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Everything posted by b00tsy

  1. b00tsy

    Throttle System Option

    But thats just it. When I do a small quick tab the jet will go indeed slow, but also slowly starts to increase speed, it does not stay at a steady low speed. Even if that issue goes away I still can't dogfight like I used to. Like I used to, but what I can not do anymore (on my old potato rig, but still valid):
  2. b00tsy

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Actually, I made a jet mission (Total Wipeout) on Altis (before jets DLC) where I was able to have jets taxi and then take off and also multiple AI jets landing on the runway all done with normal waypoints and timers. It took some fiddling to not have them crash and stuff, but it worked in the end. Only thing I was not able to do is taxi an AI jet after landing (so I just deleted them after they did their ambience landing). It would have been nice if there was a taxi and land waypoint for jets.
  3. b00tsy

    Throttle System Option

    You probably don't dogfight much where you need instant variable speed and thrust. And I tried the Wipeout again a few days ago and I still can't taxi at a steady 20 km/ph. I taxi now like the AI used to taxi with stop and go speed. They should give an option to choose the old throttle. The new throttle may work if you just cruise in the air, but combat sucks with it. I also didn't buy the Jet dlc just because of the throttle change.
  4. b00tsy

    Throttle System Option

    The devs need to see that they messed up with the jets dlc (for K/M players). It reduced the gameplay and controls instead of improving them. The throttle is my biggest annoyance of that whole change. I can not even realistically taxi a jet on the runway at low speed due to that throttle. And dog fighting with the new throttle is a huge pain the behind now while it used to be lots of fun. I wish I could revert it to the old controls, because I don't fly jets at all anymore since that update. It is for me a broken part of the game. 'Don't fix what aint broken'!
  5. Not sure if thats still the case, but in ArmA 2 a fuel truck could refuel a jet about 3/4 times before it was empty. Thats why we have scripted service points in missions :)
  6. b00tsy


    I try to build it. I am not an advanced scripter at all, but persistence and time compensates for that :P Mission design is my favorite part of creating missions :)
  7. This mission is inspired upon the original (ArmA 2) Domination game mode. * Island Tanoa * No mods (vanilla) * Coop 10+1 (also playable alone in MP mode) This mission is inspired upon the great game mode 'Domination' that was made by 'Xeno' on ArmA 2. This mission is created from scratch so no copy/paste from the original Domination code, but I it is inspired on the original Domi. You can expect the same gameplay/setup, but then towned down to coop proportions. This is mainly an infantary mission now instead of a full combined ops mission. In this version there are no AI retaliation waves after capturing a town and the bluefor base will not be attacked. However, there is a chance that one of the random AI patrols outside of towns will go towards a town to protect it. Roles: *Commander (High command+support ability) *Team Leader *Explosives Expert *Medic *Rifleman *Grenadier *Auto Rifleman *AT Rifleman *Pilot (Chopper+CAS) *Sniper *Spotter Features: * Commander role is able to place waypoints for all teams (CTRL+SPACE) and is able to call in different kinds of support (support channel) for a limited amount of times. * Domination style camera intro * Video outro * Halo jump. You can Halo jump from the flag pole at the base and a Halo jump flag pole will be placed at every town you capture (along with a custom ammo box) * set the mission to evening or morning at the base (atm clickable signs @base, will become an addaction for commander) * Scripted service point for the choppers and rewarded CAS jet. * Respawn players @Base (60secs) * Respawn Vehicles (rewarded vehicles will not respawn!) * Place sandbags (place a sandbag wall at the place you look at) (WIP) * Garbage collecting * Side-Ops with rewards (2 side ops missions) * Dynamic markers for all players * Saved loadouts * More underway... Objective: The objective is to capture all towns just like you are used to in Domination. To capture a town you need to eliminate all OpFor within the AO area and you need to destroy the communications tower. After these conditions have been met a 'Halo Jump' flag pole will appear in the captured town and a new town location that you have to capture will be present on the map. Besides from capturing towns side mission(s) will be available that will give your team a reward if you complete it. Currently a CAS jet and a Ghosthawk will be available at the base after completing side-ops. This mission can be played as a milisim and use choppers instead of Halo, but the flag poles are there just in case you want to play it more casual. In total there are 5 towns to capture. Not sure if it's enough, but it should give a coop team a few hours of fun. Notes: I am still working on the mission and adding things to the mission. Feedback is apreciated :) Have fun! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138392037
  8. b00tsy


