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Everything posted by pettka

  1. There is only NV mode, none other, as described by Master lord Joris :icon_twisted:
  2. Try to add them for example via player addItem "Optic_NVS" Class names are optic_NVS, optic_Nightstalker, optic_tws and optic_tws_mg :icon_twisted: They may be found even in Special Weapons crate for each side :icon_twisted:
  3. It shouldn't differ from GC version in count and class structure, there might be some fixes and tweakings :icon_twisted:
  4. Just to put everything in scope - there has been next to 5 GB of addons (re)uploaded and expected download size is going to be a bit less than a GB (blessed be Our Dear Leader for choosing Steam) :icon_twisted: I don't want to spoil the surprise, but there are some unmentioned thingies like optics in the package :icon_twisted:
  5. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Sightseeing on Altis - Doupe.cz (in Czech) It is obviously written by someone who knows about Arma-series mentioning things back to Everon :icon_twisted:
  6. pettka

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Gentlelads, could you, please, stay on the topic and leave 12+k view distance bragging to different topics? :icon_twisted:
  7. pettka

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    There has been quite a lot of changes in some addons (they grew twice the size), could you, please, try to check the integrity of local cache on Steam and try to defragment the drive (if it's not SSD) if you experience issues with fps? We are trying to investigate the cause meanwhile :icon_twisted:
  8. It mostly happens in movies :icon_twisted:
  9. I'm sorry if I have sounded any wrong, I didn't want to blame anyone (especially not Varnon, I would have quoted him if it was directed to him). We are trying to do our best at least in things manageable well within the data-lock, authentic flags are one of these. I have tried to explain that the change-ability of hiddenSelections didn't suffer, hiddenSelectionsMaterials is even a new parameter that I wanted to point at. I was not trying to offend anyone as it might seem, just show the way how to handle new stuff and use it for possible better content :icon_twisted: I'm going to investigate the BLUFOR lads, it might be possible to correct them before the launch, but again, I won't promise anything as it might backfire in such spectacular way. ---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ---------- I would point You to the mentioned ticket if You don't mind :icon_twisted:
  10. The flags are on the uniforms as they should be according to Geneva Conventions (hey, someone wanted authenticity but dislikes a random part of it). Modders are not prohibited to make their own variants as both hiddenSelectionsTextures and hiddenSelectionsMaterials work. Our programmers know about the wounding materials issue and may work on that but don't count this as a promise. As for me, I don't see a reason to change the flags :icon_twisted:
  11. The flags are standard part of the texture, there is nothing special about changing them via any skin in any mod. You may use hiddenSelectionsTextures and hiddenSelectionsMaterials the same way as you are used to :icon_twisted:
  12. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I don't want to ruin your discussion, gentlesirs, but would you, please, move it to some other thread as it has nothing to do with dev blog nor reveals? :icon_twisted:
  13. It has been changed to RPG32_HE_F and I have missed the change :icon_evil: The displayed info for it is going to be adjusted later.
  14. pettka

    Helicopters change lately

    I have investigated this and backtracked it back to start of Beta to be sure - there is no change in turning of the helicopters. It may be affected by possibility to lose some lift in extremely sharp turns according to real conditions, but turning on the spot (scanning the horizon) takes the same time as it took before for example :icon_twisted:
  15. There is quite a large new section of Field Manual for drones :icon_twisted:
  16. Hotfix on the way, we are sorry for the inconveniences :icon_evil:
  17. Yesterdays changelog is log of most of changes between Patch 2 and Patch 3 for those not using the dev branch. As for todays dev branch update, You know me - no promises (but it is on the way) :icon_twisted:
  18. There has not been any change in turning of helicopters for "ages" (at least not config-wise, for more than two weeks), we have dispatched NATO technicians to investigate the issue :icon_twisted:
  19. Heck, I forgot to fix the turtles while fixing this issue, some more work during the night shift :icon_twisted:
  20. pettka

    Auto elevation weapon control

    This one is for artillery, mortars don't have computer powerful enough to do the maths, but stronger artillery pieces are going to have some :icon_twisted:
  21. Guys, MadDogX meant it for real, no thread derailing :icon_twisted:
  22. This part was related to zeroing of SDAR, I'm sorry that it hasn't been corrected to more clear format :icon_evil:
  23. And AI, don't forget the AI :bounce2: We have had some prototype of this and AI behaviour has proven to be the grindstone - they were either unable to manage free space in bags/vests/uniforms in order to be combat effective or they were "cheating" when allowed to reload from backpack :icon_twisted:
  24. pettka

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    Overlord Jay has mentioned that dev branch should get UAVs soon-ish, most probably even this week (with no promises on that one) and we simply wanted to have something to look forward to :icon_twisted:
  25. There is some work on them, Pavel Guglava has done some changes recently, but I don't know the status. They may be changed and improved, but again, no promises :icon_twisted: