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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Place yourself on the map in a place where you can watch the action. Place a car on the map, on say, a runway. Make the driver "playable" Give the car a way point Start the mission and make sure he drives to the waypoint OK Start the mission a second time and hit the command that puts you into the shoes of the driver. Quickly check the speed the car is driving. As far as I know, you cannot set the speed in Kph. Instead you can set the speed to either, Limited, Normal, or Full. Set each of those speeds and then check what the speed actually is.
  2. Joe98

    Condition OR

    Place 2 cars on the map. Name them car1 car2 Place a trigger on the map. In the condition field: !(alive car1) || !(alive car2) This means the trigger will fire if either car1 or car 2 is destroyed. Enter the map with a rocket launcher and fire at one car or the other. As soon as either car is destroyed, the trigger will fire. .
  3. Another way: Place 1 weapon cash on the map. Arrange it so that it starts at one of 3 places at random. Each of those 3 places has a trigger, when the cash appears the trigger causes a marker to change size from size zero (in effect invisible) to a large size which makes it visible. .
  4. A bit on Synching = = = = = = = = = Place yourself on the map in a place where you can watch the action. Place 2 other men on the map. All the men are separate, none of them report to any other man. Give both men some waypoints. For man 1: Waypoint 1 is 50 meters to his front: Waypoint 2 is 100 meters further on: Waypoint 3 is 50 meters further on: Waypoint 4 is 50 meters further on for a total of 250 meters For man 2: Waypoint 1 is 100 meters to his front: Waypoint 2 is 50 meters further on: Waypoint 3 is 50 meters further on: Waypoint 4 is 50 meters further on for a total of 250 meters Now Synch both of the waypoint 1's to each other and Synch both of the waypoint 3's to each other Both men start together but man 1 reaches his waypoint 1 first. Because they are Synched, he will stop and wait till man 2 has reached his first waypoint. Then with man 2 having a 50 meter lead they both continue to both their waypoints 2 and then onto their Waypoints 3. At which point man 2 will stop and wait till Man 1 has reached his Waypoint 3. Then both men will continue and reach Waypoint 4 at the same time.
  5. I have used unlimited ammo when testing a map: To give a unit unlimited ammo = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]
  6. Joe98


    Armaholic seems to be down. I have not been there in ages. Hope everybody is well.
  7. Joe98

    Mortar Ammo

    this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}] Place a soldier on the map and ensure he has only one magazine of ammo. Hit Preview and fire off the magazine. With the above command in his init he will never run out of ammo This I used in Arma 2 to test missions It should work in Arma3 and it should work for mortars
  8. Joe98

    Check if target is present

    Give the 4th vehicle a name. Set up a trigger so that only that specific vehicle will fire the trigger. Use the hint command so that when the trigger fires a message appears on your screen saying that the 4th vehicle has arrived. .
  9. To find the class name of weapons and magazines = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Place this in the init field of any aircraft, vehicle or soldier: hint format["%1 %2", weapons this, magazines this]; To find the class name of ammunition = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Fire the weapon, aircraft bomb or whatever the weapon is: this addeventhandler ["fired",{hint format ["Weapon name : %1 Ammo name : %2",_this select 1,_this select 4]}] .
  10. Joe98

    Trigger problem

    I refer to post 6 in this thread and I now understand what he was trying to say. Create 3 triggers and name them: t1 t2 t3 Now create a 4th trigger. In the activation field of the 4th trigger: triggerActivated t1 && triggerActivated t2 && triggerActivated t3 If the 3 triggers are activated the 4th trigger will fire. Thank you to Pierremgi as I have learnt something today!
  11. Joe98

    Trigger problem

    Place 3 boxes on the map box1 box2 box3 Place 3 triggers on the map trigger1 trigger2 trigger3 trigger1 is used to delete box1 with the command deletevehicle box1; trigger2 is used to delete box2 with the command deletevehicle box2; trigger3 is used to delete box3 with the command deletevehicle box3; Place a 4th trigger on the map. When all 3 boxes are deleted trigger 4 will fire. The command is: !(alive box1) && !(alive box2) && !(alive box3) . .
  12. Joe98

