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Everything posted by Imperator[TFD]

  1. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Would also be nice if the OpFor uniform(black) was actually black to match the Assassin(black) helmet.
  2. Imperator[TFD]

    [JTAC]_explosives attachTo

    Just had a quick play around and I love what I see. The only issue I have is that when planting Claymores you cannot choose their direction. There also appears to be a pen object under every mine/charge set.
  3. Imperator[TFD]

    Cant give waypoints to UAV...why ?

    Shift click to place first way point. Ctrl click to place additional.
  4. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    keyUavViewToggle[]={21}; Is this the new key to toggle the UAV lock camera? If my quick search is right it should be "Z"? Currently the UAV camera changes jumps far far too much for it to be useful. It's like the camera is snapping to objects on the ground and makes panning for targets or trying to look at a specific object/terrain feature a real pain. Having said that, once you're actually looking at what you want to the camera is incredibly stable which is nice. Keep up the good work.
  5. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Loving the new inclusion of ATL in the aircraft HUD. Any chance we could see the full Angle of Attack range for both the Wipeout (has nothing at all in Dev) and the Neophron (only goes to +\- 15 degrees). The Buzzard has the full range. Also, IND Diver (Explosive Specialist) has no ammo for either primary or secondary weapon.
  6. Imperator[TFD]

    Third person mode & realism

    The T100 is the only MBT in which the driver can turn-out. 3rd person eliminates the effects of supression against a player whether playing against humans or AI and is the principle reason I play my serious coop sessions in 1st person. Also, the example of not knowing if ypu have a launcher on your back was terrible. In my opinion one of the best features of the Arma game has always been the ability for a player to independently move their characters head by using the Alt key or track-ir style set up.
  7. Imperator[TFD]

    Safe altitude?

    whats the detection range for infantry when theyve got a uav above their head??
  8. Imperator[TFD]

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    Was just testing this with someone while hosting locally. 1: When a player who is incapacitated is shot again funky things happen with ragdoll. 2: Does reviving someone with the medikit consume the medikit? 3: Tried loading a player into the vehicle, the player did not load however the option to unload him from the vehicle appeared in it's add-action menu.
  9. Imperator[TFD]

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    G'day Grimes, Quickly tested this lightweight script and it seems promising however there were some slight issues with ragdoll and returning a revived unit to its correct "alive" state of animation. Resulted in a 'dead' player on one screen sliding around while on that player's screen he was alive and well. Secondly, any plans to implement a "bleed-out" element to the script? An example would be a scenario where only medics can revive a player with a medikit however any player with a FAQ can at least stop the timer from ticking away.
  10. The CH 53 is not solely used by the USMC. Id love to see Boings quad tiltrotor in game which would give NATO both a heavy rotor and a heavy transport aircraft in lieu of the C130. However i doubt that would really factor in sling loading which seems to be a key component of the proposed DLC.
  11. Imperator[TFD]

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    Keewa, Is it possible to have the following two items added to the latest version of the mod (I can't seem to find them if they are already in there): "Land_PortableLight_double_F" "Land_PortableLight_single_F" It would be greatly appreciated as these add wonderful ambivalence to night time missions.
  12. Imperator[TFD]

    SUVs are STUPID fragile

    I agree on the exploding cars point. As for the tyres, I believe that's more of an engine limitation.
  13. Imperator[TFD]

    SUVs are STUPID fragile

    Have any of you ever actually run over a star-picket wire fence pole in a car before? I have, while bush-bashing, and it was not pretty. These are civilian SUVs that look more like luxury spec models than any sought of off-road vehicle. To expect it to hold up when tearing around the dirt country side is pretty darn naive. Damaging car suspension/drivetrain components is very very easy to do in real life.
  14. Imperator[TFD]

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    Thread topic: Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs. That's about as on topic as you get.
  15. Imperator[TFD]

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    Okay so this is what I confirmed last night via MP testing: The independent faction cannot be used to laser designate a target for either its own faction or for anyone else. This includes the following methods: Hand held laser designator Strider commanders seat SDV gunners seat Darter UAV Kabil UAV Hand thrown IR grenades - regardless of which teams IR grenade it is. The target does appear however it either appears as neutral (grey square) or as a friendly in some instances. This means that the target cannot be locked on to via the Next Target key and instead must be locked onto via the Lock and Zoom key when looking directly at the target, a fair challenge when 4000m away. :) I will update my ticket on the tracker later when i get home.
  16. Imperator[TFD]

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    Okay so further testing reveals that the Independent faction cannot mark targets using any sort of marking device including the following: Darter Kabil IR grenade Strider Hand held laser designator I have not yet tested the SDV. Do also keep in mind that the Buzzard can still lock onto laser targets created by Opfor and Blufor. I'll continue testing. nice videos Neptune, always good to see CAS pilots who have even a ballpark idea on how to conduct CAS properly. It helps boost immersion immensely rather then watching a Wipeout come in at some stupid angle spamming bombs and guns everywhere only to clip a tree after htti g a group of friendlies. Aggrevating to say the least.
  17. Imperator[TFD]

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    I meant to post this reply in this thread regarding lasing targets but accidentally posted it elsewhere: Were you playing on Veteran difficulty? I and a few others have been testing the last two days and have discovered that on veteran the laser target generated by both the laser designator AND IR grenades cannot be tab locked as was the case in previous versions. At this point in time the only way to acquire a lock is to look directly at the target and push the "zoom and lock" key to lock on. I will be doing further testing asap but it also ties in with a feedback issue i have ceated where Independent laser designators present on the two UAVs and the Strider do NOT function correctly. They cannot be locked ontp via any method.
  18. Imperator[TFD]

    Fixed wing weapon systems messed up!

    Were you playing on Veteran difficulty? I and a few others have been testing the last two days and have discovered that on veteran the laser target generated by both the laser designator AND IR grenades cannot be tab locked as was the case in previous versions. At this point in time the only way to acquire a lock is to look directly at the target and push the "zoom and lock" key to lock on. I will be doing further testing asap but it also ties in with a feedback issue i have ceated where Independent laser designators present on the two UAVs and the Strider do NOT function correctly. They cannot be locked ontp via any method.
  19. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I'm loving the new model for the RCWS on top of the new Slammer variant.
  20. Imperator[TFD]

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Damn, I'm stupidly keen to start playing around with them.
  21. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Can anyone point me in the direction to finding the weapon holders in the editor please?
  22. Imperator[TFD]

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Can anyone please point me to the location of the new weaponholders that have been added into the editor?
  23. Imperator[TFD]

    East vs West (OFP inspired mod)

    Yes! I'll be keeping a very close eye on this!
  24. Imperator[TFD]

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    It tells you the server difficulty in the server browser genius.