    Yw and cheers for giving it a go. 44 war sheeps now! :)
  9. b00tsy


    You and 29 other war sheeps :)
  10. b00tsy


    Update: I have added a 2nd side ops mission that will give you a reward if you complete it and I updated and tweaked the AI. Not sure how long I will keep working on the mission as almost nobody plays it, but if anyone has some feature requests and feedback then I will put it in the mission before I move on :)
  11. I don't agree, I some area's they have worked to much on it already. There is the golden rule 'don't fix what isn't broken' and they are doing that now. Fixed wings is absolute horrid now compared to how it was. I can't even taxi a jet at 20km/ph, because with the slightest touch on the throttle the jet goes full speed. Well there is more messed up with the jets, but I don't want to rant.
  12. So I opened this topic and got a warning from my G-Data anti-virus: Virus gevonden bij het inladen van internet-content. Adres: http://i.cubeupload.com/712lAO.png Status: De toegang is geweigerd.
  13. b00tsy


    Thanks for the feedback! The last time I played Domi in ArmA 2 was at least 3 years ago. I remember spawning in the original Domi without weapons too so I did the same in my version. I'll see if I can add a save feature for the loadout :) The friendly AI should respawn with a basic weapons loadout I think. I will have a look at the respawning of the friendly AI, at my end they did respawn so far. Cheers :) Edit: I have updated the mission already and added saved loadouts for players on respawn.
  14. b00tsy


    Yw kremator, I will a add it on armaholic too in a bit and update the opening post here with the new link :) Edit: I have no idea what pbo to upload from the arma 3 folders, because I can only see the raw mission files and a saved game pbo from the mission.
  15. Hey guys, I have a very old ArmA 2 script originally created by Demonized that lets you place static weapons, but it does not work in ArmA 3 (works fine in ArmA 2). I have updated the script with the ArmA 3 animations and weapons and the script still does not work while I can't see anything wrong with it. I will paste the original script here in the hope someone else can find the issue. If this script works again in ArmA 3 then it will be very helpful for the missions that I ( and the community) creates ::) /* Deploy static v 1.1 by Demonized place this in init.sqf DMZ_Deploy_Static = []; Name the unit, place this in init of unit: _null = ["className_of_weapon",this,"start"] execVM "deployweapon.sqf"; replace className_of_weapon with any kind of static weapon of choise. example: _null = ["M2HD_mini_TriPod_US_EP1",this,"start"] execVM "deployweapon.sqf"; wait for "build meter" to be filled, or raise weapon or move to abort, applies for bot assembling and disasembling. optional: relative position: by default direction of object is same as player (forward) 0 - 360 is valid values. add after "className" a direction in relation to player to force direction of static, for example for bunkers, sandbags etc. example object facing right of player: _null = [["className_of_weapon",90],this,"start"] execVM "deployweapon.sqf"; additional actions, add option for player to deploy numerous types of statics, note only one can be deployed at a time. add in extra classnames in a array [["className_of_weapon1",direction],["className_of_weapon2"]] direction is optional, only use if you wish another direction than the player. example 3 total options for player, where first and 2 object has default direction forward from player, nr 3 has right of player (90) _null = [[["TOW_TriPod_US_EP1"],["M2HD_mini_TriPod_US_EP1"],["M252_US_EP1",90]],this,"start"] execVM "deployweapon.sqf"; Script is compatible with SP and MP missions. Not tested on dedi server but should be ok. Also designed to handle JIP, but again untested on dedi server. I have no idea if it will work on Arma 2 alone, created using Arma2 CO. save this below as deployweapon.sqf in your mission folder. */ _anim = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon"; // this is the transition animation used, change to whatever transition animation desired. other animations found here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_Moves - or search armaholic for animationviewer. _timer = 0; // this is the life the static has in seconds before it will despawn automatically and give the user the ability back, set to 0 for never, (default 0 = no timer, needs to be undeployed). _buildTimer = 10; // this is the timer to assemble/disassemble, set to 10 for now to show bar correctly. _mount = false; // set this to true to imediatly move in as gunner after build is completed. waitUntil {!isNil ("DMZ_Deploy_Static")}; _unit = _this select 1; if (_unit != player) exitWith {}; // deploy/undeploy show progress function. _build = { _unit = _this select 0; if (_unit != player) exitWith {}; _anim = _this select 1; _timer = _this select 2; _perc = _timer/10; _sel = 0; if ("teardown" in _this) then {_sel = 9}; _bar = [["|________"], ["||________"], ["|||_______"], ["||||______"], ["|||||_____"], ["||||||____"], ["|||||||___"], ["||||||||__"], ["|||||||||_"], ["||||||||||"]]; _unit playMove _anim; waitUntil {(animationState _unit) == _anim}; waitUntil {(animationState _unit) != _anim}; //_state = (animationState _unit); // use to dynamically get end anim of animation transition used, for now its hardcoded below. _state = "ainvpknlmstpslaywrfldnon"; while {_timer != 0} do { if ((animationState _unit) == _state) then { _text = format["Building %1 \n %2 \n \n move to abort",(_this select 3),(_bar select _sel)]; cutText [_text,"PLAIN",0]; // this is for text center screen, wich will disapear after completion. //hintSilent _text; // this is for discrete hint in top right corner, wich will stay long time after completion. if ("teardown" in _this) then {_sel = _sel - 1} else {_sel = _sel + 1}; sleep 1; _timer = _timer - 1; } else { _timer = 0; _unit setVariable ["abort", false, true]; _unit setVariable ["static", true, true]; waitUntil {!