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Everything posted by -Coulum-

  1. -Coulum-

    Arma 3 IS NOT "Military Simulator" genre

    While arma 3 has not been marketed as a simulator (infact the devs have been very clear that it is not a sim), the arma series, prior to arma 3, was. I think this is why many of the arma vets are/were unhappy with arma 3. It's priority is no longer to be a 100% realistic sim. Coincidently though, It is imo a more realistic game than any of its predecessors. And certainly no other game, aside from vbs, comes closer to the "military simulator" (whatever that actually is) title.
  2. -Coulum-

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I think on all difficulties, some sort of fatigue metre should be optional. The difficulty of this game shouldn't be guessing how fatigued your soldier is. Personally I wouldn't use it because I don't like to clutter up the screen. But I certainly wouldn't have a problem with other people using. And it doesn't neccessarily have to be a bar. It could be the stance indicator turining from green to yello to orange to red or something similar. Yes and no. I like to test things and get numerical stats but at the same time I think BI wants us to get a "feel" for the system. How fast our fatigue reaches a certain number threshold isn't as important as how fast it has a noticeable effect on gameplay. You could reach 90% fatigue in 10 metres, but if the game consequences are negligible than it isn't actually anything to complain about. Its like the breathing. Before this new fatigue, many people used to complain that their soldier gets tired after 10 seconds (because they hear the heavy panting) but didn't at all acknowledge the fact that it has no ingame consequence aside from annoying noise. Their soldier can continue to run for miles on end at the same pace. The indicator didn't really represent the ingame effect. Same could be true for a fatigue bar. I understand what your saying but indicators do not give the whole picture. Sometimes its best to judge by what "feels" right.
  3. -Coulum-

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    No I think this is exactly how it should feel. Arma has changed alot, but it has always been an unforgiving game. And thats one of the reasons I love it. And on top of that I don't totally agree. When prone you can return fire up to 200 metres with reasonable accuracy, even when tired. And you rest up quickly. If your caught out in the open and exhausted it is entirely possible to lay down some effective suppressive fire. And that's how it should be. You shouldn't be sniper accurate. I believe sway is pretty good right now. The only suggestion I have is regarding hold breath. I think it should slow the sway of the reticule much more (but not totally deaden it movement), BUT there should have a longer "warm up time" to become effective - maybe 2 to 3 seconds. This represents the players having to prepare to steady his aim. In reality You don't suddenly stop breathing mid breath and gain accuracy. Sometimes people don't even hold but rather slowly exhale. Either way it is not something that is just "instantaneous steady aim". It takes some time. This would make hold breath more useful, but make its employment involve some skill and planning. I also don't think that hold breath should get you out of being tired or injured at all. If you got shot or your tired you should suffer from it. Especially getting shot. c'mon!
  4. -Coulum-

    Is Arma 3 a reasonable replacement for Arma 2?

    With new sway system in dev branch, you really, really don't want to get hit in the arms. There is a massive accuracy penalty. I would say even more so than in arma 2.
  5. Hmm. I really can't say I have a huge amount of experience or skill when it comes to long rang shooting. But even at 400m I find that after a shot, with high magnifcation, it takes a bit (ie less than a second) of time to get back on target. Sometimes I even loose sight of my target completely (only for a fraction of a second) because of the way the scope focuses the light/scope shadow. I only use a bipod and sandbag at the shoulder. And this is only with 556. Its not that the recoil isn't controllable. But it is just enough to take me off target. At longer ranges the slightest of movements can result in a miss. The way you put it however: "it's very easy to keep your reticule on target after a shot" makes it sound as if you can just open up full auto on a target and get a perfect grouping. Which sounds a bit unreasonable. Maybe I am taking you a bit too literally? In game right now, I find that in order to kill them, it is often more effective to just spam many shots at an enemy at long range and get a couple of quick and lucky hits, rather than to take the time to line up a precision shots. This is definitely contrary to my experience in real life where shooting quickly at long range just results in many many misses, because of how sensitive a process it is. I also find in real life it helps to have someone spotting you. In arma spotters are not necessary. I do not like that.
  6. -Coulum-

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Yes fatigue changes are nice. They have tied weapon sway in their nicely as well. You really don't want to tire yourself out unnecessarily. You also really, really don't want to get shot in the arms. Of course it will take a while for the ai to catch up with the standards but that is always the case. These changes have been great. Firefights are becoming more and more interesting, whether against ai or other players. One suggestion I have is to make some of the adjusted stance slowly fatigue the player. Being in a low crouch, or low stand or any of the two sidesteps would be tiring in real life. This also ties in well with the fact that inertia will not effect the adjusted stances (which I hope will be changed eventually).
  7. Ah I think I misread your oringial post. Yes I agree with you. And I have a feeling, that BI does to. I hope. Also, I think there is much room for improvement when it comes to recoil (especially when prone) and keeping sight picture during that recoil. Right now it is far to easier to spam shots rather than try to line up one accurate hit, because recoil is so easy to handle.
  8. I don't agree that prone accuracy should be better. Instead I think it should be possible to further increase that accuracy with bipods. But prone without bipods is fine as is right now imo. The other two suggestions, I agree with totally. I am looking forward to what the devs hope to achieve in the marksman dlc.
  9. -Coulum-

