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Everything posted by x3kj

  1. If it is weighted 0, the object stays in place no matter how the animation goes. Often leads to warping etc. If at all, you would paint 100% to a certain bone Because if you paint 100% to a bone the piece will stick to it no matter what. If you have a solid metal robot, you can propably simplify the weightpainting, as there would be no parts that need to bend/deform. The easiest way to paint 100% weight is selecting the vertices and making a new selection in O2, named after the bone it should be weighted to...
  2. Can somebody tell me where these are located/defined? My Tank does not have the standard tank design, so i need to go "deeper" down the line, but i can't find the definitions in the A3 pbo's :confused:
  3. x3kj

    Arma 3 tanks config guidelines

    Can traction/friction settings for wheels be altered inedependantly ? If so, where are these defined (which A3 pbo?) so we can reference / rewrite them for our own vehicles? Because it seems tanks don't have enough friction per wheel - their track should give them tons of traction, but as physx only models wheels it is a fraction of that. The problem this causes is, that tanks can get stuck if only 2 a couple of their wheels have ground contact (e.g. front an rear pairs, sitting in a ditch) the wheels only spin and that's it. They also have no climbing ability either. Is there another setting that could help there as well?
  4. If your glasses ingame are at the characters crotch, make sure you have a selection called "head" in your visible LODs, containing everything that is supposed to move with the head
  5. x3kj

    Challenger 2 MBT UK Help

    It was not intended to be lecturing you - it was to explain your answer to those that do not understand why they shouldn't use boolean. Sorry if it came across that way.
  6. Look, if you dont have a clue at all about modelling for arma, you may want to start small. First try to model and bring small objects ingame. A Handgun for example. Then progress to the next bigger step. I.e. vehicle. Once you have those basics you can continue with maybe bigger stuff. Trust me, this will be complicated enough at the beginning. You can choose your own layout, like with basically every other game Thats not arma specific. There are guides for general modelling for games that cover this. With Model CFG and Selections in O2. With Weightpainting and Selections in O2.
  7. x3kj

    Refined Vehicles

    If you steer 100% to one side and try to accelerate (basically press W and A or D simultaneously) the vehicle won't move, for whatever reason. This is basically with every vehicle, and was also that way in A2 i think. You also hear it when driving at full speed and pressing A or D - the engine cuts power until you release the keys again. If you drive with analog input (mouse, joystick etc), slight chances in steering won't that. I also wonder why tanks can't push themself over certain objects. Their tracks just start spinning slowly and that's it. Best example is that concrete double triangle on your testing ground. Pandur 8x8 got stuck because of differentials. T-100 and Leopard got stuck because their tracks slip. I'm not sure what could reduce that problem. I don't think the test is the problem, i think a tank should be able to handle this without big problems. Maybe this is because the vehicle physx is based on wheels - the track in arma seems as if its just a visual addition. That means, if only a small part of the roadwheels have ground contact, they can't produce enough force for the vehicle to move. Maybe some config magic could solve that problem. Maybe traction could be increased alot? Not sure what side effects that would have however. Or maybe since the simulation doesn't include torque converters, the rpm/ torque curve (not sure if that's the correct translation for "hydrodynamischer leistungswandler") needs to be adjusted? It's just a guess, i haven't really gotten into the details yet. This would explain that the engine does not rev up if the vehicle is blocked -> not enough torque is available for the vehicle to move. A torque converter can produce 2-3.5 times more torque at low engine rpm
  8. x3kj

    Refined Vehicles

    with the clutch engaged it would slow down till engine is at idle rpm and then continue with that speed^^ Would be fun ejecting from it, running next to it and then reentering xD Anyway, really nice work RedPhoenix. Driving your vehicles really makes fun. I have also read your guide about custom vehicle configs. I'm currently modelling a few custom vehicles, this will come in handy. großes dankeschön dafür. I think test track will also be very usefull... Edit: I guess there is no way to lock differentials? I just got stuck with the pandur 8x8 on the 2 big concrete triangles wedged between mud hills... Also, do you know if there is a solution for vehicles cut power to the engine if you steer above a certain degree? This is one of my biggest pet peeves with arma.
  9. A bit? I ended the first mission with CSAT equipment, next mission i start is with only the rifle left, rest replaced. After the end of the mission my rifle is replaced with the AAF one with fancy scope. I customized my loadout in the armory to be better. When i started the mission, everything is replaced. Instead of a tac vest filled with usefull stuff i got a tac vest with 4x 5.56 magazine, 2x pistol mags, 2x chemlights and 6-8 different colored smoke grenades. Additionally to the 2 in the combat dress. The mission definitely does not require 10 smoke grenades ! And the rifle lost the scope. Visiting the armory before the mission briefing was a complete waste of time, like it was in the first campaign iirc. I'm fine if we get a mission specific backpack. And IF a backpack alone is not sufficient the player should be ASKED what he wants to take/let behind. If he fails because of that, his fault. But this is just completely annoying. I hate having to completely re-equip myself before every damn mission. Feedback first mission: Initial step is pretty hard because i dropped my backpack and a launcher during the mission 6 times. One time in a house, the both ended up on the ground unretrievable. No menu option to pick them up appeared. 2 time in open space it worked ok. 1 time close to a rock they ended up unretrievable again. The last time i dropped them in open space, and i could pick them up right away again. When i came back they where unretrievable again. Why does Arma always want me to deprive me of my hard earned gear? :936: Annoying
  10. x3kj

