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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. Nope, I came here across by accident and haven't seen such a request. If you want to distribute the HMD with the planes, please get in touch and we take it from there then.
  2. I recently had the 'pleasure' to debug some problems with the Unsung maps from arma 2. What helped was to run the dev branch diag exe and check for any popups. They are a bit mysterious, those popups, but they helped me to identify a faulty object through bisecting the pbo's that were loaded. I think the memory dump can help if the fault / prev code information stays roughly the same. If so, I would open a feedback ticket and attach the crash dumps and hope that some kind BI developer with a love for CUP will spend some hour to take a look ...
  3. Unfortunately it's the opposite way around, at least after reading this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation#nearEntities_vs_nearestObjects
  4. TeTeT

    Learning Scripting

    If you have something like that, highly interested in it :) The only idea I had for this so far was to create dozens of objects, use say3D remotely executed on all clients at the same time and then move the objects to wherever they need to go... There has to be a better way!
  5. TeTeT

    Learning Scripting

    Learning SQF is quite different from learning Java or any other more structured language. Anyway, just think of a mission you want to create for arma and then use code instead of editor placed objects. Some isolated tasks that should help you get started to get some building blocks for a larger mission: Have a AI squad enter a vehicle, AI drive to a certain waypoint, drop off the squad Several AI squad meet at a rally point and drive an attack from there, taking different routes Repair/Inspection of vehicle at a FARP. Use some AI to walk to a vehicle, use inspect and repair compatible animations at the vehicle Good luck, TeTeT
  6. You're pretty new here, so it works like this: questions on release dates or update dates are highly discouraged if not altogether banned by the forum rules. Lala's answer is just ironical. Please don't ask for updates and release timelines for mods. For some, if not many, modders it takes away from the enjoyment to answer such questions on update dates.
  7. I would tend to believe that '75' argument is the distance to _any_ object on the map, e.g. a tree, bush, rock and so forth. I always thought that anything but clutter identifies as object there. Hence a setting of 1 or 2 gives you some space around the vehicles. 75 works fine in VR as there are no objects...
  8. TeTeT

    AirplaneX / suspension / PhysX

    Slightly off-topic: 2:40 am and facing a Jeep in Unsung that does wheelies ...
  9. TeTeT

    AirplaneX / suspension / PhysX

    Usually I leave those settings as they are and alter these three values: sprungMass = 3333; springStrength = 83325; springDamperRate = 13332; This combined with dampingRate seems to influence the stiffness of the suspension and if it rolls away most.
  10. I hope the lasers are fixed in the latest beta version. If you want to help to test and find those annoying bugs, join the Nimitz for Arma 3 discord: https://discord.gg/tSJRQkw We discuss development of the Super Hornet and Super Flanker there as well.
  11. Latest change to the Nimitz is the support for Grumpy Old Mans Aircraft Loadout menu. I've forked the latest version and added it to the weapons elevator. As the elevator was barely usable for a player, I've added the static bomb models to it.
  12. TeTeT

    AirplaneX / suspension / PhysX

    AirplaneX + wheel suspension + physx = the horrors of arma 3 modding ;) At least to me. From what I've tried you have two options, but maybe someone with a better understanding can assist further: Change the stiffness of the suspension so the plane stabilizes Change the center of mass in the geo lod so it stops rolling Both are interdependent from what I know, so it might be a combination of both to stop the plane from rolling away. Good luck!
  13. TeTeT

    Vehicles and Aircraft from Arma 2 unsung

    Hi, check out http://armanam.eu/ for the Unsung Mod home page. Once Echo is released in a couple of weeks you get the Dodge and OH-6 and a brand new M-35. The LVTP-5 and OH-58 are unfortunately not in a state to be released. Cheers, TeTeT
  14. I've pretty much equipped the Unsung planes with USAF refuel compatibility and also the F/A-18. Here are the config values I use: Cfg_FA18E.hpp: USAF_RefuelType = "hose"; Cfg_FA18E.hpp: USAF_RefuelPoint = "fueldoor"; Cfg_FA18E.hpp: USAF_RefuelAnimation = "fuel_probe"; The animation 'fuel_probe' needs an entry in model.cfg and has to be enabled before refueling can start. In the F/A-18 it's defined like class fuel_probe { type = "rotation"; selection = "fueldoor"; axis = "osa_fueldoor"; memory = 1; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 0"; angle1 = "rad -57"; }; When animationPhase fuel_probe is 1, refueling can happen, otherwise not. So you need to add an action for the pilot in UserActions: class extendrefueling { displayName = "Extend Refueling Probe"; position = "pilotcontrol"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; hideOnUse = 1; radius = 5; condition = "player in this and this animationPhase ""fuel_probe"" < 0.5 and speed this > 100"; statement = "this animate [""fuel_probe"",1]"; }; Cheers, TeTeT
  15. TeTeT