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    This is untrue. The physical sway for both are the same. Its just that the magnified optics lets you see that sway in much more detail. It essentially magnifies the sway. This happens in real life as well. You might think your holding the rifle relatively steady when using ironsights, but when you use a scope your shakiness becomes all that more apparent. I do dislike how they are mixing 2d and 3d scopes though. Hehehe. Personally I don't have any complaints about the slow mo running. It makes me feel tired.
  10. Now that you mention him, it is really odd that he didn´t appear for so long. I fear he might have gotten himself into the fighting in Ukraine.... Well I hope he is alright, wherever he might be. Haha yes its too bad he's not around to see these changes. It does sound like he was preoccupied by the Ukraine situation. And from the way he acts on the forums, he is not the type to silently sit back and watch. I wish all the best for him and hope he can one day appreciate how arma is coming along.
  11. -Coulum-

    Prone rolling speed to fast (unrealistic)

    I don't think that's true. In real life it isn't that slow. Its just its far far to fast now. I am sure it wasn't intentional to have it at this speed. I don't believe it was this fast in arma 2.
  12. -Coulum-

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Some great work BIS. I'm really glad to see all this fatigue as well as the weapon handling and the intricate connection between the two. And of course the oprep was also very nice. Looking forward to what you guys will create next. Mmm? What makes you think that?
  13. Yeah. right. I doubt it. If its true then you are a great shooter, far better than the average grunt or even the above average grunt. However, I think it is more likely that you just failed to recognize the ever so slight unsteadiness of the weapon. Its easy to do. Its why people miss. They think they are steady and on target but really they are not. Weaponsway and fatigue are great changes imo. Yes they can be frustrating at times, but shooting in real life doesn't always go your way either. The trick is to get yourself in a better position to shoot the enemy rather than whine and complain about how hard it is to shoot them. Get closer, and get around their cover. Cant wait for the inertia stuff. That will definitely put arma up there in the list of games with really unique weapon handling. If they could improve upon recoil, it might even be the one of the most in depth weapon handling I've seen in a game. Good job devs.
  14. -Coulum-

    Prone rolling speed to fast (unrealistic)

    I think that it would be best to just make it slower. It is unnaturally fast right now, and although it really doesn't have that much of an impact on the game, for immersion sake it should be slower. It looks weird right now. I don't believe this is the case. Whe I was testing those things a couple months back the run speeds were actually if anything, a bit slower than reality, to account for the gear you have on. And like Darkside points out, this is changed even more with the new fatigue effects.
  15. -Coulum-

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Sweet, thanks for the info.
  16. -Coulum-

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Setskill is a scripting command. Easiest way to use it is in the init of a unit or mission. So when you place a unit in the editor,look for the init field in the units settings. Put "this setskill 0.5" in that init and the units skill will now be 50%. "This" simply refers to the unit itself. If your unit has a name you can replace "this" with that name. Ie. if your unit is "badguy1", you can write "badguy1 setskill 0.5". specifying the particular unit name allows you to write this code not only in the units init but in any other init (over units or the mission init.sqf, or other external scripts.). An even better way to set skills is the "setskill array" command. This allows you to modify particular skills of a unit (ie. accuracy, spotting, etc.)
  17. -Coulum-

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Sounds good. Is there any set dates as to when its coming out?
  18. Hmm interesting. I am excited to see how it works out. But I am not sure that sight misalignment alone will work that well, because with holos sights (that always point true) this will not cause any difficulty to aiming. Don't gget me wrong, sight misalignment sound good, but I don't know if that is enough. I think you need some physical limitations in there as well (opposed to just visual confusion) whether it be weapon sway, or a limit on turn speed or whatever. Ah but I should just shut my mouth and wait until you guys actually release it before jumping to conclusions. Keep up the good work devs, I am really looking forward to this.
  19. Yes something like this. Basically hold breath should be more complex and useful/neccesary. Holding breath shouldn't just give you x seconds of steady but rather it should steady you based on your fatigue your stance wounds etc, and the "warm up time" and effective time should be based on these things as well. Or something along these lines. Shooting quickly and inaccurately for close range fights should be really easy, but lining up precision shots at longer than close range should take time as well as the proper situation (ie well rested). Yes, I actually want it to be nearly impossible to see your hit when making long shots with high magnification. Even with bipod and really stable firing position, at long range, that tiny little jerk from the recoil will be enough to through you off target and loose sight of it. I want to have to work with my spotter.
  20. Thanks for the update tpM. Take your time and good luck with your studies. Thanks for all your work.
  21. Hehe, thank you. Unfortunately that type of poor grammar is hardcoded into me. Its not so much because I want the issue fixed immediately or can't bear to play with it, but because I like being "in the loop" and knowing what is being worked on and what is still an actual issue. No drama. I don't think.
  22. Great! Time to switch back to dev. Never should of left.
  23. I don't think this is limited to mods. Was playing vanilla and had this happen consistently. It was also mentioned in the devbranch discussion. I assume something to do with this: And the new inertia/sway system that is in the works. It is quite annoying no doubt.
  24. What is bootcamp exactly? Haven't really been keeping up with the news, is there a detailed description of what its is going to be? Is it literally just a training mission/tutorial?
  25. Yeah I am kind of suprised so many people went for sound. Don't get me wrong, good sounds can totally change the immersion of the game. But in the end they are pretty superficial. And there are good sound mods out there/soon to come. So its probably the last thing I want to get worked on. Stuff like Ai, Damage moddeling and performance are much more important imo. Bipods would have blown this poll away.