(_unit getVariable ["abort", true])}; }; cutText ["","PLAIN",2]; }; }; // status check function. _statusChk = { if (_this != player) exitWith {}; _type = "none"; _wep = "none"; _uid = "none"; if (_this in playableUnits) then {_uid = getPlayerUID _this} else {_uid = vehicleVarName _this}; {if (_uid in _x) then {_type = _x select 1;_wep = _x select 2}} foreach DMZ_Deploy_Static; [_type,_wep] }; // status change function. _status_change = { {if ((_this select 0) in _x) then {_x set [2,(_this select 1)]}} foreach DMZ_Deploy_Static; publicVariable "DMZ_Deploy_Static"; }; _uid = "none"; if (player in playableUnits) then {_uid = getPlayerUID player} else {_uid = vehicleVarName player}; if ("start" in _this) then { _type = []; _wep = "not"; if ((count DMZ_Deploy_Static) != 0 AND ({_uid in _x} count DMZ_Deploy_Static) != 0) then { while {alive _unit AND _wep != "none"} do { _ret = _unit call _statusChk; _type = _ret select 0; _wep = _ret select 1; sleep 1; }; } else { _type = _this select 0; DMZ_Deploy_Static = DMZ_Deploy_Static + [[_uid,_type,"none"]]; publicVariable "DMZ_Deploy_Static"; if (_unit in playableUnits) then { _idx = _unit addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", { _unit = _this select 0; _null = _unit spawn { waitUntil {alive _this}; if (_this != player) exitWith {}; _uid = "none"; if (_this in playableUnits) then {_uid = getPlayerUID _this} else {_uid = vehicleVarName _this}; _wep = "none"; _type = []; _loop = true; while {_loop} do { {if (_uid in _x) then {_type = _x select 1;_wep = _x select 2;if (_wep == "none") then { _loop = false}}} foreach DMZ_Deploy_Static; sleep 1; }; _null = [_type,player,"start"] execVM "deployweapon.sqf"; }; }]; }; }; if (alive _unit) then { player setVariable ["static", true, true]; { _dir = 0; _obj = _x select 0; if ((count _x) == 2) then {_dir = _x select 1}; _vDName = getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _obj >> "displayName"); _name = format["<t color = '#0000FF'>Build %1</t>",_vDName]; _id = player addAction [_name, "deployweapon.sqf", [_obj,_vDName,_dir,"deploy"], 1, false, true, "", "alive _this AND (vehicle _this) == _this AND _target == _this AND _this getVariable ['static', true]"]; } foreach _type; }; } else { _obj = _this select 0; _id = _this select 2; _arg = _this select 3; if ("deploy" in _arg) then { _unit setVariable ["static", false, true]; _dir = getDir _unit; _pos = getPos _unit; _cd = _dir mod 360; _newX = (_pos select 0) + (sin _cd * 1); _newY = (_pos select 1) + (cos _cd * 1); _newZ = (_pos select 2)-0.03; _unit setVariable ["static", false, true]; _action = [_unit,_anim,_buildTimer,(_arg select 1)] spawn _build; waitUntil {scriptDone _action}; if (_unit getVariable ["abort", true]) then { _vName = format["DMZ_Static_Weapon_%1",_unit]; _wep = createVehicle [(_arg select 0), [0,0,500], [], 0, "NONE"]; _wep SetVehicleVarName _vName; _wep Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_vName]; _marker = createMarker[_vName,[0,0,0]]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "DOT"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; _vDName = format["%1s %2",(name player),(getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _wep) >> "displayName"))]; _marker setMarkerText _vDName; _null = [_uid,(vehicleVarName _wep)] spawn _status_change; if (_timer != 0) then { _null = [_wep,_unit,_timer,_uid,_marker] spawn { _obj = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; _uid = _this select 3; sleep (_this select 2); if (!isNull _obj) then {deleteVehicle _obj}; deleteMarker (_this select 4); _unit setVariable ["static", true, true]; {if (_uid in _x) then {_x set [2, "none"]}} foreach DMZ_Deploy_Static; publicVariable "DMZ_Deploy_Static"; }; }; if ((count _Arg) == 4) then {_dir = _dir + (_arg select 2)}; _wep setDir _dir; _wep setPos [_newX,_newY,_newZ]; _con = format["_this == %1 AND (vehicle _this) == _this",_unit]; _wep addAction ["Remove weapon", "deployweapon.sqf",[], 1, false, true, "", _con]; if (_mount) then {_unit assignAsGunner _wep; _unit moveInGunner _wep}; _marker setMarkerPos (getPos _wep); } else { hint "static setup aborted"; _unit setVariable ["static", true, true]; _unit setVariable ["abort", true, true]; }; } else { _action = [_unit,_anim,_buildTimer,(typeOf _obj),"teardown"] spawn _build; waitUntil {scriptDone _action}; if (_unit getVariable ["abort", true]) then { deleteMarker (vehicleVarName _obj); deleteVehicle _obj; _unit setVariable ["static", true, true]; _null = [_uid,"none"] spawn _status_change; }; }; };
  16. So it works at your end? I tried it with an arma 3 sandbag and it didn't do a thing. After that I changed the animation to an arma 3 animation and still nothing.
  17. b00tsy

