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Everything posted by Gekkibi

  1. Can't get it to work, using the dev build. I put it to init.sqf + added [player] call hyp_fnc_traceFire; I have "clear lines" in the action menu, but nothing happens when I fire the weapon. Problems with the dev build, or with my graphics settings? Edit: Nevermind... After restarting Arma, everything is working...
  2. It's weekend. I know at least some of the devs are dedicated, but... ;)
  3. It doesn't matter whether you use execVM or copypaste this directly to init.sqf. Whatever rocks the users boat. :)
  4. Are you disappointed that sandbags are the worst kind of obstacle for tracked vehicles? Me too. Worry not, you can fix it by using this tiny script in your missions. Not tested in multiplayer, so feedback (and suggestions & insults) is welcome, as usual. This is a hotfix until BI fixes this. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script: GKB_physXCollision Author: Gekkibi Terms for copying, distribution and modification: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Description: Allows tracked vehicles to drive over sandbags. Script will delete the sandbag if the collision force is big enough. All the tracked vehicles in the mission are affected. Parameters: No parameters Returns: Nil Example: No example needed. Execute the script from init.sqf. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (_x isKindOf "Tank_F") then { _x addEventHandler [ "EpeContactStart", { if ((_this select 1) isKindOf "BagFence_base_F") then { if (_this select 4 > 500) then { deleteVehicle (_this select 1); _this select 0 setVelocity [ velocity (_this select 0) select 0, velocity (_this select 0) select 1, 2 + (velocity (_this select 0) select 2) ]; }; }; } ]; }; } forEach vehicles;
  5. There's already a ticket for it. Can't repro. No problems after landing (landed to the intl airport). Everything was normal.
  6. Gekkibi

    Array, set, do for...

    Going to halt reading and ask: was this a direct copypaste? / instead of // Did you use -showScriptErrors when you launched Arma 3? Edit: shouldn't have stopped. You asked that in the end. It's -showScriptErrors :)
  7. I noticed this with Strider (unarmed). When I loaded the mission 2nd time I was unable to reproduce. Shift lets you run, it's not causing the odd view any longer.
  8. Almost forgot to check this... Still can't move ZSU TC periscope.
  9. Nope, it's a new bug. As a side note, I still don't understand why it's not possible to name the groups so that the group name is visible in the lobby. IIRC setGroupID worked that way in OFP... Going to check if there's a ticket about this... Edit: nope, couldn't find: 0014751: Renaming of groups - should be visible in the MP lobby </offtopic>
  10. The classname for the weapon is "missiles_SCALPEL". Edit: Damn, ninja'd... ;)
  11. Skalpel ATGM is not a rocket. Try to create a laser marker where the CSW is located... PS. What helicopter are you using?
  12. It indeed seems the game is more optimized now. Still a lot to do, but right now it almost looks like it's ready for release... :P
  13. As far as I know, that's an intended feature. It gives you time to do team switching. However, what I noticed today was that after I team switched and my original player character received damage, I got blood splatter all over my screen, even when I player completely different character. Is this reported already?
  14. You'd have to check which turret it is first, assignedVehicleRole.
  15. Try using the same method I used with GKB_fnc_randomAAFire: _unit doWatch _direction; _unit fire (_unit weaponsTurret [0] select 0); (use your static object instead of position [_direction in my example] when using doWatch) Not sure if it works with helicopters, and unfortunately can't test this right now...
  16. Why do you need to destroy the tower when you can use condition (8th parameter, probably "damage tower < 0.5") in addAction? Do you just want to remove the action in the action menu, or do you really have to delete the rubble?
  17. Crewmembers not able to turn out on some vehicles? Maybe it's finished, but isn't working properly. But what about the half-finished encumbrance? We have some bits & peaces already in the game, but it's half-finished.
  18. I have some real urges to say something silly and funny right now, but I try my best not to do so... ;)
  19. ...And a script unlocks the cargo seats after the ramp is closed... *drool*
  20. Gekkibi

    Random AA Fire script

    That's probably because I publicly shared only a handful of scripts/missions, I have made them since OFP 1.0. I take requests and provide missions / scripts / help as needed for teams and groups, privately.
  21. "Player tank driver can turn out, while commander is turned in" YES! ALL IN CAPS! BIS, thank you! You just gave me something I have waited since OFP days! (I hope this still works in multiplayer as well)
  22. Could this be the case with jet HUD as well? Can't see s*** during default date settings when it's night...
  23. The main engine don't have to be running in tanks. I don't know why BIS makes it that the engine automatically turns on when the turret is turned. Oh well, ACE will fix this (assuming there's going to be ACE 3 in the first place)
  24. Mark my word, the sunken city mentioned in the loading screens must be R'lyeh... There's no other explanation for this sorcery!