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Everything posted by qbt
I'm still actively waiting for those pictures! ;)
It looks amazing! Are you still working on it?
Hello, Could anyone upload DAMP - Dynamic Afghanistan Multiplayer Campaign and it's required addons (which I'm not sure about)? Alternatively, if there's any other dynamic multiplayer campaigns you could upload, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
I have already programmed a prototype alternative master server for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance / ArmA: Cold War Assault. More details to follow in the upcoming days. :dance1:
Arma 3 Photography - Pictures only NO comments! And List your Addons Used!
qbt replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Picture from one of my Zeus sessions. Image has not been edited post-capture. Thanks BI and Moricky! -
This does not seem to work in CfgSounds with say / say3D / playSound, are these intentionally only for weapon sounds? I think this should be expanded to work with these commands. Looping with scripts is inaccurate and not the best way of doing this if looping is supported by the engine.
[TABLE=width: 0, align: left] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] Alpha[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 1024] [TR] [TD] Daylight RP Daylight RP is a new generation role-playing game mode and a continuation (from ArmA 2) for Bohemia Interactives ArmA 3. In its very core, Daylight RP stands for innovation, polished features and openness. It is a fresh look in to ArmAverse role-playing. Taking inspiration from earlier role-playing missions in the ArmA-series, Daylight RP aims to best the best role-playing experience for the great community of Armed Assault. Daylight RP is a mix of removing ideas that did not work, keeping the ones that did work and introducing many of our new ideas. The whole dev team behind Daylight RP is in great respect of earlier role-playing missions in the past ArmA-titles. Tools of the trade » Daylight RP is written from scratch with usability, editability and optimization in mind. Daylight RP is completely open source and anyone willing can either submit their own code to the main project or fork their own version of Daylight RP. » The main branch of Daylight RP will not use any add-ons. This makes Daylight RP optimal to be hosted on public servers. Experience true in-character gameplay with character creation, your character will have unique name and your ArmA 3-nickname will only be used for out-of-character purposes. » The main branch of Daylight RP will have a lot of things to do and explore. The main branch of Daylight RP will take place in the warmth of Altis, it is up to you how you want to play the game! » Your progress in-game is based on your ability to team-play and the actual skills of players. There are no artificial counters or meters of your progress. What the critics say We love criticism & comments, they cheer us up and keep us motivated. Here is some of the critique from Daylight RP from our awesome critics. Giving us comments and/or criticism will ensure we work twice as hard, so don't forget to post your response! The team The team behind Daylight RP consist of role-playing veterans. In other words, we know what we're doing. Scripting qbt — Lead programmer Gameplay Design Ezcoo — Gameplay Designer justice — Gameplay Designer The Daylight RP-test server is hosted by Unicorn Madness. Closing The whole dev-team is eager to bring you Daylight RP and make it the best experience possible. Help us and yourself by giving us your comments, ideas and criticism. We cant wait to hear what you have to say! :cool: In the meanwhile, you can also browse the old Daylight RP thread for ArmA 2. There is some outdated information, but most of it has carried out to ArmA 3 even though the complete code of Daylight was rewritten when switching to ArmA 3. Get ready to jump in to the shoes of your own character. What will you do, what will you become like? The journey is the reward — we'll see you in Daylight RP! [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
lower Bandwidth usage Script
qbt replied to lappihuan's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The implementation for ArmA 2 is severly outdated, and was specific for Daylight RP for ArmA 2. Contrary to what is said on BI-wiki it seems that it is still beneficial to disable the simulation and damage handling of static objects in missions that have a long runtime, as disabling simulation and damage handling will prevent the damage values of static objects from being broadcasted in multiplayer (at least in ArmA 2). You can test this out by running the following code on all clients: {_x enableSimulation false} forEach ([color=#333333]nearestObjects [vehicle(player), ["Static"], 250])[/color] And running setDamage which should be global locally on the same buildings. The value you set with setDamage won't be broadcasted over the network. You can also try reconnecting as JIP and observe that the buildings you destroyed with setDamage are undamaged which means a lot of saved bandwidth and processing power. {_x setDamage 1} forEach ([color=#333333]nearestObjects [vehicle(player), ["Static"], 250])[/color] I will be releasing a easy-to-use optimization & cleanup system to use in ArmA 3 in the following few days. In the meanwhile, I discourage you use scripts from Daylight RP as they are intended to be used only in Daylight RP. :dance1: -