    Fix High Command?

    Coincidentally I am using High Command in the mission I am creating now and it is a bit dissapointing that the High command only can give basic move waypoints. It's better than nothing, but it is not a fleshed out module. They have added a lot of other modules in ArmA 3 though that makes mission creating a lot faster and easier compared to ArmA 2 so it's all good.
  18. So nobody has an idea? I can't believe that! :) There is something in there that is handled differently in ArmA 3. I made a basic script that does more or less the same for ArmA 3 and it works, but this script is more fancy and with my script I have a little problem that the addaction text stays visible after spawning.
  19. Google Dynamic markers, you are not the first one in ArmA history with this question. The Awnser is out there Neo, follow the white rabit.
  20. Strangely enough is the heal animation not in there when you select the medic.
  21. You can by cocky all you want, but I was already filing DMCA's in 2006 on content that actually made me 30K (thats a years salary in a lot of countries). In most cases the DMCA was just a way to 'scare' and to take down the illegally uploaded content from a website/platform while I knew that a day later I would have to do it all over again. At the time my 'content' was wanted and popular it was worth the headache a hour a day cos I made money from it. After that 'peak' I just accepted the nature of the WWW and let it go as public content. And in the case of ArmA content, it's nice if people have the decency to link to the original creator and give him/them credits for it and add enough modifications to the orignal work so that it justifies a reupload. If you are reuploading original work just to take credits for it then thats incredibily lame. And knowing the online community, they will call it out when that happens.
  22. Look, in the past I have done many DMCA's myself on other platforms and in the end it just not worth the hassle... unless you have the hope that the DMCA works like a scare tactic. Unless you are a company that can affort legal costs the idea of sending DMCA's is a bit of a joke. The most you might get out of the DMCA if you send it to Valve is that the reupload gets deleted..... and after that you can do it all over again, cos it will just get reuploaded again. General rule of hobby modding: don't share it to the public if you want to keep it as your 'possesion'. Otherwise just get over it and accept that this is how the internet works. If you ulpaod it to the public it will sooner or later become public assets.
  23. After messing around a bit more flying the Wipeout the throttle is workable, but oh my god it's not an improvement at all. I really hate it now. Before I could be very presize at what speed I flew, I even could do backflip salto's to kill speed just before landing, now with the current throttle mechanic it's just a mess and simply not fun anymore. And I still can't lock a frikkin target with AG missiles and absolutely nowhere and no one telling me how I should do that now solo in single player mode without a pointer guy on the ground. For me this update has killed my single player experience, or at least the fixed wings experience. Just revert it back BI, keep the radar and the new (useless) PiP hud, but scrap the rest.
  24. After the update I jumped into a single player jet mission to test out the changes and I am encountering issues. For one, I have trouble with how the throttle functions now. From a stationary position I start up the engine and the jet immediately starts to roll at 20/kmph. The slightest tap on the throttle makes the jet increase the throttle to max untill you brake. When you do brake the jet goes full stop again. This behaviour I also encounter in the sky. It's either full speed or full brake, playing with the speed and keeping it steady at lets say 400/kmph is undoable now. Second, I am unable to lock on to anything anymore, AG missiles can only be used as HE-dumb fire rockets. Locking on was meh before, but before the update I did a camara zoom to get a target lock, now I can't lock shit anymore. Can a dev enlighten me how I am supposed to fly jets in single player mode now without a pointer guy on the ground? How do I lock AG missiles now?
  25. There is nothing to DMCA really, it's BI's IP not yours. With full mods like 3D models it is still hard to prove that it's your intellectual property, unless you were prepared before spreading it on the internet and have some legal proof that you are the creator. And besides that, When I joined the ArmA community many years ago most scripters and modders were very open and helpful and shared 'their stuff' with the community so that others can learn from it. I mean there was/is even an UnPBO tool thats lets you unpack missions and look inside the scripts and stuff with the download link on this forum in a sticky (if I remember correctly). That was normal back in 2008/2009. Most mission creators didn't mind that other ArmA peeps reuploaded an edited/modded version as long as credits were given to the orginal creator. My mission may be UnPBO'ed, edited and reuploaded so long as I get credits as the original creator... and if not then there is not much I can do about it right. It is nice to ask first!