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Everything posted by genesis92x

  1. Try changing _projectile call bulletCheck; to _projectile spawn bulletcheck; I didn't think while {} do {} could be called, as the engine halts for the code to execute first. Further down the line, I'd add some way to not have the function be called every time an AI fires. It will cause death and chaos due to FPS drain otherwise.
  2. I haven't really tested this - UAV's should not be impacted by VCOM AI, but this probably needs more testing with the new version. Script version is the easiest for HC's. Some issues do exist for Vcom AI and headless clients: 1) Artillery arrays are not global - so artillery units local to one machine will NOT be used by another machine. 2) AI on different machines will not support each other in a "quick-and-snappy" way. IE, sometimes waypoint generation and etc does not work if one group tries to call support from another group who is local to another machine. 3) A few other of these locality Issues I can't remember... Other than that, as long as you spawn in the AI local to the HC, or spawn the units in and then "hand" them over to the HC(s), there shouldn't be too much of a noticeable difference. Although, your mileage will vary. I love Invade and Annex ๐Ÿ™‚ It's where my idea of Dissension came from (One day I will get back to that...). The upcoming version shouldn't mess with waypoints AS MUCH, as I am reverting a lot of the changes. Getting Vcom AI to work fully with Invade and Annex would take a little bit of poking around - it might be as simple as changing the parameters for Vcom AI so the AI don't generate additional waypoints.
  3. genesis92x

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    Thanks for the report! I will take a look into this ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. genesis92x

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    I can make a video on how to port the mission, and no problem ๐Ÿ™‚ The new Vcom AI update is coming along nicely, I do plan on updating Dissension again once I update Vcom AI And that's an interesting bug for RHS... I've also have had some stability issues with RHS for long games.
  5. You'd have to look into how GAIA spawns the groups in and just add a VCM_DISABLE (Or whatever it exactly is) to them, and just enable it for the groups you want. By default Vcom runs on every group Currently if you put the AI on a HOLD waypoint they will garrison the nearest structure AI will randomly garrison structures during combat for a short time A "watch" waypoint would be ideal, although it doesn't exist. Currently the AI will sometimes look for the highest ground in combat when trying to get vision on a position, but that's about it. A few of the requests (fall back waypoints/garrison multiple buildings) are more mission specific items that fall to the mission designer to create. Vcom AI will aim to modify/compliment vanilla AI behavior and not 'completely' overhaul it.
  6. The current version execute only through the description.ext The version I am currently working on executes through the init.sqf again.
  7. genesis92x

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    Haha yes, definitely. Vcom AI update first.
  8. If there is a dynamic way to create waypoints/positions for AI to path through buildings, I would love to see it.
  9. That's a good idea, adding a variable. I have noticed this behavior as well, I will be taking a look into it.
  10. Hey redarmy, For a little background, Freddo and I were working together on updating Vcom (Mostly him in my 3 month absence) and some features were cut. The ragdolling system is one of them in the current version, although some of the variables still exist. However, in the next update the ragdolling will be back, with some additional fixes. Currently I am working on a much more dynamic and interesting artillery system - something that players will definitely notice a difference of.
  11. That should work just fine, I will take a look into fixing the undefined variable ๐Ÿ™‚ EDIT: The next release of Vcom will be different from this release. Freddo and I have decided that he will create his own "Fork" of Vcom and I will maintain my own version. No big drama, just both wanted two very different things for the mod. As a result, many of the bug reports will be invalid until the new version is published. Hopefully by this Sunday. Once Freddo feels comfortable releasing his version of Vcom I will provide a link in the 1st post of this thread.
  12. Take a look at my response on the steam forums.
  13. Alright, these errors have been fixed ๐Ÿ™‚ Will be updating soon 3.3.0 is out! Just a few bug fixes for the errors. I'm sure there will be more.
  14. No better testers than the community Freddo ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Vcom AI 3.2.2 has been "offically" updated. The GitHub version should now be on steam. -CBA integration fixes -Artillery error fixes -Added Vcom Driving (experimental) -Vcom AI will ignore squads with players in them -Overhauled initialization -AI movement during combat tweaked -AI healing improved -AI unique animations -Other things I forgot about Vcom AI 3.2.2 Mod Version Vcom AI 3.2.2 Script Version Vcom AI 3.2.2 Steam Version
  16. Yeah ๐Ÿ™‚ He has done a great job - I am thinking of just giving it to him ๐Ÿ˜„ Thanks Kremator ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. The actual moving of the furniture went very well. Done in 10 hours. Selling, buying, and closing on our homes took about a month longer than expected. If it wasn't for the amazing service of Xfinity I wouldn't have internet until April at our place. Thank you for the post ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. I am back! I will be meeting with Freddo to see what has changed in my absence. I have a multi-server setup that I used to easily test HC's with in the past. HC support is a big thing for me so I will take a look into the code and pick it apart to test HC functionality. Now that I am back, I will do my best to keep up on the forums here ๐Ÿ™‚ Can't let Freddo have all the fun.
  19. genesis92x

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    Thank you! It's always a work in progress. I have a few changes I will want to push...once I move into my new home and can setup my PC instead of this work laptop.
  20. Goodness Freddo, what have you gotten into. Look at all that works you have put into Vcom. 68 commits on Github since October 2018 I can offer a rough ETA on this now. My current home is expected to sell in the next two weeks. Shortly after that I will be moving into my new home roughly 20 minutes away. Maybe then another week for internet. So hopefully by the end of February or the beginning of March I will have my PC back (I am using my work laptop right now). One of the first things I will do will be to update the front page here and the steam workshop.
  21. Hello, thanks for the help. I rarely use the steam publisher... I recently released Dissension here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1495356230 Today I wanted to push out a small update with bug fixes. I changed nothing but a few script files. Well, upon trying to publish the scenario again - to update it - it want's me to completely re-upload the scenario as a new workshop item. As seen here: https://imgur.com/a/KpNgy6z https://imgur.com/a/1HILMfl You can see that I have actually published the mission here: https://imgur.com/a/u83xGzK But it politely reminds me that I can't edit it there - only in-game. ONLY IF IT WORKED >:| I feel like I am missing something...isn't the point of the steam workshop to allow me to update the mission without having to constantly delete the old mission and re-upload it to steam? Is there a way I can simply update the scenario without having to delete the old scenario? Thanks again EDIT: I went ahead and deleted the old mission and just uploaded a new one. The new one does populate in the EDEN editor properly for updates. Just disappointing seeing as my old mission file had at least 1000 subs already. Oh well, happens I suppose.
  22. Those are the script versions only, unfortunately. You would have to install them into a mission manually.
  23. genesis92x

    BIS Dynamic Groups doesn't work.

    Just out of curiosity, just place this in the init.sqf and see if it works for you then. sleep 1; if (isServer) then {["Initialize"] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups;}; if (hasInterface) then {["InitializePlayer", [player]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups;};
  24. Correct. Any AI on the server will have Vcom running. Hrm, possibly. We will be fleshing out and polishing Vcom with the next update, this should add more options and bug fixes.