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Everything posted by Nikander

  1. Hi SpaydCBR, if you have Arsenal ammobox named "ammobox" with whitelisted items in place, why not launch Arsenal from onPlayerRespawn.sqf: ["Open",[nil, ammobox, player]] call BIS_fnc_Arsenal; This way players get to choose their gear only upon respawn, so they cannot drop weapons to anyone unless of course they commit suicide and respawn yet again. You may have to add respawnOnStart in your description.ext to make this work the way you want to. Just an idea, Nikander
  2. Nikander

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    Fixed this issue with revised version v0.59, changelog updated. Arma 3 known issues mention desync and bandwidth problems but needs more playtesting still. Press "U" once - menu activated on release. Default BIS Dynamic Groups function. Thanks for your help, Nikander
  3. Unfortunately, yes. I tried every combination of description.ext templates and Eden options until I finally gave up on respawn position window. Nikander
  4. Try and leave out "MenuPosition", that worked for me with exactly the same error message you got. Nikander
  5. Nikander

    Disable "team switch" after TeamKilling.

    Hi Languedoc, loosing immersion because of teamkilling is really a drag. Try using allowDamage, unless of course actually killing someone in your own team is what you're after (?) Nikander
  6. Well, never mind, if you "think" you didn't edit anything... Nikander
  7. Frustration with the many bugs setting in here too, but until they get fixed add this to your description.ext and clear the 'Revive' option in Eden. respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive"}; Hope this helps, Nikander
  8. Hi gman2900, I've seen the same thing happen with my vanilla Eden-edited mission and would like to know did you edit using Eden ? Are you by any chance using the garbage collector option in there ? Nikander
  9. Nikander

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    Hi lukio and thanks for the feedback ! The only thing that is intended to be done to win over a sector is to seek and destroy one and only one main target in each. When you destroy the main objective you should get a notification message saying the grid is clear and its' color should change to blue. At this point also the time when enemy takes the next area is delayed by half of the preset expansion time. If you destroyed a Zamak fuel truck and didn't see the message, then that is clearly a bug - So far I haven't witnessed this in my own testing. I have also noticed the invulnerability and shooting blanks issue and I'm going to fix this. I'm getting strange error report entries, so I was thinking this might relate to those but this needs more investigating. Thank you for reporting this. I have enabled the garbage collector option in Eden editor and that logs another error that I'd rather not like to see. I didn't actually test thoroughly to see if the bodies were actually removed, but with you reporting they don't, I believe the option is bugged - I'm going to try and come up with a workaround for this. Helicopters obviously should not be removed instantly after landing, but instead when no player is closer than 1000 m or if they are severely damaged - I will double-check my BIS respawn module settings. Roadside IEDs should not appear with that many numbers - I will tweak that to next version. Pilots leaving the pickup helicopter to player is indeed intended behavior. I am planning to have them take a passenger seat right after landing but this will have to wait for some later version. Group menu is using the BIS Dynamic Groups feature, could you tell me more about your findings with this ? Thanks in advance, Nikander
  10. Hi, I am getting similar errors while hosting a LAN session. Some weird AI behavior occurring at the same time, not sure if these are related. Nikander
  11. Hi willithappen, I too found out about this with 'GetInMan' eventhandler just yesterday. It's probably just another thing that went wrong with the latest BIS update :( Nikander
  12. Nikander

