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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. papanowel

    Wasteland glitch food and menu

    Wasteland issue belongs to the wasteland mission thread ;)
  2. papanowel

    WIP British Infantry

    Very nice indeed, it's coming along nicely :)
  3. Did you read the last few sitrep? I guess, no. http://beta.arma3.com/sitrep-00021
  4. papanowel

    SOC WIP Thread

    Did you read the bottom of the first post? :)
  5. There is already a thread about ACRE mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149946-A-C-R-E-Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment-for-Arma-3
  6. What we are doing with this problem, it's letting first the admin to completly launch the mission and then the other players are joining it. It's still crashing even whit this but at least, only one person has to restart his game...
  7. papanowel

    ADuke's OH58D Pack

    Good news, we will see this beast again :)
  8. Exactly the same trouble with our dedi. The only solution right now, it's one player start the mission and then the other have to join after the start.
  9. papanowel

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I made a ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13518 Edit: problem solved with the last dev patch.
  10. Strange that's working for you. As I said, I don't run any mods.
  11. Ok, I made a ticket about the AI issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13518
  12. Always happening when AI (not vehicle) are set on "safe" and "limited speed". Can you guys try and tell me if you also have this trouble?
  13. Ai with cycle waypoints seems to be broken, they do not move at all anymore. Do you guys have this trouble?
  14. This is not civilian vehicle but FIA 4x4.
  15. No problem at all on my side with the launcher and the game in dev branch, that's why it's strange.
  16. I can't read the error, it's too small. Have you check in the "expansion" menu if everything is disabled (from the game interface)?
  17. Strange problem, we never have these problem. Some of us are using either the dev or default branch.
  18. papanowel

    FN FAL from Arma 2

    Nice model, I hope you will be able to fix those hand animation problem.
  19. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I was there yesterday ;)
  20. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I can definitely say that not all the buildings are enterable.
  21. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I didn't have the time to see a lot unfortunately but I could easily say the old windmill that we already saw in the last bunch of pictures are very nice (near Mirina). In the north of Mirina, there is a nice hill were you can see everything around! The stadium is under construction , you can see a lot of thing near and on the pitch. The dry lake is nicely done maybe a bit to brown from what I saw. Ivan also show me a big rocks next to a big town (maybe Mirina, not sure). I also saw a lot of small airfield place where you can easily land/take off with a small plane. At least there is one Hospital where you can land your chopper on the roof top (not entirely open, like A2). Altis will be the place to be in the next few months.
  22. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Both are independent. (We are going off topic)
  23. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    No, sorry, I was more looking at some independent side :o
  24. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This one I guess: http://www.gamestar.de/videos/gamescom-2013,95/arma-3,71557.html