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    On the blacklisting problem, I recently came across configSourceMod that tells you which mod an asset is from. Here is an example for the F/A-18 addon: _mod = configSourceMod (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> "PylonRack_Missile_JS_F18_AIM9X_x1"); systemChat str (modParams [_mod, ["name"]]); Basically you would check for the classes mod and exclude/include those that are wanted for the mission variant. There's some additional research to be done to find the superclass(es) so you get the configFile path right for the queried class. Cheers, TeTeT
  16. That should be in as well, at least I see TFAR compatibility in the config for Echo. However it probably has only seen limited testing, due to lack of resources.
  17. From the service menu user action: this animationPhase ""service_menu_switch"" < 0.5 Untested, but hopefully working, set this in the plane's Init box: this animate ["service_menu_switch", 1, true];
  18. Hi, I think it should be possible to detect if you're on a specific object with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lineIntersectsWith Check the objects below the player and see if the class name (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/typeOf) starts with JDG_. I height check below 18 meters might also make sense, though the island is at a higher height. Good luck, TeTeT
  19. Hi S3blapin, thanks for your feedback. As you've seen by the posts by Eggbeast we've been busy updating the planes. I've added basic sensors to them a couple of days before, but the bulk of updates is really to the suspension and the landing gear. Simply said, there cannot be a dynamic loadout for Echo as there is no time for configuring and testing it. I like that idea for dynamic key bindings, but we will need to have an internal discussion if we want to use CBA for this. Do not expect it for Echo. The canopy and textures are old and have not been updated after the lighting changes in arma 3. Any volunteers? A bit ironical as the A-7 didn't have an afterburner from what I know... I'll make a ticket There was a change in Arma 3 where many of the get in points for vehicles no longer worked, when they are not on the ground. AFAIK we fixed them all for Echo, but I will double check. As written 2, we're looking for texturer's help. Unfortunately most of the planes have no psd templates or some such, so it's quite hard labour. Feel free to use the bug report thread on the armanam.eu forum as well. Cheers, TeTeT
  20. No, it doesn't work that way. The reference to NAM_M16 is within the Unsung mod and will be fixed in Unsung Echo, not before. You can only ignore this popup for now or use Unsung units which do not refer to NAM_M16.
  21. I doubt it works in arbitrary missions where you enter arsenal. The PBO works for the Tutorial->Arsenal though. If you want to disable the voices, add RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance = -1; to your mission. See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts for possible options.
  22. Try this pbo in a separate mod folder for your Singleplayer gaming pleasure: http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/ttt_rugdsai.pbo Cheers, TeTeT
  23. This is an error from Unsung, not CUP. You really need to update to Unsung Delta and hope for the best.
  24. Mirrors are a bit delayed, mean time a video on how to use it:
  25. This is a preview release of the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS). It is not finished yet and the releases primary intent is to find bugs and general problems with the system and the documentation. The MAAS has been created by TheSn4k3 and TeTeT. The MAAS helps to bring a landing plane to a full stop by using the planes tailhook and a wire between two trailers. It is often used by expeditionary forces on make shift landing strips. The system is currently abstracted in Arma 3. A single trailer is sufficient to deploy a complete system consisting of two trailers and the wire. The trailer can be sling loaded by a helicopter for remote deployments. The trailer does not move by itself. CBA is a hard requirement of the mod. Mirrors Being setup Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130385734 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33242 PWS: http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/NeKhfgiZJE2QrnDL8CDk_w/MAAS Arma 3 base: tba Within the download a docs directory contains three files, describing basic operations, known issues and a todo list: README for the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) The system uses keyboard shortcuts to operate, not menu actions. A player that is close to a MAAS trailer can deploy or pack it with Shift-M. A pilot can utilize the MAAS via Ctrl-Shift-M to deploy a virtual or actual tailhook. Once hooked to the wire, a pilot needs to use Ctrl-Shift-M to raise the tailhook and become ungrappled. The keybindings are maintained by CBA and can be changed. The MAAS can be deployed as slingload of a helicopter. The wire model suppports three animations: ani_cable1_wide ani_cable1_long ani_cable1_high The trailer supports five animations: body_source rearPlates_source switchA_source - graphical problems switchB_source - graphical problems switchC_source - graphical problems Known Issues of the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) o It can be packed up while a plane is held by the wire o When deploying one MAAS trailer will actually spawn two trailers and a wire, for sake of playability o Multiple MAAS deployments have not been tested and will most likely not work or spam the system with scripts o Multiplayer and compatibility with dedicated servers has not been tested o No engine sound o Deployment animation is crude, especially the rear plates o Icon needs to be replaced o Artefact at the rear on the ground TODO for the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) o Animate the instrument panel o Create a realistic mode with two trailers and a rolled up wire, supported through some logistic mod o Replace wire with better looking model o Support multiple MAAS deployments on map o Add engine sound, probably make the trailer a carX o Add deployment sound o Replace setVelocity with addForce in ttt_maas_fnc_useWire o Evaluate using tailhook up animation for stopping to brake the plane