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Everything posted by Minoza

  1. Wow! That is horrible! Why was it done that way?! This would make sense for bipod, but like this, it just looks silly and can't see the purpose...
  2. Minoza

    Action Menu - must do better

    But community keeps coming with better solutions, isn't it? Or are you not reading the topic? Yeah, it is using a lot of keys, but it isn't using all the combinations out there. We do need action menu, nobody said otherwise, what we don't need in there is the stuff we could easily map on a key combo.
  3. Minoza

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    Couldn't AI use current FM and let players choose which one they want for themselves?
  4. Lets see, doors open when I open them. Is it so weird that I expect to see bipod deploying when I deploy it?
  5. I find visual presentation just as important, otherwise it feels like incomplete feature, or a mod. If done within a game, it should be done right.
  6. I like the idea of being able to jump over obstacle when running, I dislike the idea of being able to jump that high or that far.
  7. Minoza

    Midrange Textures need improvement

    I must have said this at least 10 times now but here we go again... while it looks great on grass populated areas, it still doesn't solve the main issue - same detail texture for every surface = not good.
  8. Maybe introduce hold "F" to show HUD?
  9. Minoza

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Same as alpha. Got decent editor/SP performance but horrible MP performance on various servers and types of missions. My CPU and GPU usage goes down with CPU at around 40-70% on most active core, and GPU around 40-60%.
  10. It's not about weapon model inaccuracy but missing flashlight model attachment, there is only light visible currently, but not where it comes from, it floats in the air and looks weird.
  11. Uhm, lets see... server load? I mean, sorry but seriously, are you not aware of the fact that server load is capable of crippling your frame rate? At that point whatever settings you use, it wont get any better. We all do, some are just unaware of it.
  12. Minoza

    low fps with 7970

    Well, let's start with what view distance are you trying to use?
  13. Minoza

    Switching between red dot and scope.

    I have same spec as you. I recommend starting with auto-detect and work from there as follows. Put ambient occlusion to Standard (it can get quite heavy depending on the scenery), disable ATOC (it gets very heavy on my side), 4x AA, FXAA as you like, I use Ultra, view distance 3500 with object at 2000 (feel free to bump shadows distance to 200, funny thing is I actually get higher framerate as I bump them up). Also, I've set particles to High, smoke grenades tend to half my frame rate even on High but at least it's not a noticeable difference from Very High and it saves few fps. These work great for me. Now, MP performance is another story... it varies from server to server... I often experience low 30s, with drops to low 20s. It's just how it is...
  14. He is referring to the game ban, not the forum one.
  15. Or it could be a hint that everyone perceives smoke grenades influenced by wind the same now. :D
  16. Minoza

    Why isn't Capture the Island more popular?

    Enough to get the idea. Did I mention I don't like that "reward" system either? I mean, reward is completing objective, isn't it? No I don't support idea of "good" players only getting "good" stuff. I support the idea of players preparing for their role and doing it as best as they can, but if that role is unavailable for them only because they are not "good enough" I don't like it. I don't see it as a "fight" to get some role, I see it more like fulfilling the role you took.
  17. Minoza

    Why isn't Capture the Island more popular?

    You're talking about Warfare? Considering it's all about having bunch of AI doing tasks for you, it breaks it for me. Also, it is one of the most unbalanced missions out there, just like it was in Arma 2 as well. I don't like the concept of buying stuff either. On the other side, there's another CTI mission (or is it Hold?) I saw in Beta called Battle for Stratis. Now that is more like it, large scale, balanced game with all assets available from the start. You should definitely try it.
  18. Sorry but I don't see any of those in Arma 3 Alpha/Beta, only the radar part.
  19. Minoza

    3D scopes have a fatal flaw (dev build)

    @RasdenFasden Could you maybe create a ticket with this feature request so that we can vote it up? In short, using collimator effect to achieve scope "shadowing"/misalignment to the eye.
  20. Minoza

    3D scopes have a fatal flaw (dev build)

    Now this is a great idea! It could even have a gameplay purpose, not just visual. Currently you can move scope around as fast and as much as you want and you can always pin point a target in a matter of few milliseconds. This method could be used to introduce recovery time when sniping, meaning it will take a sec or two to align optics so that you can shoot. The bigger the scope and heavier the weapon, the harder to align, it would basically solve the issue with everyone preferring sniper over an assault rifle.
  21. Minoza

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    Wait wait what?! What is the difference between current vehicle counterparts anyways? You operate them all in the same way... I'd be fine if both sides used same vehicle for the starter. I don't just want 3d interiors, I want functional 3d interiors, which would make those vehicles different to operate, thus giving feeling of variety and challenge. As it is currently, it really doesn't make any difference, they all feel the same but time was spent to make them appear different on visual side, why? In the end, we have double the time invested into making them while they feel and operate the same, is that logical to you?
  22. Minoza

    Switching weapons

    +1 voted.
  23. Minoza

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    We all know where... Seriously, I am more than disappointed if that's true, I really expected more. All the stuff I was hopping it would finally get fixed for Arma 3 is still there, broken or non existent, stuff that's bugging the game from Arma 1 era, probably even OFP era, but I can't say for sure because I haven't played OFP. Lack of important gameplay features, and features that aren't that important at all but still being implemented... I hate it to admit, but FM is worse than in we all know which game.
  24. What's the point of having them in your inventory in the middle of the day anyways? If I have them in my inventory, then they add to the weight anyways.