    'AddNoneButRespawned' error

    I found out this error can be reproduced by setting 'Garbage Collection' options in 3den editor 'Attributes' menu. Nikander
  13. Hello fellow armaholics ! I'm getting this error in RPT when I go to try out my MP mission in Main Menu > Multiplayer > New > Host LAN > Create game > Lobby Anyone else having the same error ? (Google and forums search say not) Done some digging, but still puzzled where all this appeard from: 22:03:56 File A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport01.Altis\mission.sqm, line 93: '/Mission/Intel.overviewText': Missing ';' at the end of line 22:03:56 File A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport02.Altis\mission.sqm, line 76: '/Mission/Intel.overviewText': Missing ';' at the end of line 22:03:56 File A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport03.Altis\mission.sqm, line 78: '/Mission/Intel.overviewText': Missing ';' at the end of line 22:03:56 File A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport04.Altis\mission.sqm, line 82: '/Mission/Intel.overviewText': Missing ';' at the end of line 22:03:56 A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport04.Altis: string @STR_A3_MP_GS_SC_04_Overview_text cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable 22:03:56 File A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport05.Stratis\mission.sqm, line 85: '/Mission/Intel.overviewText': Missing ';' at the end of line 22:04:11 Bad conversion: scalar 22:04:11 Bad conversion: scalar 22:04:16 Global namespace not passed during: AddNoneButRespawned 22:04:16 Global namespace not passed during: AddNoneButRespawned 22:04:16 Error in expression <AddNoneButRespawned> 22:04:16 Error position: <AddNoneButRespawned> 22:04:16 Error Local variable in global space Funny thing here is, my mission is not any of 'A3\Missions F Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupportXX.Stratis', but I still get these errors reported when I'm in the LAN lobby of my 3den edited mission ... and no, I am not using (deliberately) any variable or function named 'AddNoneButRespawned' anywhere in my mission. Thanks in advance, Nikander
  14. Nikander

    Copy Behaviour of Script

    Hello, I suppose you could accomplish this with the RopeBreak eventhandler Nikander
  15. Hello ViseVersa, have you tried isFlatEmpty ? Nikander
  16. Nikander

    'AddNoneButRespawned' error

    Thanks for the reply ! Still the best gaming community there is. Nikander
  17. Nikander

    How does scheduling work?

    Hi pedeathtrian, have a look at what Killzonekid writes in one of his excellent blog tutorials, maybe this helps further your research: Arma Scripting Tutorials: .SQF, .SQS And Script Scheduler Nikander
  18. I have the same issues as you, even after the latest hotfix today. I am running version 1.56.134787 Nikander
  19. Nikander

    BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle - broken

    So glad it was not just me, because I noticed my mission doesn't randomize very well anymore using BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle. The list of broken features since 1.56 update is getting longer day-by-day. Nikander
  20. Operation Vigilance was having issues with Arma 3 update 1.56 specifically on dedicated server, so changes applied until things change again :) Update v0.52 released, changelog: Added: GrumpyRhino's Huey Pack mod support Fixed: Revive failed Fixed: Camp Sarge ambient sounds missing Fixed: Enemy attacks to Camp Sarge missing Tweak: Respawn location menu removed Tweak: Respawn tent workaround applied Nikander
  21. To all "Nam Nuts" out there, here is my seek-and-destroy MP mission for the recently released UNSUNG mod: Operation Vigilance Nikander
  22. Hi dachs, without commenting your script, please notice that there's an issue related with triggers on dedicated server. I suggest you wait for the next patch before scratching your head too much :) Nikander
  23. Nikander

    Trigger broken for dedicated server?

    Yes, easy to reproduce and confirmed this behavior with dedicated server after 1.56 update. I suspect this is related to player object locality, because the respawn tent functionality appears to be broken as well on dedicated server. Nikander
  24. Thanks for shedding some light on what happens behind-the-scenes, interesting read for sure. I've always been somewhat fascinated about modding in general, but never really took the time to try and get into it. A Good read this, not sure I want to get into any of that anymore :lol: . I admire your long lasting dedication and enthusiasm towards Arma and want to Thank You for contributing to fellow gamers. Nikander
  25. Mission update version 0.5 released, here's the changelog: Added: Special operations 'Antenna Raid' for sergeant rank Added: Arsenal bonus weapons and items for each rank Added: Mission map icons option Added: More ambient sounds, lights and bunker life Added: Instant achievement notification upon rank promotion Fixed: Arma 3 main menu difficulty had no effect on AI skill Tweak: Lobby skill parameter affects enemy attack waves on HQ Have fun ! Nikander