but team leadership passes on as of now. ===== The focus on this release for the SU-35E and F/A-18E/F is the integration into the Eden editor. You can now use a simple dropbox for selecting a loadout and changing the paint scheme within Eden. Further a problem with the GBU-38 and derived bombs was fixed, the autoSeekTarget option was removed as it caused massive slowdowns on Altis and Tanoa. Also the new ballistic computer settings for CCIP was added to the planes. Finally we integrated the values needed for Lesh's towing system. The changelog for the F/A-18: The changelog for the SU-35: Su-35 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24024 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=743108251 http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/plgNZFxx4xGCkgAVF72WTA/su-35s-flanker-e http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=901 F/A-18E/F http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22594 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=743099837 http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/inYY6HIf4xGhSwAVF72WTA/f-a-18-super-hornet http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=65 [Edit: Added steam and torrent links] [Edit2: Added PWS links] [Edit3: Updated Saul's post with updated download information and new info] [Edit4: Update for 2.0.1 and 1.5.1] [Edit5: Added arma3.de mirror]
  3. Hi, I've never attempted this, but probably cutRsc with remoteExec will do the trick? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cutRsc https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec Maybe there are much better or easier ways to do this nowadays? But I guess at the core you want to display a global variable content on all clients? For sending a variable content to other clients, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/publicVariable is invaluable. Good luck, TeTeT
  4. I don't have it installed on my Mac, but I think it was somewhere below ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps. You can also use the Terminal with the find command for an command line interface to locate a specific steamid 😉
  5. Check the class Grid in your terrain, there should be Zoom levels defined, with formatX and formatY defining the number of digits. Good luck!
  6. Feel free to join our discord at https://discord.gg/tAdrVfv . CBA_A3 is most likely needed. Which version are you trying to use, legacy, 2020, or beta?
  7. Hotfix Unsung 3.2 India: Downloads: Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Torrent: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.2.india.torrent
  8. Unsung 3.1 India with the F-8 has just landed on steam workshop and torrent. Downloads: Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Torrent: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.1.india.torrent Cheers, TeTeT
  9. The Zeus Deck Boss mod allows the placement of objects on a carriers fligthdeck. For this you need to add an event handler to the game master object. Add the following line to the game master init box: this addEventHandler ["CuratorObjectPlaced", ttt_curatorcv_fnc_place]; When the Zeus with the eventhandler now places an object on the Freedom, Nimitz or CUP LHD, the object's height will be automatically adjusted. Written by TeTeT, based on an idea by Leshrack. Mirrors: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33906 PWS: TBD SW: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1355749908
  10. TeTeT

    Zeus Deck Boss

    The Zeus Deck Boss mod now also supports the Atlantic LHD in Project RACS by @wld427
  11. TeTeT

    Zeus Deck Boss

    Fixed a problem with detecting the flight deck, the mod is updated on Steam Workshop now. Some background information: the lineintersectsurfaces command, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lineIntersectsSurfaces , now uses the mouse pointer position on screen to detect if there's a flight deck: AGLToASL screenToWorld getMousePosition Thanks to @ampersand38 for this solution! A video as introduction to the mod, or as a refresher: Cheers, TeTeT
  12. TeTeT

    Hyuga Class DDH

    To the best of my knowledge little can be done about it. The problems with the 'cracks' in large objects seems to be related to the terrain cell grid and the lod dimension. In Nimitz, Odyseus went with a roughly 40 meter distance. But still there's no guarantee. If you detect a gap, usually it's fixed by placing the carrier slightly differently... But for sure large geo and road objects don't work at all. I'm just happy that the resolution lods can be big nowadays 🙂 Nice looking geo lods! Cheers, TeTeT
  13. TeTeT

    Hyuga Class DDH

    Not much. Is it possible to share the config and eventhandlers in question? If this for example is using CfgFunctions, the script needs to be declared there. If you're up to it we can also check in a screen sharing session, feel free to join the Nimitz discord if interested: https://discord.gg/KkDdFaz6 Cheers, TeTeT