    Adding code to init object

    You need to do it via the editor. .
  13. Instead of spawning, create the ammo box with the correct contents and then move it using a trigger.
  14. Place 3 boxes on the map and name the boxes box1 box2 box3 Create a trigger so that when objective1 is complete, box1 is deleted: In the On Activation field type; deletevehicle box1; Create a trigger so that when objective2 is complete, box2 is deleted: In the On Activation field type; deletevehicle box2; Create a trigger so that when objective3 is complete, box3 is deleted: In the On Activation field type; deletevehicle box3; Now create a trigger which basically says that when all 3 boxes are deleted the trigger fires: In the Condition cell type: !(alive box1) && !(alive box2) && !(alive box3) This way you can complete the objectives in any order. When all 3 boxes are deleted, a trigger fires and the next task is revealed. .
  15. Start by using civilains. Dress them in army uniforms. Make them friendly to Blueforce and enemy of Redforce Place an equipment box on the map. Empty the box. In the box place Press uniforms. Start themission Walk up to the box and switch into press uniforms Carry out the mission Return to the box and switch to army uniforms. This works fine except Redforce will treat you as enemy and not as civilains.
  16. For your I did a test. I placed into an equipment box one NATO uniform and one set of civilian clothes I started the mission and walked to the box. I confirm that I can put on the uniform but I cannot put on the civilian clothes. So you are correct. I suspect that it is intentional so you can't swap clothes in the middle of a mission.
  17. Experiment, experiment, experiment! Start with a 2 seater car. Give the car a name. See if you can arrange a trigger to fire when the man enters the car. See if you can get a trigger to fire only if the man gets into the passenger seat. See if you can get the trigger to fire only if the man gets into the drivers seat. Then repeat with a 4 seater car. A helicopter has lots of seats and each seat, I believe, has a name. One you get the car(s) to work, you will get the helicopter to work. .
  18. Joe98

    Trigger exception

    If you have 6 players then create 6 triggers. Each trigger will only fire if that specific player enters the trigger area. .
  19. Experiment, Experiment, Experiment. Every type of bullet in the game has a class name. Every hand grenade, every mortar round, every bomb, every tank round, all aircraft ordinanc, every rocket has a class name. See class names at the link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Assets How to make a trip flare (in the dark) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Create a trigger and: flare = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos (thislist select 0) select 0, getPos (thislist select 0) select 1,150]; How to use a trigger to fire smoke = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Create a trigger and: smokeshell = "G_40mm_Smoke" createVehicle [getPos (thislist select 0) select 0, getPos (thislist select 0) select 1,150]; In both examples above: “150” is meters above ground level. Smoke is best at “25”. Can also be used for mortar shells, aircraft bombs, satchel charge, or even individual bullets. Try sheperding your men through a mortar attack. =========================================================================================== It is not just smoke grenades that produce smoke. There is also mortar smoke shells and artillery smoke shells. They produce more smoke! Just find the class names. Now that you have your green smoke, set the wind to NIL so it does not blow away. You will need more than one smoke shell, so place a few of them around. The smoke will dissipate so you need to fire the smoke shells over and over again. To achieve this, place a man over on the side of the map on a level road. He will run through a trigger turn around and run back again. Every time he runs through the trigger he fires the trigger and you get a new smoke shell. If you need 10 smoke shells then set up 10 men with 10 triggers. Experiment Experiment Experiment
  20. Place the specific helmet on a table. Give the helmet a name. The player starts the mission by walking up to the table and putting on that helmet. Create a trigger that will only fire when the helmet is present. I have not tested this. ----------------------- To test this theory give a truck a name. Drive the truck into the trigger and see if the trigger fires. .
  21. You could create a few minefields and create a trigger. When the trigger fires, move the second minefield to the position of the first. You can practise by using a trigger to move a box from place to place. .
  22. In the editor, place a box in the exact position as that will give you the exact coordinates. Remove the box. Then as a test, see if you can teleport a box to that position. .
  23. Well yes the marker colour can be changed with a trigger But the only way to make a marker invisible is to make the size zero. .
  24. Place 2 markers on the map. Set one as red and size 3. Set the other as blue and size 0. (When it is size 0 is is invisible and cannot be seen). Start the mission. Note you can see one red marker and no blue marker. Create a trigger. When the trigger is fired, change the size of the red marker to zero and the size of the blue marker to 3. Now you can see one blue marker and no red markers. Summary, instead of adding new markers with a trigger, change the size of existing markers with a trigger.
  25. Joe98

    The problem is in scripting

    He has only made one post. He may not be familiar with scripting so this is just another way of doing it. .