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About GodsFist

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Did i make it to complicated? Maybe this is better //null = execVM"scripts\spawnSingleTask1.sqf"; _spawnVc1 = []; if (isServer) then { _spawnVc1 = [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle1", EAST, ["uns_men_VC_local_RF1"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _spawnSingle1Wp = _spawnVc1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle1Wp", 0]; { _x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3]; _x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["spottime", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["commanding", 1]; _x setSkill ["general", 0.8]; _x allowFleeing 0; } foreach units _spawnVc1; _spawnSingle1Wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _spawnSingle1Wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _spawnSingle1Wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _spawnSingle1Wp setWaypointFormation "LINE"; _spawnSingle1Wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; Now I want every 30 second a VC spawning for 8 or 10 times. I will try your script. Thanks for your reply.
  2. Hey pierremgi. "Why are you spawning 10 groups of single unit when you can spawn 1 group of 10 units?", because it's the spiderhole from the unsung mod, it's strange if there spawn 10 vc's at the same time, now it's like they come out 1 by 1. You can see them from far away spawning. (the waypoint formation "line" with only 1 unit is a must!), so i have to put in that line?
  3. Good morning guys i have a question? I've made a script were every 20 seconds a VC soldiers spawns out of a tunnel entrance. //null = execVM"scripts\spawnSingleTask2.sqf"; _spawnVc3 = []; _spawnVc4 = []; if (isServer) then { _spawnVc3 = [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle3", EAST, ["uns_men_VC_local_RF1"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _spawnSingle3Wp = _spawnVc3 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle3Wp", 0]; { _x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3]; _x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["spottime", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["commanding", 1]; _x setSkill ["general", 0.8]; _x allowFleeing 0; } foreach units _spawnVc3; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; // _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointFormation "LINE"; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; sleep 20; _spawnVc4 = [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle4", EAST, ["uns_men_VC_local_RF1"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _spawnSingle4Wp = _spawnVc4 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle4Wp", 0]; { _x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3]; _x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["spottime", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["commanding", 1]; _x setSkill ["general", 0.8]; _x allowFleeing 0; } foreach units _spawnVc2; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; // _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointFormation "LINE"; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; sleep 20; _spawnVc3 = [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle3", EAST, ["uns_men_VC_local_RF1"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _spawnSingle3Wp = _spawnVc3 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle3Wp", 0]; { _x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3]; _x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["spottime", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["commanding", 1]; _x setSkill ["general", 0.8]; _x allowFleeing 0; } foreach units _spawnVc3; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; // _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointFormation "LINE"; _spawnSingle3Wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; sleep 20; _spawnVc4 = [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle4", EAST, ["uns_men_VC_local_RF1"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _spawnSingle4Wp = _spawnVc4 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "spawnSingle4Wp", 0]; { _x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3]; _x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.01]; _x setSkill ["spottime", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["commanding", 1]; _x setSkill ["general", 0.8]; _x allowFleeing 0; } foreach units _spawnVc2; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; // _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointFormation "LINE"; _spawnSingle4Wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; }; Can i copy and paste this until their are 10 VC soldiers or is their an easier way to do this? I hope somebody can help me.
  4. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    Midnighters, Sry i really don't know what that is.
  5. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    I've changed it a little, if (!isServer) exitWith {}; pow1heli1 engineOn true; pow1heli1 setVehicleAmmo 1; pow1heli1 setFuel 1; _pow1heli1pilot = driver pow1heli1; _pow1heli1pilot setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _pow1heli1pilot setCombatMode "RED"; _pow1heli1pilot disableAI "TARGET"; _pow1heli1pilot disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _pow1heli1pilot disableAI "FSM"; _pow1heli1pilot allowFleeing 0; _pow1heli1pilot enableAI "MOVE"; _pow1heli1pilot move (getPosATL pow1); _pow1heli1pilot action ["lightOn", pow1heli1]; _pow1heli1pilot action ["CollisionLightOn", pow1heli1]; pow1heli1 flyInHeight 25; pow1 assignascargo pow1heli1; [pow1] ordergetin true; sleep 5; _output = "<t color='#04f214' size='0.6' font='PuristaLight' shadow='1'>P.O.W EVAC is airborn.</t>"+ "<t color='#04f214' size='0.6' font='PuristaBold' shadow='1'> E.T.A 60 seconds. </t>"; [[_output, 0, 1, 8, 1],"BIS_fnc_dynamicText"] call BIS_fnc_MP; _powEvac = [] spawn { waituntil {pow1 in crew pow1heli1}; pow1heli1 move [2556,4499,0]; sleep 15; _output = "<t color='#04f214' size='0.6' font='PuristaLight' shadow='1'>P.O.W is safe.</t>"+ "<t color='#04f214' size='0.6' font='PuristaBold' shadow='1'> Heading out to base. </t>"; [[_output, 0, 1, 8, 1],"BIS_fnc_dynamicText"] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 60; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach crew pow1heli1; deleteVehicle pow1heli1; }; And it's working perfect. Again THANK YOU!!!!
  6. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    Grumpy Old Man This worked perfectly. Thank you very much for you're example.
  7. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    Thx grumpy but i think ill stick with the editor for now. Ill tried it by myself but it won't work. I can show you if you don't laugh, lol. pow1 move (getMarkerPos pow1Heli1Land); sleep 1; pow1Heli1 move (getPos pow1Heli1Land); sleep 1; //Wait until pow1 reach the heli while {alive pow1 && (pow1 distance pow1Heli1) > 15} do { sleep 1; }; //Get in as cargo pow1 assignAsCargo pow1Heli1; [pow1] orderGetIn true; //Move to finalPos pow1Heli1 move (getMarkerPos "pow1_final"); //wait until pow1 reach final dest. while {alive pow1 && (pow1 distance (getMarkerPos "pow1_final")) > 20} do { sleep 1; }; pow1 is the P.O.W ofcourse. and the pow1Heli1 is de evac heli. and the pow1Heli1Land is de landing marker As you can see I don't know how to build a script HAHA. But for now i stick by the editor.
  8. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    Now you changed youre answer in "to Understand" but....... Ah forget it its a waste of my time. Ill figure it out by myself, thx anyway.
  9. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    Without any effort like reading???? If you read more you could see that i already read the "Fockers Arma Scripting"tutorials. and some scripting files, but never mind, i thought i could ask a simple question over here.
  10. GodsFist

