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Everything posted by JojoTheSlayer

  1. JojoTheSlayer

    Using AutoHotKey with ACRE2

    I know this thread isnt that new, but I had a similar issue myself back in the day with DXTory and recording multiple PTT keys. I adapted the way I use it to your script and you can try that and see if it works for you. It will most likely work and it will remove the ddddd issue you show in your gif. ; Record Push to Talk. $XButton2:: SetKeyDelay 100 Send, {NumpadDiv down} ;Sleep 100 Send, {XButton2 down} KeyWait XButton2 Send, {NumpadDiv up} ;Sleep 100 Send, {XButton2 up} Return ; Recording Push to Talk via ACRE. $CapsLock:: SetKeyDelay 100 SetCapsLockState, on Send, {NumpadDiv down} ;Sleep 100 Send, {CapsLock down} KeyWait CapsLock Send, {NumpadDiv up} ;Sleep 100 Send, {CapsLock up} SetCapsLockState, off Return Both Sleep times are disabled, but turning them on might be an idea if you at times have issues with hotmicing because one of the buttons didnt trigger up or down correctly. You also do not need the #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% stuff with this above. Bonus tip I put in all my control overlay scripts: ; Script on/off. $PrintScreen:: Suspend,Toggle SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Speech On.wav return
  2. JojoTheSlayer

    Why do so many have a problem with thermals?

    Only thing that jumped out at me with the new Apex night/thermal visions is that the nightvision part is wrong. Because the reason you have the mid circle view on the old nighvision googles (OpFlash to A2). Is because they were two eye pieces going into one camera lens like the image, but the new Apex googles and A3 for that matter have two eye pieces AND two lenses. Which would change the smallish center O view from the users point of view.
  3. What: Controls_Command_Select all units. Bug: Does not always select all units. Happens: Always under given conditions. How to reproduce: Put down a squad of AI under your command. Put them into two color teams. Tell each fire team to move to a given position. Press select all. It works. Now tell one of the team to return to formation. The text "waiting" under that team will now go away. Under this condition. Where one team has no text box under and others do. The Select all units will ALWAYS select the team or teams with no text box under first and then on the second press select the rest as well. Additional info: I knew I came over this bug a while back in A2 making the voice command profile and its also why I in some post on bug tracker pointed out WHY removing "Command mode" (aka; keyForceCommandingMode[]={57}; from Arma 2/3) and only leaving "Select all units" (aka, keySelectAll[]={xx}; ) was a mistake because the control keybinding "Command mode" was removed in preference to "Select all units". Why they dont operate the same, I dont know, but this issue made "select all units" unusable for voice profiles, which I think is the redeeming factor of that commanding system so I hope you guys address this issue. Possible fix: keyForceCommandingMode is still in the game just not in the ingame controls keybinding and could be swapped and fix this issue instantly. Image showing the issue after one press of "Select all units" button: http://i.imgur.com/vsRcuHz.jpg?1 Image showing the older "Commanding mode" button in a earlier version of A3 before changes: http://i.imgur.com/5FVd3uT.jpg?1 ----------------------------------------- Extra extrapolation: :) Actually on second thought. I think I do KNOW why the game had both "select all units" AND "(force) Commanding Mode". Now, I am not going to state I know more than you guys making the game, but I think this knowledge might have been lost along the way. In Operation Flashpoint up to A2 you had "select all unit" on tidle and "(force) commanding mode" on spacebar. The reason they didnt operate the same is because they were not intended to do so, but be used overlapping for different tasks. Example: You divide your team in two, red and blue. You put down a WayPoint on the map (hold shift+left click) and tell blue to move to next waypoint. Now, red will still be following you while blue went into a classic over watch cover fire position and have the "waiting" or similar text under. So it would be logically to assume the next time you wanted to give a fire team order. It would be to red team following you into action attacking the objective. So "select all units" had this extra function that it would then, first, only select the troops following you. If you wanted to select all regardless you would use the "force" key, spacebar, instead and that would override this feature. So I assume the person that removed "Commanding Mode" from the keybinding was not aware of this. If this is correct, it technically means the "bug" is not a bug, but the issue described above should be addressed because lacking the "Command mode" key has more negatives the vice versa.
  4. JojoTheSlayer

