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Everything posted by taro8

  1. I did some extensive tests with repair vehicles and it turns out vanilla repair mechanics are wonky as hell. It seems that the automatic repair only triggers when vehicle "health" is damaged. In such case you get the "Repairing" text and everything gets repaired fine. However, if only a vehicle part, such as wheels, rotors, windshields, fuel system, avionics, are damaged by fire (tested by shooting a tailrotor) they do NOT trigger the automatic repair on support vehicles. I also tested out 3den mod with allows advanced component damage in the editor and it seems that "Hull" part damage does not decrease the vehicle "health" and thus does not allow for repairs. It would be great if the automatic repair mechanics were patched in a way, so damaged vehicle components also trigger the automatic repair. Test were done on vanilla arma with Apex. Then I only added 3den editor mod to test out advanced component damage. EDIT: I tried a little trigger with damages player vehicle a tiny bit, if you do that, the "health" damage kickstarts the automatic repairs with fixes all the damaged modules. Its a simple trigger with this on activation: "vehicle player setDamage 0.01"
  2. Still, it doesn't seem to support models simply taken out of OA pbo's, nothing happens when I try to open those. However, after unbinarization the new p3d gets imported, but everything is merged into single group. I already wrote about that. Again: what do I need to use? Is it the sample models or the Arma Licensed Data Packs from the page linked before?
  3. Is it the sample models or the Arma Licensed Data Packs?
  4. Sorry, but I cant seem to find any good info: how do you import the Arma 2 models into blender and keep the groups separate? I dusted off my OA disk and tried to import the UH-60, but my blender with Arma Toolbox did not manage to import it. Then I tried an unbinirizer I had laying around. It did manage to unbinarize the model, but in the process it merged the model into one solid object (guns, wheels, etc.). I couldn't find any info on how to import p3D into blender from A2 era, I'm asking here.
  5. I don't see a problem in fact that damage to modules does not count to total damage. What I do however have problem with is the fact that the module damage does not trigger the repairs from the repair trucks. Also for some reason when I run mission on my own hosted server (started via launcher) the support vehicles do not function at all and I do not get refueled or rearmed, even though they work in editor preview.
  6. For some reason I cannot use the teamswitch when I have HCC enabled. Is there any way for me to fix that on my own?
  7. Since I was using existing helipad as a reference I didn't need to add anything. By mistake I made config.cfg instead of config.cpp... Thanks for the help though. My service point works as intended, for the most part. Vanilla automatic repair is wonky, I made a thread here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/195074-repair-vehicles-only-repair-when-health-is-damaged/
  8. EDIT: SOLVED! By mistake I made config.cfg instead of config.cpp. My service point works as intended, for the most part. Vanilla automatic repair is wonky, I made a thread here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/195074-repair-vehicles-only-repair-when-health-is-damaged/ I'm trying to create a simple config, with adds a new helipad based on vanilla rescue helipad. However my new helipad does not appear in the editor for some reason. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. class CfgPatches { class service_point { requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {"Land_Service_point"}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Structures_F_Mil"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land_HelipadRescue_F; // External class reference class Land_Service_point : Land_HelipadRescue_F { displayName = "Service Point"; transportFuel = 999999999; transportAmmo = 999999999; transportRepair = 999999999; supplyRadius = 10; }; };
  9. I'm trying to find the bits that tell AI the movement speed when they are governed by the Sector Tactics. Right now they seem to just sprint/move at full speed everywhere. I would like to slow everything down and set them to limited. This would create a bit less frantic game mode I cant seem to find ModuleSpawnAISectorTactic_F a Sector Tactics module with I presume controls the speeds in some way. I like the SpawnAi modules as they are lightweight and you can quiclly set up missions with them.
  10. taro8

    ASR AI 3

    Is there a way to enable brains for helicopter pilots and gunners? More often then not, they just hover with their back turned to the enemy and just get shot at. Helos with fixed weapons, like AH-9, also have a lot troubles setting up attack runs, often just slowly hovering in front of the enemy getting shot at. Would it be possible to fix this? If not in ASR AI then maybe someone knows any other mods with would do so?
  11. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    AFAIK with keyboard you only get 0 and 1 range, ie. if you press D the helo will bank to the right at max possible rate. Note that I fly ONLY with the keyboard, I turn off the mouse flying so my mouse is only used for looking around.
  12. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    No stick, just keyboard and mouse, standard flight model. Compared to Blackfoot and Apache I feel its slugish on banking and pitching. the AH-96 handles more like Chinook or Hind.
  13. How can you use the skirmish part as a script? I sawn info in the script file it can be used as script in mission, with can be called. However I was not able to to make it work ( mostly because I'm derpy at scripting).
  14. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Ugh, the Ah-96 feels like a bathtub filled with bricks. I think it is because it is based on Helicopter_Base_F rather then the Blackfoot. Even Apache is more nimble. Don't get me wrong, all I'm saying is that the flight model needs some tweaks as it doesn't feel good ATM (fun fact: the Operation Trebuchet at first had very similar problem, the D-77 Pelican handled worse then an oil tanker). I think that the Ah-96 should feel much more nippy and be especially good at banking.
  15. Maybe you should take a look at Unsung, they also did random AI chatter and it works fine.
  16. For some reason the Fly in height command doesn't seem to work properly. I can get pilot to fly at 3m but I cant get him to fly at 25m or 10m with would be ideal for some tacticool rappelling. I tested AIWW menu with only CBA and it enabled.
  17. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    How about making the edges of the "vine cutters" red or black-and-yellow as a warning since they are sharp. A warning tape along the edge might look good.
  18. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Looking at the ducted fans helos I noticed that you could easily stick a device for in-flight refueling at the top, since there is no main rotor to block anything there. Just a random idea. It would help filling up the empty space.
  19. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Mind telling what that tool was? I would like to know in advance if I ever try my hand at modding Arma 3. BTW: If I understand you correctly: You use Arma 2 assets with you forward port to A3, since A3 assets are encrypted. Then you made you changes. Is that right? I'm asking as I'm thinking about trying my luck in vehicle modding (juts want to mess around with UH-1). PS: Fuck imperial units, metric system FTW!
  20. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    I did not mean to tell you to put them there, I was just thinking why nothing ever is put on top, that is all.
  21. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Lovely, I cannot wait to try it out! That hellfire on the wing tips made me think: why they never put anything on top of the stubby wings? I know that on Mi-24 wings generate lots of lift especially on high speed, but on Ah-64 and AH-1Z? You could stuff a missile or two more there. Yeah, yeah, weight and all that, but it would look cool.
  22. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    I was just asking. I wanted to mess around with the settings and see what happens. Anyway, I do not know if you changed the duct shape in new version, but currently on the MH-92 they are not round (the back is "flattened" if you look from above) and the blades actually clip through the duct and stick outside.
  23. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    Would you mind telling me where in the model config is the rotation speed for the fan blades of the MH-92? I want to see how they look with faster rotation speed. BTW: The black square/grate looks cool on the MH-92 IMHO, it breaks the monotony of the top.
  24. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    A small idea on "futurising" the Little Bird, how about giving it radar at the top similar to the Longbow's radar, along with laser designator. It would serve as flying scout and forward air controller. Just an idea though. Anyway, I watched the video and I like the size of the fans compared to the rest of the AH-96, they do not look too small as they appear to me on MH-92.
  25. taro8

    EricJ Release thread

    The replacement was just a personal little thing. I like to mod my game like this, replacing the vanilla things with weirder stuff and seeing how scenarios hold up. BTW: The horizontal tail control does not move on MH-92, just a heads up in case you missed it.