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Macedonian gr

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Everything posted by Macedonian gr

  1. Macedonian gr

    Bushmaster ACR

    You make my day my good Sir!Cant wait to see them finshed.
  2. Macedonian gr

    UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun

    Very good job here.....nice model and textures...Thanks for your effort!
  3. Can you make it work with the new update? couse when attached to weapons have no sound at all.
  4. Love your mod Toadie2k.Thanks for your AR15 release!:bounce3:
  5. Macedonian gr

    Scope Mod A3

    I thouht that we would seen one of these https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoUNXa7x--3uHPaT60H-z6P4etQQVhscpWuRkx0LQU3ALNgttZ anyway Keep up the good work!One of my favorite mod this and RH weapons!
  6. Macedonian gr

    Scope Mod A3

    Great news about the flash hider variants!Any chance to see one of this?It was one of the content that was cut off from arma 3.I am waiting anxiously for your next update! http://www.red1airsoft.co.uk/WebRoot/StoreLGB/Shops/62031177/4A5D/E68E/9316/12DE/93A2/C0A8/28B9/F41D/Noveskflashhider.jpg
  7. Macedonian gr

    [WIP] M320 Suppressor

    see here or pm some moders i am sure they can help!can't wait to see it in game! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149341-Arma-3-weapons-config-guidelines https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Weapon_Config_Guidelines
  8. Macedonian gr

    FHQ Accessories pack

    i am sure that the problem is somewhere else, i have also CBA_A3 + fhq_accessories and i have not a problem with savegames
  9. Macedonian gr

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You can find it with MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3 under 3d editor objects(submerged) and the submarine it is called HMS Proteus also there is a new ship again under objects(submerged) called Trawler. http://imgur.com/qIWkPGC
  10. Macedonian gr

    ArmA 2 US Helicopters Import to A3

    Good job there mate,many thanks for your effort!
  11. Macedonian gr

    Development Blog & Reveals

    new video showing one of the newest fixed wing aircraft ans zeus gameplay from eurogamer.net http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-02-21-video-lets-play-arma-3-zeus
  12. Macedonian gr

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    latest ArmA 3 Review from Overlord Gaming gives 7.8 score http://www.overlordgaming.us/archives/1529
  13. Macedonian gr

    Heckler & Koch G36C 5.56×45mm assault rifle

    thanks for this mod!!!!a small request, can you make the flash hider to work as a standalone attachment?
  14. Macedonian gr

    Can't play "Adapt".

    your answer is your first question
  15. offtopic: i just wanna say thanks from here for your Arma 2 give a way key!
  16. Macedonian gr

    EricJ Release thread

    Where do you find these modding tools on steam? http://wnx.ges-stats.com/img/tools_steam_sdk_2007.jpg
  17. Macedonian gr

    acc honeybadger ref images

    Here is some good pictures http://weaponslover.tumblr.com/image/67528536687 http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/049/3/3/aac_honey_badger_rifle_2_by_thebadpanda2-d4q6qra.jpg http://weaponslover.tumblr.com/image/67529541086
  18. I think that your mod has a conflict with the new dev brunch update i cannot attach to sniper rilfle the new LPRS scope when i have your mod on!
  19. Good work with the C-130 Aplion!This is the real deal!Time to put some Hellenic Para units on the field!
  20. Macedonian gr

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Is anyone who cannot attach LRPS scope to sniper rifles?or i have a mod conflict?
  21. Macedonian gr

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Requst a HONEY BADGER RIFLE http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-t3DowFMpYUY/UUTWdMec7wI/AAAAAAAAT94/gop9GDyrIyc/s1600/aac-honey-badger-rifle-by-thebadpanda2-on-deviantart+%281%29.jpg
  22. Thanks for the release Aplion!The Para Units are beutifull!Time to kick some ass!Any chance to see the LEO2 HELL?
  23. Macedonian gr

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Many thanks for this extraordinary release!The textures are just amazing!
  24. Macedonian gr

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Can someone do a Flash Suppressor? http://socomgear.com/english/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=15 It was a future for Arma 3 but somehow it was cut off from the final release. http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/11/ARMA3_7-590x284.jpg http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/images/13/feb/arma3_1.jpg
  25. Macedonian gr

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Another review from Gaming Trend http://gamingtrend.com/game_reviews/strap-hiking-boots-gonna-long-walk-arma-iii-review/