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    First a minor tip. I would use _x doWatch objNull; instead of commandWatch because it prevents the Ai leader or Player saying "2 no target, 3 no target, 4 cancel target" etc for every freaking unit individually under hes command. Secondly on the freezing seems to happen if the Ai knows about a enemy, has target him and then is told to ignore it watch something else and leave. Its like the processes just stops hangs or something. I get the impression it has something to do with the "target list". If there isnt anything in the target list it might not happen. So maybe having an ability to "flush it" might indirectly fix the issue. Flushing the list would also remove the autodanger effect. As in opposed to manually turning it off via commands. Basically whenever a unit leaves autodanger and goes back to normal it is ALWAYS at the same time as the target list becomes empty. Reproduce. Have some normal units under your command and have them be invulnerable. Run into enemies while being in aware, escape without using any script commands etc. Once in a safe place, while Ai in autodanger, check the target list. It will have targets. Speed up time until the units auto leaves autodanger and check target list again. It will be empty.
  5. JojoTheSlayer

    Ideal setting for an Arma game.

    I am fine with cold war, current, near future or other to some extent, BUT as long as this is supposed to be a mil sim it has to be done right in regards to realism aspects. What Arma 3 failed hard on in regards to modern tech was that they assumed, wrongly, it would be okay to have two opposing factions using the same weapons manufacturers. Would never happen with a East vs West scenario in real life. So them in A3 having the same gun turrets etc on some vehicles, specially the artillery. Was ridicules. To put a practical example from real life to state why it wouldnt. Back in 1982 the Falklands war happened between Argentine and the UK. A very important aspect to this conflict was that Argentine was getting weapons that, at the time, had strategic importance for a sea conflict from France, aka the Exocet missile, but because the conflict happened before the full shipment of missiles was delivered. The fact that the UK and France was in a military alliance via Nato. France had to, rightfully, stop sending Argentine weapons. This in turn had a huge negative on the Argentines weapons capabilities vs the British fleet the Brits were dependent on for conducting their military operations in the area. Speculative, one could argue that if the conflict happened 6 months later. The Argentines might have won because of British increased ship losses. Bottom line is. There is no way a "future Iran/Axis/East" etc or West would use the same manufacturer in a way that would increase such a risk considering their up to now history. Aspects a mil sim should get correct and not cheap out on to save resources. It would have been better if they just upgraded the look on older tech and said "that" side hadnt swapped out their current one yet etc and just ported a current day M109 (dropping the Merkava chassis with future tech M109 turret) for the US and act like the Iranians copied and produce a better one or something.
  6. I only have TrackIR5 experience and use it as infantry. The thing one has to get used to is the fact one needs to move the mouse to the left while one moves one head to the right if one for example spotted something when turning ones head to the left... Stuff like that, which you do not get in a cockpit, is something that takes a bit of time getting used to before it becomes second nature. Anyway, the full setup you talk about would probably be very limited and awkward in Arma unless it gets proper support for it. Its not a given its worth the investment. However VR with headtracking like freetracking or trackir and mouse and keyboard is fully doable while also staying competitive, I think.
  7. JojoTheSlayer

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Why is it hard? It sound like a single yes/no check to me. "Is the unit underwater, yes/no". Does the Ai need to reload the ammo... Not really. In real life they would load the ammo based on risk from the get go anyway so having a "magic swap" on ammo wouldnt really break immersion if you ask me.
  8. JojoTheSlayer

    Was Arma 2 more popular ?