    Real Armor Mod

    Very Nice! How compatible is it to modded vehicles and weapons? / What do you have to do in order for your vehicles and weapons to have the same behaviour?
  11. x3kj

    Challenger 2 MBT UK Help

    Reminds me of:" Son, stop jerking off, it makes you blind". Boolean is a nice tool, but you have to be carefull if you use it and always clean up bad geometry/vertices afterwards. And if you make a boolean with a cylinder you have to use a sensible side count for the cylinder. That's what most beginners do wrong: use too many sides on cylinders and just use boolean to join everything. Although, if you don't know yet how to make holes Yoshi, it's propably better to not use boolean because it can produce messy results. Using a cut tool is a different option, and one of the essential tools in polygon modelling.
  12. x3kj

    Add custom vehicle to editor

    class CfgPatches { class ZB_MedEvac { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; I thought you have to list your new classes in there if you add stuff to the game, or is that for another purpose? Edit: Sample says this /* Addon description */ class CfgPatches { // Avoid confusing users by keeping class name match the PBO name and path. class Test_Tank_01 { // List addons defining config classes you want to use, define new vehicles available in editor and weapon classes requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Armor_F_Beta"}; units[] = {"O_Test_Tank_01"}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; So i assume it's a must, at least the units[]=etc
  13. the reason that you think you are below the vertex count is that the engine splits your geometry look at this section to see what can cause splits, visualizing what sir redstone said. and with some explanation -> if you don't use smoothing groups at all on your model, you have alot of extra polygons, even if you optimized your geometry. Every hard edged flat surface that has more then one triangle should have a smoothing group with the adjacent faces.
  14. found it it was a false alarm, the freezing was caused by a faulty gun model, it wasn't complete. I think it was that it lacked usti&konec hlavne in the model and config. The soldier config was correct.
  15. Can Somebody help me? My custom unit freezes the game if something fires at it :oh: I used the example model and "B_Soldier_base_F" from characters_f/Blufor/config as guides and i can't find the error... class CfgPatches { class k_modmain { units[] = {"S_Test_autogun"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; class UniformSlotInfo; class CfgVehicles { class Man; class CAManBase: Man { class AnimationSources; class HitPoints { class HitHead; class HitBody; class HitHands; class HitLegs; }; }; class SoldierWB: CAManBase { threat[]={1,0.1,0.1}; }; class S_Human_Base: SoldierWB { _generalMacro="S_Human_Base"; expansion=1; identityTypes[]={"LanguageENG_F","Head_NATO","G_NATO_default"}; icon="iconMan"; portrait=""; picture=""; faceType = Man_A3; /// this soldier is going to use standard faces vehicleClass = Men; /// Should be listed under Men scope=0; nakedUniform="U_BasicBody"; uniformClass="U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; /// standard uniform used by this soldier, there is a special one defined later class UniformInfo { class SlotsInfo { class NVG: UniformSlotInfo {slotType=602;}; class Scuba: UniformSlotInfo{slotType=604;}; class Googles: UniformSlotInfo{slotType=603;}; class Headgear: UniformSlotInfo{slotType=605;}; }; }; model="\A3\characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= {"Camo"};/// selection defined in sections of model that may have texture and materials changed by setObjectTexture or next parameter hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={"\a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_co.paa"};/// what texture does this soldier use for camo selection class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead:HitHead {armor = 1;}; /// default soldier doesn't have any head armour, uses helmet class HitBody:HitBody {armor = 1;}; /// default soldier doesn't have protective uniform on body, uses vest class HitHands: HitHands {armor = 1;}; /// some protection for hands by uniform class HitLegs: HitLegs {armor = 1;}; /// some protection for legs by uniform }; class Wounds { tex[]={}; mat[]= { "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\common\data\coveralls.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat" }; }; ///AI accuracy=2.3; sensitivity=3; camouflage=1.4; minFireTime=7; cost=100000; canCarryBackPack=1; }; class S_Base: S_Human_Base { side = 1; faction = BLU_F; genericNames = "NATOMen"; scope=0; camouflage=1.2; cost=90000; weapons[] = {"Throw", "Put"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw", "Put"}; Items[] = {"FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit"}; RespawnItems[] = {"FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit"}; linkedItems[]={"G_helmet_type1_test","V_Rangemaster_belt","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[]={"G_helmet_type1_test","V_Rangemaster_belt","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; uniformClass="U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt"; model="\A3\characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; }; class S_Test_autogun: S_Base { scope=2; _generalMacro="_Test_autogun"; displayName="_Test_autogun"; uniformClass="U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest"; uniformAccessories[]={}; weapons[]={"W_autogun_agrip_t2","Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[]={"W_autogun_agrip_t2","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]= {"M_autogun_825x53_Test1_20Rnd"}; respawnMagazines[]= {"M_autogun_825x53_Test1_20Rnd"}; }; };
  16. This is happening AGAIN... seriously, what is this crap?
  17. x3kj


