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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Do you have ArmA2: Combined Operations (It has both ArmA2 and ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead) or do you have only one of the two? That could be part of the problem?
  2. SigintArmA

    Iranian Forces Mod

    It looks like a un-textured rabbit. Possibly used in place on the LOD that isn't present or something. o.O Least it looks like a rabbit to me.
  3. Well, The M24A2 has a 10 round detachable Magazine, a barrel worked to accept a sound suppressor, rails on the top and sides. Then the M24A3 is chambered for the .338 with a 5 round detachable magazine with detachable backup sights. So in truth, the A2/A3 models are rather different to the vanilla one provided in game. And sorry if this is vague sounding info. It's from information I looked up within 5 minutes.
  4. Happy new year! Wish you guys luck and bug free stuff =D
  5. SigintArmA

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    I think he's circling a bit of red that's in the image, that oddly doesn't seem present in the original version of it lol
  6. Well, if I recall the mod will be finished 'When it's done'. Not to sound like an ass xD But that's what it's been in the past pages. Hehe
  7. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    It keeps people from going rambo in a helo and jumping out when they get too damaged and act like they're Delta Force or something. I like it personally because it is keeping air assets at base because people don't like losing their .50 cal or dropping their M240/Jav combo to take on everyone in town after they bail out in mid air or something lol keeps pilots dedicated and adds for more action when one does get shot down. -Nod-
  8. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Was it on a server or single play? I think when it's in MP there seems to be some sort of lag for it and it'll still get you. Reason you never go there :P Even when you think it's safe XD
  9. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.12

    @Fruity_Rudy If I recall correctly it's something like \subfolder\script.sqf to call the script since it'd already know to look in the missions main folder. But any experts XD Please happily correct me if I'm wrong hehe
  10. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8964 They are the same model as the MGS4 PMCs from your first link :P Hehe hope that helps a bit ^_^;
  11. The last few pictures remind me of Jurassic Park o.O Lol and doesn't look like any island I know. Is this coming up to be new islands all together or objects placed on a pre-released island? O.o
  12. The PMC faces from the PMCLite patch added quite a few Asian faces. The key would just be to Config the units to only use a certain set of selections and choose'm randomly... I think. I have no idea but I know there are Asian faces.
  13. The ACEX_RU/ACEX_Navy is meant to work with Combined Operations (ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA) and OA is a Stand Alone AND an expansion for ArmA2. I don't know how it works with Steam but you can ask someone who does on how to get Combined Ops to run since I've heard there can be trouble if someone doesn't set it up right when Installing OA
  14. The top appears with a bipod and appears to be intended for more static fire. The lower one looks like a single infantryman is intended to use it in some sort of Blitz tactic and is more man portable... least that's what I can tell. The point of view on the bottom one throws off the fact is a different variant.
  15. SigintArmA

    Project RACS

    Also, depending on what settings you use to test out units/weapons because depending on the setting, the AI (Both friendly and enemy) vary. It's a safe bet to go into difficulty settings and change both AI abilities to the same (Friendly and Enemy AI as they're named I recall) then set yourself and an INFOR or Civi that is friendly to no one and watch them battle it out, you may run into (Somewhat) more accurate results. Then the two fighting forces will be fighting it out on a more level playing field then being the commander of a force on either side. Can use RL info to say 'X' tank is better but as it being a game right now (And not having a set line of how anything should actually be modeled), it's best to assume the player's side will always come out on top, if not most of the time.
  16. SigintArmA

    Fallujah 1.2

    If I recall Fallujah doesn't support the Civilian module due to it not having defined 'City Centers' or something to that effect. Think it says it somewhere near the beginning of the thread haha
  17. Good to see an update so quickly ^_^ And always happy to have helped out, no matter how minor my aid is XD
  18. Really neat script! But it seems there is a bug or a turn around in words in a couple places. Your radio says 12 Rounds, Spread 5, as when the arty reports back saying 5 Rounds, impact ETA then 5 Rounds. Which the Artillery is correct, save for when your radio calls for it backward. And I may not entirely know how artillery works but as the rounds begin to land Artillery calls 'Shot Out' which was said when they complete firing their rounds and 'Splash Out' when they are supposed to land. (Though I am taking this off from what I see in ArmA2s standard Arty orders and how they work. Haven't dealt with Real life arty) But other then those two little things! It works great! ^_^ And those little mix ups are easily forgettable. -Edit- I am assuming the script is to work for ArmA2 maps only where the 000/000 Cords are in the top left. I figure this because of the fact after testing on any maps from OA that the 000/000 cords are in the bottom left, making the artillery fall off the map. One could move the marker to the top but then it would be hard to convert the numbers to guess where the rounds actually would fall.
  19. Odd, are you running ACE2 with I44? That used to be the problem with me then I found out it was ACE2 causing it.
  20. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Well from the 'ver 1.59' you state, I only can assume it's that you don't have Combined Operations updated to version 1.59? But to run a recent version you would already of had to be at 1.59... hrm maybe check to see if you are updated to 1.59 for Combined Ops?
  21. SigintArmA

    Project RACS

    The update is looking nice man ^_^ Good work and looking forward to the update in the future! =D Also, I was wondering if it was possible to have an updated download link to the classlists? I finally got time to begin working with the units and the link in the first post is outdated.
  22. Huh odd then because when I place'm they always fly straight o.O toward their destination when I add the waypoint XD
  23. Hrm, what altitude might I ask? It sounds like a dumb question since it's a mass paradrop but AI seem to bug out and go crazy above certain heights. If I recall it's 1000 or 5000 (I don't remember Lol) that AI aircraft are thrown for a ride and take insane routes to go one single mile in a straight line.
  24. SigintArmA

    Multi-optics support?

    And in any case, if you have practice with your optics in real life you'd know how you sights react when attaching and removing them so you'd have a sense of where it'll be. It's not gonna throw it off to where you aim for center body mass and it flings the round 50 yards to the left lol it'll still hit what you're aiming at in CQB. It's just the higher focus optics that will take a bigger hit but as long as you're not throwing your sights into a wall it should be fine. You'll still hit within your zero. You wouldn't be swapping a Red Dot for Leupold in the field in real life anyway. It's what a dedicated rifle is for, or that weapon system that you can change the barrel/sights in the field if need be. But even then you'd need to be set up and in a hide and able to adjust the zero of the long range scope for the area you're shooting in. So for CQB sights that hit medium range, swapping shouldn't be a real killer unless you drop your sights a lot. Long range sights... just get a dedicated marksmen to carry the rifle. Lol