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Everything posted by L3TUC3

  1. Locality is a bit of a tricky concept to wrap your head around at first. At it's basic it's which client machine "owns" control of an object and where the scripting command can be executed and how the effects are broadcasted. It can get rather complicated until you understand the mechanics of how the server and client control concepts interact. For example, let's take the addMagazine and addMagazineGlobal scripting command and compare it's effect when used in a object's (object1, objects can be just about anything units/vehicles/boxes/lampposts etc) editor init box with three clients: Host (a.ka. the server), player1, player2. Init will execute for server and clients pretty much no matter what unless you indicate that it shouldn't. First addMagazine: Then addMagazineGlobal. This command is different to addMagazine in that the object does not have to be local. This command can be executed on any client and will work. Works as intended. However, we don't want everyone to add pistolmagazines when they connect. Just the server. We add a server check to do this.
  2. I actually really like the new Arsenal Virtual Ammobox function if you absolutely have a need to allow some customization. It's pretty easy to restrict to only approved items and easy to set up. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arsenal init.sqf ["Preload"] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; //preload the arsenal for clients if (isServer) then { //only the server needs to do this clearItemCargoGlobal policebox; //remove the items from ammobox called 'policebox' clearMagazineCargoGlobal policebox; //remove the magazines too clearWeaponCargoGlobal policebox; //and the guns }; [policebox,["H_Cap_police","V_TacVest_blk_POLICE","V_Rangemaster_belt","G_Aviator","U_Marshal"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo; //we only want the players to have cop-like gear and uniforms [policebox,["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F","SMG_01_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; //and only these weapons [policebox,["6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder","30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo; //and the ammo for it ["AmmoboxInit",policebox] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; //once setting the stuff, initialize the arsenal box Just a simple example for dirty harry.
  3. I think the Respawn and MPrespawn eventhandlers is what you're looking for. No need for a loop. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#MPRespawn this addMPEventHandler ["MPrespawn"{ _unit = _this select 0; if (typeof _unit == "B_Soldier_SL_F") then {_unit addaction ["Set Respawn Location", "movingrespawn.sqf", "", 0, false, true, "", "_this == _target"]}; _unit hint "Tomatoes and Stuff"; } I'm not sure if the EH stays after respawn, but I'm pretty sure it does. You might also want to include a locality check so it only gets added to units by the server or the units themselves.
  4. Life is cops and robbers 2.0. Kids (and adults) love this stuff. It's not really surprising EA is making a BF4 cops edition. It's also very pick up and play, no real restraints nor dependency on others. It's freedom wearing a silly hat. It's also doesn't require a whole lot of imagination to create analogue activities, and everybody can understand the concepts as it's mostly taken straight out of everyday life. They're playing a what-if alternate universe RPG. It just appeals. As to why everyone wants their own life server: nobody likes to work crappy menial chores (the life civ/cop jobs) in their spare time, all the time (if all you play is life). It's much easier being a god in your own little patch of the internet and just allow yourself infinite everything. It also takes away the sense of accomplishment, but hey, who cares? Wasteland imho is a stroke of genius. There's some really well thought out gameplay mechanics at play there and it works splendidly for both solo-players and those looking for a team-effort. To me that alone is rather impressive. Conceptually and in execution I think both are pretty fun and have their place, but unfortunately it's the players that make the experience one that's just awful. But that's the only reason a lot of people play it, just to mess with others and see what reactions they can get. It's kinda sad that both turn into trolling simulators really.
  5. Made me smile. Nice job, curious what you'll do with it.
  6. I don't think it's impossible but the scope is very broad. Suiting all contingencies and interoperability between settings is a massive pita to get right from my perspective at least. I find the topic concept more tangible and interesting than passively suggesting others should do X.
  7. Contact steam/bohemia support.
  8. Add a locality check to the start of the scripts. if (!local _unit) exitWith{}; This will prevent them from running on clients where the unit isn't local.
  9. Independent, resistance and GUER are a bit odd as they're not interchangeable half the time. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17976 Try "independent".
  10. L3TUC3

    Wilhelm Scream

    100 points to Nightmare515. No clue, I just call them deathscreams. Afaik they're stock sounds like the Wilhelm scream.
  11. L3TUC3

    Admin Reserved Slots

    uidcheck.sqf //Execute this script on reserved slots only. _uid = getPlayerUID player; //get the player unique ID _name = name player; //get the player name switch (_uid) do //compare the player unique ID against... { case 0123456789: // ...allowed UID of player Derp { hintC "Welcome back Derp! Enjoy your stay!"; //..give an annoying message to make him feel good }; case 987654321: //...allowed UID of player Herp { hintC "Welcome back Herp! Have fun playing!"; //...give an annoying message to make him feel good }; default // what to do if no ID matches? { hintC "You're not authorized for this slot. You will be kicked from the server."; // Ruhroh... sleep 10; // ...wait for a little bit to allow the player to read the message. [{serverCommand format["#kick %1",_name];}, "BIS_fnc_spawn", false] call BIS_fnc_MP; // then tell the server to kick the player }; }; Not fool-proof nor optimal, but should get you started to make your own.
  12. L3TUC3

    Arsenal Export- Binocs etc

    Without the script it's pretty hard to see what the error is. For the laserdesignator this works: player addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; player addWeapon "LaserDesignator";
  13. Including custom texture files with a mission is a rather simple affair: 1. Simply put your texture in your mission folder. 2. Then on a unit's init in the editor put: this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "texturename.paa""]; Replace the texturename with whatever you saved it as. Arma 3 looks for textures in the mission root by default. It can also use textures that are inside A3 addOn .pbos. 3. That's it. As far as I know that's JIP compatible. The only downside with the civilian vehicles is that the randomization script tends to sometimes assign a new random texture anyway. You can force the script to use a particular color with carname setVariable ["color",X]; Replace carname with the object name you gave the vehicle in the editor and X with a number. OR this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization",false] To disable randomization entirely. Making a texture oughn't be too hard since the OCSE drives around with rather plain white vehicles. I recommend asking some of the folks from the released mods for help on that. There's some very talented people there who've made some excellent alternatives for civilian vehicles already. Brainbug makes really nice ones. Send him a PM with your request and who knows? I haven't seen a template for the SUV. Sounds are a bit of a different story and depend on the situation. I'll wait until you have a more specific question.
  14. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/grpNull After a little while the dead unit will not be considered part of their original group and are assigned grpNull. The moment this happens depends on the host and if the players/AI "know" the unit is dead. This is probably what throws your error. The best thing to do is to use a "killed" eventhandler to grab the information you need right after the unit died before it's assigned to grpNull and save it in an array for further reference. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Killed this addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {hint format ["%1 from %2 is dead", name (_this select 0), groupID group (_this select 0)];}];
  15. The repair offroad is excluded from randomization so it's guaranteed to function as intended. The regular randomization.sqf seems to run during or after the initline. You can disable the color randomization with a setVariable, but the animate seems to do zilch. Putting everything in a trigger works or use a relatively long sleep it works.
  16. Declare a global towernum for the side and set it at 0 at init. Then compare with 0 to allow building and increase towernum with 1.
  17. L3TUC3

    FIA Weapons

    How about some plain static weapons? Iron sight .50s and non lockon static AT? I don't mind the default mk30/Titans for Nato/CSAT but for insurgents/guerillas they just feel too technological with the digital zoom/nvg/thermals and other fancy features. I just want to get rid of the scopes/lockons for most of my missions. I do <3 the FIA technicals.
  18. I see. But that's how the arma platform already works. It's just the mods that are the settings. I'll agree one download is easier than X more, but if the process can be automated for the base game you've got the benefit for this mod pretty well sorted. Still a neat concept.
  19. No it's obvious you think it's good. Just the notion that mere unfocussed cooperation will somehow create this magic pipedream of yours is very naive. So now we're getting to yet more bogus claims mod creators are not only lazy but also selfish dicks because nothing magically materialized that's to your interest and standards yet. That they're somehow beholden to the communist adage that forced collectivism is awesome for everyone. This thread is highly amusing.
  20. Very nice. Are you planning to add a videocamera as well? I was playing with this idea for a while, but do not have the skills to make it so.
  21. Unfortunately, no. You can rename squads after the loading screen though.
  22. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16485
  23. Part of the problem OP is describing is a multiplayer usability problem BIS hasn't quite solved yet. It strikes me as odd that a mod heavy game like Arma doesn't have automatic multiplayer mod downloading/enabling yet. But if the new launcher and steam workshop integration merge together with a multiplayer browser that supports automatic downloading/enabling of mods it'll solve a bunch of problems for the novice mod users at least. I'm pretty happy where it's heading. As for your mixnmatch dealio it will probably create as much if not a greater a mess as the current situation as everyone will have a different opinion on your list of must haves. You can't please everybody.
  24. http://feedback.arma3.com/view_all_bug_page.php Make ticket and attach .bidump and .rpt
  25. Yes. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unit_Insignia You must add the insignia textures to the mission folder and add a class entry in description.ext. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#CfgUnitInsignia description.ext class CfgUnitInsignia { class rammySignia //rammys insignia class name { displayName = "Rammys patch"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "rAMMY"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "rammy.paa"; // Image path textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use }; class buddySignia //rammys buddy insignia class name { displayName = "Rammys buddy patch"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "rAMMY"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "rammybuddy.paa"; // Image path textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use }; }; Then you'd need to add a player UID check to the units. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPlayerUID https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/switch_do Insigniacheck.sqf _uid = getPlayerUID player; //get the player unique ID switch (_uid) do //compare the player unique ID against... { case rammyplayeridnumber: // ...rAMMYS ID and... { [player,"rammySignia"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; // ...give him this insignia if it matches hintC "Welcome back rAMMY! Enjoy your insignia!"; //..give an annoying message to make him feel good }; case buddyplayeridnumber: // ..rAMMYs buddy ID and... { [player,"buddySignia"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia; // ...give him the other insignia if it matches hintC "Welcome back friend of rAMMY! Enjoy your insignia!"; //..give an annoying message to make him feel good }; default // what to do if no ID matches? { // Nothing! No patch for you! hintC "Become a member to get a patch!"; //..give an annoying message to make them feel bad }; }; That should get you started. Didn't test it, probably not multiplayer compatible.