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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. SigintArmA

    RQ-11 Raven A

    As stated in above posts, the backpack is "MAV_RAVEN_BACKPACK". And Vanilla ArmA2 units (USMC/CDF/Russians) Don't come with a backpack proxy/option. You can't even use OA backpacks (From the US Army or Takistan Army) on the older units. It's a limitation for the older units that sadly, he may not be able to get around. :/ But, he's a genius so who knows
  2. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    You mean GAL colonel stagler? :P Hehe Looking good IceBreakr! It'll be fun as heck to start towing around with the units and seeing what kinds of missions can be made on the wonderful island!
  3. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I think he assumed the M2 because you said CSW (Which is a Crew Served Weapon. Which the M2 Is) But I'm sure you're talking about the 240 that can be deployed on that mini-tripod?
  4. SigintArmA

    Diving Under Water

    I think he asked for everything minus the kitchen sink o.O
  5. Yeah, it's showing version 1.51 and not 1.6. Get the patch from Günter Severloh's link and you should be able to start it.
  6. If I recall, BAF Lite doesn't come with the Campaign. Are you sure your ArmA2 OA is up to date and patched to 1.6? BAF Lite should be there if you are up to date o.O
  7. SigintArmA

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    The 'jumping' I think is more from the ground being rough and how the AI likes to make those mirco adjustments to stay in a line as he taxis. It all looks like it adds up to it bouncing around lol that's my opinion though XD
  8. Am I the only one who opened the thread on that post, saw that face and screamed like a little girl dropping their water? >_> That thing scared the crap outta me XD Looks good though
  9. Necramonium, on your regular addon set, do you have a custom set of glasses on your character in player profile from another mod? Like glasses or a mask or helmet or headset? BEcause that's what it sounds like the 'Glasses' error appears to be... sadly I can't answer the rest of your question about the mod D:
  10. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    More shrapnel?! Oh my, I think Mr. Shrapnel would be proud that people actually have to hide behind cover when detonating now instead of just going 50+ meters away lol
  11. SigintArmA

    Project CDF

    So I'm guessing no? O_o
  12. @KKrzy, are you using Combined Ops though? You may have both ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA, but you may not be running it as Combined Ops. Are you using Steam? When you load into the main menu after starting OA, what ArmA2 logos are at the bottom left? By what you said, you're only launching Operation Arrowhead, which isn't enough to run it since ArmA2 content is needed.
  13. SigintArmA

    Project CDF

    @TheOmegaX - PRSZ = People's Republic of South Zagoria
  14. Thanks for the info. I'll try it out then. Kinda questioning the new three folder system, but eh. I guess it's to make things easier for those with TOH I guess.
  15. Just a question, but what would the load order for the three CBA folders be now? @CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA or what?
  16. I have to say, the quality shown in this makes me hope that ArmA3 will come to this standard of spacial sound simulation as Jocko-Flocko put it. IT would be awkward to use this after release, then go into ArmA3 and have it sounding dull all over again. Haha Hopefully with such a breakthrough, BIS will get an idea of what to add to ArmA3 (IF that don't already plan to.)
  17. That footage looks great. Now I have an urge to try a little PvP like that when I get time again xD But I like how you can accidentally set off your own IED by walking over it. Is there another possible chance, a slim, that it will detonate -AS- you set it up?
  18. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Usually when in Safe mode, they treat their movement as if they don't need to go anywhere fast. It may be best to leave them in 'Aware' so they can keep up with you while maintaining a calm stance, but are attentive of their surroundings. Though that's just me. o: Others may have other ideas of what to do
  19. SigintArmA

    Interaction Scripts

    @Feint - Think that's part of ACRE, that lowers the ACRE volume.
  20. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    It could be an extra in one of the seemingly many addons you seem to have loaded at the same time? Lol Because I've never seen a banana in there before lol
  21. I have a question to other's playing with I44, does the P08 Luger's iron sights lower than the actual point of impact? (Almost a full meter at a distance)
  22. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Vanilla missions/campaign that weren't made with ACE2 are -NOT- compatible and will have bugs. (IE vanilla missions/campaigns that came with the game) Not to sound mean XD
  23. If you're talking about the Harrier VTOL not being able to lift off straight up, it's because in real life they can't when fully loaded with weapons and fuel, if I recall correctly. I don't know about the F-35 in game and how realistic it is compared to the real one. Lol
  24. SigintArmA

    Diving Under Water

    Shooting underwater would result in nothing Hehe the bullet would stop within at least one meter I believe. Though xD I'm sure you're joking.
  25. SigintArmA

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Mmm, I personally don't believe all modders do things too fast. I believe people expect instant results with a perfect addon within the time frame on 'Now' hehe. But aye, guys. Take your time :P It's your baby so do what you guys feel is needed.