    Latter, but the amount of exMil or currently serving type gamers was a larger part of the community before.
  9. If people havent noticed the Player AI command Menu 1 Option 7 "Wait" was removed from the game a while back and 8 "Find Cover" and 9 "Next Waypoint" was moved down a number to close the gap. This however also means that the Move menu nr 9 is currently available for another command! My suggestion would be to insert a Retreat command that would disengage player commanded AI from contact and follow the player until another "Return to formation" command was given and it would bring the Ai back into normal scanning and such. While I am not a coder. I really think this wouldnt be that hard to do at this time. My basic concept outline would be something like this: Menu 1.Move : Option 9.Retreat Something Interesting! 20.04.16 Old post content.
  10. I have incorporated a custom version of WindWalkers wwAi Mod into my VAC Voice Command Profile: WorkShop Mission: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=179904963 (Instruction for new voice commands in Briefing) VAC Download Site: http://www.dwvac.com/ Direct profile download link: http://www.dwvac.com/vac_phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=858&p=3002#p3002 Other: Patch Notes:
  11. While on the drone map, where you have the two picture in picture screens. Hold left shit and click somewhere to create a WP for the drone. Now right click that WP and choose behavior never fire or similar. There are several other options there as well. If its a flying drone for example you can put a WP on an airstrip, right click and select a "land" feature and the drone will land without any help. For the copter drone you can land anywhere. Hold ctrl instead of shift to make multiple waypoint. If you make the first out of for example 3 WPs a "hold" waypoint. You can setup a "plan" you can simply execute when you want to by right clicking the hold WP later and selecting cancel WP. Where the rest of the plan is then executed like hold was never there.
  12. JojoTheSlayer

    Are AA3 players tank shy?

    The problem with armor is two fold in most missions. Ether AT lock on is so common you cant drive a tank 2m at the front before getting hit by a "fire and forget" system or the tank is camping 1,5km away from infantry and shelling them like artillery.
  13. Hard to play the game without this mod now. Even better than ACE2 overall. Congrats. Small aesthetic feedback: (Self interact key) The interact key works great. If the player is going to heal someone etc he is forced to look around and it makes sense. If a person has a leg injury, you look at hes leg before sorting it. Self interact however looks strange. You see people randomly look up into the sky, aim their weapon at people unintended or similar twitches because they are looking at the self interact menu, but I noticed that IF you ADS before pressing the self interact key. You get a mouse menu instead which does not movie your weapons view. I think this, the mouse cursor menu that is, looks more realistic from other peoples point of view and should be considered being the default for Self interact even if the person is not ADSing. I dont need to wave my weapon around in the air to pull out my personal first aid bandage.
  14. I had never heard about that mod for some reason. Clear houses, unstuck etc etc lots of good commands. Link below for others reading this. It already solves allot of things already while being perfect for voice commands. The reason I am in process of incorporating its use into my VAC voice command profile. Half done, but ca 200 voice commands to go... Will become v.3.10 I think. The only thing the mod is missing is a functional "Retreat" and a "Force move" order. Example with spots open in the mod: wwAI Menu, Infantry Commands: "Retreat" command. Num9 - 1 - 8 wwAI Menu, Infantry Commands: "Force Move" command. Num9 - 1 - 9 Both most likely becoming possible now because of 1,56 changes to A2. However, the problem with what we have at this time in regards to this mod is that the mod enables most order to be given to a individual or a whole fire team. While I think that is doable with the "retreat" or "force move" like stuff. I am not sure how. The mod maker, while its from 2014, wrote he was looking for a "force move" type thing, but evidently he never found it. Maybe he is willing to do an update and look at this. While I see that as possible. I do not see it as practical. The reason the game doesnt have multi WP as Player Ai command has become pretty evident after using a few mods with those capabilities. While it works for small units or simple commands. You can tell that at times the Ai gets "confused" if its gotten a single move command or a fire team command and you can sort of tell that its falling into a selected formation with its fire team and so on. Point being, "team injured" would be too slow in Arma and just get more people killed. I actually think that if a check, during a full panic retreat like command, found that one of the Ai was "legs broken" or similar. It would just get a setdamage 1; so that the rest behind him would have a chance to get out of virtual hell, so to speak. Both would be interesting to see though. Who knows, I might be wrong and team injured crawls to safety after 20 mins? "I am not dead.", "I am getting better..." :D -------------------------------------------- wwAI Mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Install: Put @ folder in root A3, put the config folder content in A3 config folder. While ingame press Numpad 9 to gain access to extra command menu. Its pretty cool. :D
  15. JojoTheSlayer

    New Respawn Screen (dev branch)

    My visual feedback. The first thing that jumped out at me on the OP was the unneeded information condensed into small windows that if used needed to be scrolled in some cases. More tedious than streamlined and something few would therefor actually use ingame (like map locations, unless forced to like role before details), if you ask me. Role switch for example. Would in my view mostly consist of people scrolling, then pressing a new role before also instantly pressing "details" to see more anyway... What I did not like: Red = Dont like at all or seem pointless. Two spawn buttons (excluding assumed double click on map)? Scroll bars.... Blue = Too much information condensed into too small info boxes and thereby becoming useless and or tedious to actually interact with. My shoddy Paint mock up of possible solutions: The general idea is that primary screen show important stat info, selectable spawn points on the actual map and respawn button and thats it. While you have all "exit that screen" buttons on the right side (Spectator, Respawn, Menu). Top Tabs left to right. Close all tabs button (or press same tab again to close), Show text list screen etc of spawn locations, Show role and gear screen, Show spectate options and selection screen. The big black square is the space taken up by those screen when their tab is pressed. ------------------------------------------------------------ Edit: A few visual outlines of the possible tab screens Location: Mini Map parts: You dont technically need to have a "extra" mini map. You can just have a big "hole" in that tab gui showing the underline main map and have that do the same zoom etc function when options on that tab screen are being used. Same idea could be applied in Spectate tab of course. Moding buttons are intended for "artillery" icon + script or whatever in CTI or other mission types needing more advanced map options. Role / Loadout: Spectate:
  16. JojoTheSlayer

    Weapon Switching on the Move

    Here is my feedback on the issue. 1. Dont make the pistol switch so fast it becomes a unrealistic COD thing compared to reality and how people operate the weapons OUTSIDE of firing range scenarios with their stopwatch or similar. 2. Dont take "trick shooters" type videos seriously. Unless a soldier knows he has the most unreliable weapon in the world. No amount of training will make the user as fast as those videos when it happens during real encounter. They dont call it a deadmans click for nothing... There would be a moment of "what, jam... then reaction" even for super hard core trained guys. This firing range were they know its going to happen etc and act like the times would be legit in a real situation is just BS. Tbh I am worried this is going to end up like biopods. Something that works very well, but have aspects like prone deploy without a bipod because... oh you cant do that in real life and if people could just "man up" while supporting their weapon on a flat surface like that there wouldnt be a need for a real life bipod in the first place. Basically, that they create this, something that works and people want for valid reasons, but is also tweaked too gamey for people that want to twist its intentions (realism) and turning the game into a "full auto, quick switch pistol finisher" you see in all other shooters. Because those are just like real life guys. LoL
  17. JojoTheSlayer

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Considering more people are following this thread I will put this here as well. I did some testing myself with this, but in regards to Player controlled Ai. These are my findings... Most interesting to you guys might be that I think that "Ai injury" thing and etc will affect all Ai in the game. Regardless of under player or Ai command. Script used / Feedback: More on Commanding Player Ai Retreat order requested added to Menu 1-9, which is now free,... here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189759-player-ai-command-now-that-wait-is-gone-can-we-get-retreat-instead/ 1-9 short version? ==
  18. I took a look into that for myself in regards to Player Ai Commanding and I made a slight modified script and a bunch of tests and found out its a pretty decent prof of concept that WORKS more or less always. While not a 100%,... Because there is no way to add an actual "return to formation" order via scripting as far as I can see. So a player has to give that order as well IF, and only if, the Ai isnt already in "follow leader/return to formation default" mode, but the Ai player command system already has that (Menu 1-1) so adding that something ala seen below or better or whatever wont be an issue for BIS if they choose to address this lack of retreat type problem in Arma. Pros and Known issues / Script.
  19. Yeah and I copied that script btw :D, but I am talking about "this", to "this": Edit: Just added the concept image to the OP as well.
  20. JojoTheSlayer

    Arma 3 2DEditor and you! Please leave feedback!