    Nice work, very high quality. Any plans for a HK121, even though it's not yet official (afaik) ? It would fit in well into the "future" setting.
  18. direct link doesn't work i think you have to download via gamefront here thanks for the download, might help me. How did you rig them? Did you do it in O2 or by an external program? I'd like to avoid using O2 for that ^^ edit: i noticed that 1st LOD misses the right magazine pouch, but is in every other LOD+pilotview. just in case you haven't already noticed.
  19. x3kj

    Helmet Addons

    Another thing to look out for if your helmet is at the guy's crotch and won't move: Make sure all your LOD's that have geometry (Visible LODs, Shadow, Geometry if you have) have a "Head" selection and contain everything that is supposed to move with the head (in case of helmets/hats it's the entire model). If you want your chinstrap to move with the face animation you have to rig it to the relevant bones of the head, but i'm not sure how to do it in O2 yet. I vagualy remember seeing a tutorial somewhere for arma 2.
  20. Hi guys, does anybody know which scale setting i have to use in O2 when i export a .3ds and import it into max? If i set it to 1000% it is too small. If i set it to 10000% it is too big. So this doesn't make sense, as 100% should give me a file in meter size if i set max to meters, except it it doesnt ... I have max set to millimeters, but the max units dont seem to have any effect on the scale if i use "convert units" when importing in max. I want to import the sample weapon in correct size, so that i can see where the hand positions (for the MX hand animation) are, so i can place my weapons correctly. I would like to know the exact location, because i hate trial and error sessions. Is there another way to get the location of the hands into the correct position in max? And maybe also for all other already available handweapons? Would save me a lot of time.
  21. Dear Santa... err i mean Developers, could you please give us a sample file, that can show us the position of the vanilla handanimations for handweapons? The reason is that there is no way that we can use the already available hand animations for our custom weapons without laborious trial&error sessions, as we don't know where we have to position them in the p3d Quote from Sample Model Config: reloadAction = "GestureReloadMX"; /// MX hand animation actually fits this rifle well handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\A3\Weapons_F\Rifles\MX\data\Anim\MX_gl.rtm"}; /// MX hand animation actually fits this rifle well There is no way for us to tell if this "hand animation actually fits this rifle well" It would save alot of work if we wouldn't have to a) guess until it fits or b) create custom animations for all new stuff A sample would only have to consist of 2 cylinders (one with a small indicator where the trigger is) representing the hand position. Maybe the position of the magazine as a box as well. That's it.
  22. Edit Solution: You HAVE to enable the steam community in-game option. (steam->settings-> ingame-> checkbox). just gotta love this steaming POS... the last 3 days i installed arma 3 on my older computer for modding purposes. It ran totally fine with medium settings on Stratis (i only need it for testing purposes anyway). Q9550, 6GB Ram, Radeon 4870 Today i wanted to do the same thing like yesterday, except arma refuses to start. It always freezes before i even get to the main menu. Both in windowed and normal mode, without mods (normal steam launch). If i use -nosplash and -world=empty i get to where the main menu appears but freezes right after that (can't even finish "de-blocking" the empty world scene). It's a solid stop, always occupying ~370-400Mb Ram and 25% cpu (all cores). I have installed/deinstalled absolutely nothing on the computer in the last 3 days. No directx change, no win update, no anything. Arma or Steam didn't update either. I verified steam integrity, removed the single mod-addon folder i had, no luck. This is completely confusing.
  23. In O2 to export in .3ds format you should get an export window titled "export 3DS properties". There is a Master scale (%) field. I set 1000 as value there. In 3ds max i used millimeters both as system scale and file unit scale. In max i go to Import-> .3ds and then uncheck "convert units". Then i have to scale it up by a factor of 100 to be the correct size. For max->O2 export you don't get a unit dialog in max. But on O2 import you get a Master scale setting (for me 1:1000), in your case this should be 1:1 I dislike meters as system unit, it is too imprecise when working on handweapons. Sometimes 2 points are apart, but have the same coordinates.
  24. x3kj

    Arma freezes on startmenu

    OMG this can't be true... are you kidding me? Enabled this steaming community pile of * and it works... :936: :banghead: