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Everything posted by dragon01

  1. dragon01

    Tanks - Autoloader Wish

    It would be nice to have that option for singleplayer, though. Simply requiring the loader to be present and turned in (that is, not manning the machine gun) to be able to reload the gun would be nice. Actual "player-side" functionality should be minimal (such as aforementioned "R->bang", maybe ammo selection) and actually used only for emergencies. For example, you may lose your loader and would be required to switch positions to fire. Perhaps some sort of stamina system would be good, too, because the loader getting tired is a serious concern during rapid, prolonged firing. AI loader's skill level could also influence maximum rate of fire (so that an USMC-operated Abrams would have different ROF from one pilfered by jihadis). It would probably end up being disabled on most MP servers, but on the other hand, SP experience would be improved.
  2. dragon01

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Actually, FCS doesn't need to adjust range for ATGMs. That's one of their advantages. They are SACLOS, so they go where the reticle is pointed. They don't need a firing solution like shells do, allowing them to be fired beyond rangefinder's maximum range. I think that it would be best if AI was limited in its engagement range to the end of FCS lasing range, except with ATGMs, which should have their own range.
  3. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I know, but with more than a month between picture being posted and the actual release, I kind of hoped you got it to work in the meantime... Considering how long you've been teasing that tank, some news would certainly be appreciated.
  4. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Nice. I hope that the next RHS update won't take as long as the last one. :) This new cockpit is lovely, can't wait to make use of it. BTW, I hate to be that guy, but why isn't Armata in the latest release? I'm pretty sure that at some point in this thread, there was a picture of it working in-game. Is it still being finished, or are you waiting for new tanks functionality to go into stable?
  5. dragon01

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I think that radio commands should be expanded a bit. For example, "go in the direction I'm looking", "follow the current road", "face the current target". Driver is there exactly so that I do think that commander taking over the driver completely could work, but it should be kept to DLC tanks by default (except maybe the AAF one, depending on what they get). Armata, for example, houses everyone in the hull and uses a lot of digital equipment, which means that emergency driving controls could be fitted to all three stations (though I don't know if the current design does that).
  6. dragon01

    [Minor] VTOL? (Apex + Jets)