Using a camera while responding to player input
qbt posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Is it possible to create and use a camera while still responding to player input? I'm trying to create a camera that follows the player while the player can still move with normal input keys, replacing the normal 1st/3rd person camera. From what I've tried cameras always disable the input of the player, leaving me with this problem. Using KeyDown-UIEH and others to simulate the input won't work in this case. Thanks :dance1: -
Detecting use of first aid kit
qbt replied to celery's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
This is correct, and the animation you're looking for is called "ainvpknlmstpslaywrfldnon_medic". -
There are a few bugs with the Truck Boxer, if you could vote these issues up it would be much appreciated. 13963: The headlights in the Truck Boxer are misaligned 13962: Illuminate the dashboard of Truck Boxer And a small feature request 13961: Make monitor & cargo box in Truck Boxer support custom textures Thanks! :dance1:
Looks nice, some very interesting ideas! I'm eager to compete with you about "the best optimization ever made in life mods". :dance1: Best of luck!
Thanks! Due to the easy extendability of Daylight RP it is very easy for anyone to implement a statsave-system, but this won't be supported in the main branch at least in the beginning.
The mission core itself is being developed and tested by me daily on Stratis, however, all gameplay elements are and will be designed for Altis by justice and Ezcoo.
And don't forget that you can always make a fork of Daylight RP and make your own playable area! :dance1: I just spent a good 5 hours developing Daylight RP, and we're making great progress! Expect updates soon.
That's right, we're back and we're stronger than ever! :dance1:
This is because the mission you are playing is not correctly syncing the weather. That's why you and your friend are seeing different weather, and the clouds cause the darkness. You need to contact the mission author in order to fix this issue.
We've been busy! :dance1: BtRA8prfSZQ 6etIzboVcbw Thanks for your patience!
Dualan Rebels Killing eachother
qbt replied to opendome's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
I think you should ask in the MSO-thread, or try to go trough the code and find where the units are spawned and use addRating in their init. -
How to refer to/modify pre-placed buildings on a map (Chernarus)
qbt replied to maturin's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Sure! Take a look at these commands: allowDamage enableSimulation When you disable the simulation of the object, no damage values will be broadcasted over the network and allowDamage will stop the building from taking any damage at all. You can get the object with the command nearestObject. Here's an example: _objHospital = (getPosATL player) nearestObject [i]<id>[/i]; _objHospital allowDamage false; _objHospital enableSimulation false; You can get the object id in the editor by clicking the "IDs"-button on the right and zooming in to a building. In this case, the ID of the hospital in Berenzino is 261904. -
Dualan Rebels Killing eachother
qbt replied to opendome's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Try to give them some score with addRating like so: { if (!(isPlayer _x) && ((side _x) == resistance)) then { _x addRating 999999; }; } forEach allUnits; .. or preferably in the units init! :dance1: -
Is there any light source besides fireplace and burning barrels???
qbt replied to frezinator's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
The best way is to use your own light-source. Create a "#lightpoint" with createVehicleLocal and take a look at these commands: setLightColor setLightAmbient setLightBrightness lightAttachObject -
How to make AI units dance??? and how to make it loop or nonstop???
qbt replied to frezinator's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
I'm not sure, they work as intended for me. Try using different units or maybe adding this to qbt_fnc_danceLoop: _this setSkill ["endurance", 1]; -
Make Player Aim at Certain Position - that possible?
qbt replied to Amazed's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
I'm not sure if it's possible to create something like lookAt, but take a look at setDir and maybe even setVectorUp. setMousePosition unfortunately only works for UI. -
adding +1 to a variable multiple times then counting not working
qbt replied to clydefrog's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
I made too many iterations and got confused myself. I updated the script in my last post, it should work now!