    Just press M in Eden and you can do all the 2D stuff there in more or less the same way. I think you should make your "last 2D mission" on the map ONLY, in Eden after going through the automated 1min "Whats different" tutorial in the upper right corner of Eden. Which basically says: Empty units, hold alt while placing a AI unit. Sync lines, right click object and choose connect and I think something about sync to map markers not working, but I have never used that so... 2D to 3D import error seems to be linked to 2D editor sync lines. Just remove them in the 2D editor and save or save as and then import it from Eden again and reconnect the sync lines via the new method. Do this and I think most will start to switch mentally. Because at times you will actually press m again to see the full 3D and just swap things and then back to 2D map until you actually start to "get it". (Just remember to turn off "automated save" in the Eden Settings tab.)
  21. Like I said, I am not a coder, but the outline with such details gives a good idea of what is needed for it to practically work in actual gameplay. If a coder can make 90% of it happen way more effective (or even without the more cinematic aspects like suppression and smoke). More power too him, but I wanted to explain it in a way anyone would understand the concept. Disengaging and retreating from the enemy is the core important aspect. My concept is just one such idea outline that could work well. Well, I know its not a original or new idea, the video is from 2010 after all... BUT the difference is that now and only now there is a opening in the 1.Move menu which wasnt there before! There is now room in that menu to implement something like this that has everything to do with the Move menu concept in the player AI command structure. Big difference compared to 2013 (the link, where I am the 5th poster btw :D ) when "wait" was still part of it and all 1-9 numbers were used. That is why I am bringing it up, "again" now. Yes, a full retreat. Once minor actions are done. The Ai wont stop following the leader until the PLAYER chooses it. In real life you would most likely have a peal off and a "rally rally" type run after a while or a bounding retreat, but that is not practical in a Arma setting with AI under your command. With this rather simple ability you would have an option to retreat in a semi realistic, but game practical way. Unlike now were you are more or less forced to fight and win regardless of you stumbling on a platoon with your 8 man squad, or just lose all your manpower and personally flee. If you are facing something you can combat and win. You wouldnt use the retreat command, because attacking is not retreating. Secondly, all the commands can be given to one or several fire teams. You could for example retreat will all your infantry in blue team, but sacrifice your AT units in red team to face off with the tank and maybe get a lucky shot or similar. Instead of the AT guy missing and both teams dying, like they usually do now. No, I dont agree on it being difficult. In a game you need something that does the mix between being semi realistic, but also practical. Lacking a ability retreat from a contact you cant win is a huge flaw in the game that can be fixed rather easily in my view and now, with "wait" removed, there is an opening to do so. Thanks for both of your inputs. Maybe the thread will be spotted by A3 Devs as well.
  22. JojoTheSlayer

    Targeting improvements

    That really depends on the vehicle. Back in Arma 2 some vehicles (eg BTR80) did have full interior including the gunner seats etc. So enabling the gunner on a current none interior tank is just one setting set to 0. Obviously without any modeled interior the player would only see a black void, but a middle ground solution that wouldnt take too much work could be a 2D image overlay of what would be seen and PIP screens in that image. Like this 2D image of a 3D space, but the two screens would be actual ingame Arma 3 PIP screens: Enable the mouse pointer in that screen and have interactive buttons one could press. I would maybe even prefer that to full 360 interior, considering how much time it takes to model and how little one really get in return in most cases. TrackIR users would still be able to turn their head and see the black void outside of that screen though unless its possible to disable while on the screen, but I guess nothings perfect. LoL
  23. In my view it goes without saying that the "dips" in the hill will be more accurately represented if you have the settings on higher because of the more lines being used in the mesh or whatever the underlying structure is called will enable it to recreate more advanced structures at range. However, if you want to be game tactical about it. It also indirectly tells you that if you are facing people with lower settings. You can use dips in hills to hide in even if there is no "local" grass there. On your images you will notice that the reason you dont see the prone soldier on the lower quality setting is because there is a slight downwards shallow U dip in the terrain that is covered with terrain when the engine is forced to use less lines to create the long range mesh terrain. U dip in terrain under big rock is present: http://i.imgur.com/Lp7PX2q.jpg U dip in terrain under big rock is gone: http://i.imgur.com/2ODJ1XC.jpg?1 Is this the first time HIGHER quality settings has provided a game benefit? LoL
  24. JojoTheSlayer

    AI - suppress command

    Practical Question: Will a Menu 2, option 1 stop the suppression? As in Target Menu, "No target" selection? Or if that wasnt thought about, may I suggest it.
  25. JojoTheSlayer

    Alpha squad orders menu

    No, the command mode was spacebar before and ~ was select all. In A3A he command mode is ~ and ctrl+~ is select all. A mistake in my view because its a regional key. Meaning its output will differer on most European regional keyboards. The system is not WIP. Its been like that since Operation flash point. However, who knows if they are making a secondary and simpler system.