    Help with scripting.

    No no i want to learn it by myself, but if i see a very easy script than i can figure it out, I read Fockers Arma Scripting but its not that easy if you want a first script by yourself. I looked also at a few scripts from other missions but if you startscripting its a little overwhelming lol. so with a little easy script i can hopefully see what the basics are.
  11. Hello all, i m making mp missions for our server and do almost everything in the eden editor. I want to try and begin with learning scripting. I know a few things by looking at other scripts but now i want to start slowely begin making my own scripts but..... do not know how to begin so here's my question: Is there someone who can make me a simple script so i can learn from that? Their are 2 pow's in a cage that we have to resque. When the pow are outside the cage they have to run to a wp and wait for a Heli evac that starts flying to the Pows When the heli lands the pow get in and the heli waits till they are in. When the pow are inside it should fly to a safe wp. I hope someone can help me with this. THANKS!!!
  12. And again AWESOME work guys, thanks for you're hard work.
  13. GodsFist

    Multiplayer - Can't Loot Enemies

    We got the same problem on our server. If i killed an enemie i can't take anything out there bagpack. I have to take their whole bagpack and throw everything out then quickly take my own bagpack back before enemie dissapears.
  14. GodsFist

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    Thank you Bludski for this AMAZING terrain, we played on the old 1 and it was our favorite map we ever played on. Maybe one day you can stop by and see what we did with you're map. = A Vietnam Story 1965~1969 = Mods: Unsung|Nam|AirCavVietnam|preikhmaochluong Address: Port: 2452
  15. I've changed it a little and it works now Perfect. MissionIntro = [] spawn { //start black screen ["BIS_blackStart", false] call BIS_fnc_blackOut; //animate typing text _script_handle = [[["A Vietnam Story 1965~1969 proudly presents:","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>"], ["Cambodian River Incursion.","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>"], ["Brown Water Navy-Base, May 8 1965, 05.35 AM","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>"]],0,0,"<t color='#FFFFFFFF' align='center'>%1</t>"] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; //wait until text typing is finished waitUntil{ sleep 0.5; scriptDone _script_handle}; //end black screen ["BIS_blackStart", true] call BIS_fnc_blackIn; }; THANK YOU for you're help sarogahtyp