    Blackfish wasn't made for a carrier, and in fact looks a lot like it would be an Army aircraft. Any carrier ops for it would be touch and go, using the carrier as a FARP, not a main base.
  7. I think that it'd be a good idea to provide options for both dual-stick and wheel-and-throttle setup, actually. The latter is used by both Armata and US tanks, while the former is the standard arrangement of older Russian tanks. Right now, analog control doesn't seem to work at all with tanks. Also, IMO this would be a good time to experiment with manual gearbox control. I don't know how well the gearbox is actually simulated right now, but I believe it could add to the experience. For cars it'd be more or less a gimmick (and most military cars in game seem to be automatics, anyway), but tanks could use this as an extra measure of control.
  8. The tanks don't seem to respond to analog controls (at least as far as directions go). It would be good if they did. I don't know if that's the case with analog gas/brake pedals as well, but it might. Also, I noticed an oddity when the tank is stuck on something, with one thread in the air. Turning commands turn the tank (a bit more easily than they should, too), while forward and backward ones don't. I don't know if anything could be done about it, and it's an edge case, but I think that such cases (one thread unloaded completely) will happen from time to time.
  9. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Actually, they are looking to RHS for inspiration and in fact, Reyhard is a BI dev as well as RHS. :) New rangefinders and tank FCS are a part of this. Speaking of which... anyone else has trouble ranging with the Lerca at night? Didn't test at day, but when I wanted to use it, it refused to show any readouts.
  10. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is it normal that LWH glows like a lantern in TI? I just noticed that, don't think it was the case before.
  11. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It seems I do have DynaSound installed. I'll try without it. I also noticed that it makes the A-10 gun sound odd while in low mode (it makes it sound very different from the high mode). I do hope something can be worked out for the sight. It may indeed be difficult for head tracker users (IRL, each AH-6 pilot would presumably make their own mark), but as far as I know, the majority of players use a fixed view. That said, I do hope to eventually get some kind of headtracker myself.
  12. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey, I just tested the Russian helos with SACLOS ATGMs... either you RHS guys were pulling my leg about them not working, or couldn't use your own mod properly. :) In both Mi-28 and Ka-52, the AI gunner will look at a target if instructed, and from tests I've done so far, will guide the missile to wherever he's looking at. They do seem to require being assigned to the gunner. They don't seem to work on Mi-24, but that's because I can't even select them for some reason (presumably the "FFV seat as gunner" BIS bug rearing its head). That said, I also found some actual bugs. For example, the cannon on Mi-24P doesn't shoot anywhere near the sight. AH-6 shoots high as well, and the miniguns have no sound. Mi-24 variants are missing AA missile compatibility, too (I wanted to do the "find the the guerilla convoy with a heatseeker" thing from Afghan).
  13. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks, I really need to check those new scripting commands (except pylon priorities, I know that one's a load of fun :)). Haven't been able to try them out yet.
  14. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In that case, why isn't S-24 available for more aircraft? Su-25 in particular. I thought it was a mistake because it is only available on the MiG. In fact, it used to be the main armament of Su-25 until a recent change in regulations (the birds were wearing out too quickly, it seems). The rockets are so fun to use that I've started considering making a few missions (perhaps even a campaign) centered around the Su-25. Either centered around Tanoa, to avoid non-RHS mods, or some middle eastern desert.
  15. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is the S-24 supposed to be available for the MiG-29? It looks like it's an unfinished model (no texture) that found its way into release by accident. Well, either that or it's untextured due to a bug. Loving the rocket pods, BTW. :) First thing I did was to load up a total of 256 S-5 rockets on Su-25 and let them all loose on Malden airbase. :) A sight to behold, to say the least. Interestingly, they didn't actually do that much damage to the buildings (probably due to the variant I loaded). Dispersion for the pods is a really great feature, you can just point in the enemy's general direction and let loose a barrage capable of cleaning the entire area. :) Also, the FM on A-10 (didn't check the other planes yet) has the issue with the FPM climbing over the gun cross, resulting in negative AoA. BI has corrected AoA behavior recently (on some jets, at least), so I'd like to see that done here, too.
  16. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Currently downloading, will test tomorrow (only because the download is unlikely to get done today).
  17. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I've done extensive testing on mods for other games before (and also ArmA3 updates and DLCs), have also dabbled in mission creation, although that never got off the ground properly (been meaning to write some SP missions, possibly a campaign for RHS but... you know). Other than that, some experience with flight sims (I've been helping BI refine fixed wing FM somewhat for the DLC), but IIRC you already have a flightsimmer on the team. As for feedback tracker, I've had some issues with it before. Maybe it's time to give it another go. I tested SACLOS-only missiles in CUP just after the related changes came out, and they worked. Maybe they stopped working at some point afterwards, but last time I checked, they guided fine, so it would be a recent change. However, I can tell you that RHS missiles were not fixed when CUP and vanilla ones were (RHS was actually the first mod I tested, only loaded CUP for comparison). It should be noted that this was tested with missiles assigned to the gunner. I have no idea how pilot launched, but gunner guided missiles behave. In fact, my testing predates the switching feature. I can take another look if you want.
  18. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I had the AI gunner (we're not talking getting AI to actually launch the missiles, only to guide them) target a cold, empty vehicle. The IR seeker would not lock, but the missile guided anyway. I was very happy when I saw this working.
  19. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Vanilla Kajman has no set type of guidance. You may be thinking about Scalpel, which is. However, Scalpel also has laser and IR guidance integrated into one missile. Also, on Scalpel, all three modes work without problems. If you look a page back, the problem is not with SACLOS implementation in the engine, but rather that RHS, instead of using it, has its own, broken implementation. Problems with laser-only missiles in SP missions are either circumvented by scripting (you can script a target being designated) or, as of recently, giving the player IR-guided missiles instead.
  20. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    With the US helos, I can understand it, because they generally had laser-guided Hellfires, and AI tends not to be very good with the laser designator. Now, we're presumably getting some more options to arm US helicopters, such as IR or radar guided Hellfire variants. No such luck for the Russians, though, all of their helo-mounted missiles are SACLOS, without exception. Also, US helos used to work before Jets DLC. Russian ATGMs, on the other hand, were broken for a long, long time.
  21. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The thing is, I can't. They know that I'll help if they need my skills, but I have no time to actually learn configs and especially scripting. I'd have looked into it long ago, if it was that simple. What we have here is a bug with a presumably complex custom guidance script. It's either fixing that, or overhauling the turret on Ka-52 and changing the missiles to use BIS system. The former is definitely not something to attempt for a first time scripting experience (if it's even possible, which I'm starting to doubt) and the latter is a large-scale change (all Russian SACLOS missiles would be affected), which is probably simpler to do and and somewhat less impossible, but not something done lightly, either.
  22. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well, obviously I don't mean "get it done before the next release" here. :) That said, I'd be very glad if that future wasn't too distant.
  23. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Wouldn't it be better to fiddle with that, then? IIRC, the Ka-52 cannon is controlled by the pilot, leaving the gunner in a situation similar to an UAV turret (laser+missiles only)... unless that's the problem? Really wish I had more time so I could dive into this myself.
  24. dragon01

    Zee Identity Pack

    Looks great, though she could probably use some sleep. :)
  25. dragon01

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The easiest way to do that would be to stop using Facebook, I think. :) Honestly, has anything good ever come from having a page in there? I personally don't even use it for anything, outside of messaging (between close friends) and a few closed groups.