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Everything posted by ppavia

  1. ppavia

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Same probleme here with FillHouse... still working on it _classModuleFilters = param [10,["customClass1"]];
  2. ppavia

    Drone de-mining script

    its nice hehe i put this in my Specialiste bag lol . But i try to modifie it to explode only one mine, the closest... you have a idea? you are bette than me for this
  3. hi everybody i have a question, sry to take your time. I play alone now... no more time for mult sniff... So i try to adapt this mission a little bit for my fun. My probleme is > i cant reactive radio sound and text... i modifie hasardly lol > call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"map.sqf"; setViewDistance(paramsArray select 6);setObjectViewDistance(paramsArray select 6);setTerrainGrid 50;setShadowDistance(paramsArray select 8);enableEnvironment[TRUE,true]; enableSentences TRUE;player disableConversation FALSE;player enableMimics false; execVM"intro.sqf"; if(paramsArray select 9==1)then{ "colorCorrections"ppEffectEnable true; "colorCorrections"ppEffectAdjust[0.9,1,0,[0.1,0.1,0.1,-0.1],[1,1,0.85,0.4],[1,0.1,0,0]]; "colorCorrections"ppEffectCommit 0;}; execVM"info.sqf"; sleep 3; if(isTFAR)then{[(call TFAR_fnc_ActiveSWRadio),7]call TFAR_fnc_setSwVolume;}; if(!isACE)then{ TCB_AIS_PATH="common\client\ais_injury\";[player]call compile preProcessFile(TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf");execVM"common\client\ais_injury\func\fn_ppFX.sqf"; sleep 5; switch(paramsArray select 10)do{ case 0:{[true,[true,true,true,true],[0,true,true],[[1000],true,false]]execVM"common\client\vip_lit\vip_lit_init.sqf";}; case 1:{[true,[true,true,true,true],[0,true,true],[[1000],true,true]]execVM"common\client\vip_lit\vip_lit_init.sqf";};}; [player]execVM"common\client\EP.sqf";}; player addEventHandler["GetInMan",{if((vehicle player!=player)&&(driver vehicle player==player)&&(vehicle player isKindOf"Car")||(vehicle player isKindOf"Air"))then{setViewDistance 4000;};}]; player addEventHandler["GetOutMan",{setViewDistance(paramsArray select 6);}]; sleep 3; execVM"common\client\CAS\initCAS.sqf"; player addEventHandler["handleRating",{0}]; sleep 1; if(paramsArray select 11==1)then{player enableStamina false;}; if(paramsArray select 7==48)then{ while{true}do{sleep 1; if(player distance getMarkerPos"ah1"<300)then{if(getTerrainGrid==50)exitWith{sleep 10;};if(getTerrainGrid<50)then{setTerrainGrid 50;};}; if((getTerrainGrid==50)&&{(player distance getMarkerPos"ah1">300)})then{setTerrainGrid(paramsArray select 7);};sleep 10;};}; i know you are busy but can you tell me how to reactivate it ?
  4. hahah, ben ca fais un bail que je bidouille ... depuis Flashpoint. Mais j-explose toutes les missions et je m-amuse a faire un patchwork lol... de quoi devenir fou. Mais ton script change vraiment l-ambiance bravo et merci. D_ailleur j-ai des Kilos d-idee mais pas le savoir fair ... sniff
  5. Hi it was a few night i searching for a script to detect presence of Explosives to allow civilian to give me infos. I try to modifie the script above, but for explosive its not the same things SO.... how can i detect explosive around me . To simulate a civilian info... i need to sleep maybe loooool
  6. Je confirme ITS WORK. j-ai peiner un peu au debut , mais effectivement ca fonctionne. It is working ... my ini line was not good.
  7. ok... i think i got the principe...my fear is to "broke" my game... I LOVE editing stuff...but i LOVE playing too :p sry for my ignorance hehe :o Edit: i think i continue in "stable" for now. cause i dont have the time. My LAST question saok is: is my informations about bugs usless if im not in devbranch version ? so i can avoid to tell inutil stuff :)
  8. i have a questions... if i want to test and make good and EFFICACE report for Saok... do i must intall this devbranch ? i have a lot of hours of testing on this mission, with a lot of things to note... :)
  9. Thanks you Saok, il2 same for me ...not enought time, but with the track ir AND the buttkicker, its was GREEEAAT TO FLIGHT :p tks for the trick... but my plan was to carry a stock of waterbarrel and play the deliver team. but anyway i do it with truck convoy too much rain to work today so i have time to test :bounce3: /there is still this NO MORE AMMO probleme... / im dead only 1 time in 4 hours (too good), when i respawn i was with the good weapon this time but differents glasses. AND wolf team appear in high command (not sure if normal) this mission still deserve to be perfect hehe EDIT: water in truck truck on chopper... must be ok
  10. :cool: i say it again...i know what u are living. After my rage about the il2 Sturmovik contest, i made another big movie with this rage energie (people how dont create things cant understand) if you have 10 minutes to relax, have a coffe and watch hehe and to stay in subject... IS there a way to transport box with a chopper ? (i dont have a DLC)
  11. if i understand, our vote on makearmanotwar was not important ??
  12. i still dont understand... i play this game since flashpoint 1 ... and from my memory there is no mission like yours... Hard to forgot this kind of deception, but be sure your a very very good programmer saok coflash have a good idea . I dont have a credit card but i can organise do give somthing cause you deserve it. I will try to find a bis post to search why you didnt win, we must ACCEPT but i want to understant why :rolleyes: Do you know why ? they give you reasons ? i have some ideas but ... :o
  13. seriously...you didnt win :confused::mad::butbut: you must be proud off your work... its wonderfull to have a real war and exploration mission. a big big gaming lenght... im sad for u... i experienced this sadness but with a video contest... so i understand u. keep it up, for me , this mission is historical. PS... some bug i encountred today and yesterday... / When i die, i respawn and 2 sec after it switch player... same gear but not the same gun and if u ask mens to follow, its say *rejoing group* and they dont come / No more artillery avalable in shift1 choice. maybe i miss a info. / *Detail* shift 5 to push vehicule is not referenced in key info and dont be sad, your misssion i wonderfull and adaptative and aaaaaaaaarh that p##$ me off :mad:
  14. AAAAARRHHH... today, no way to reload weapon... since arma update i can reload in the game editor BUT not in the mission ... sniff When you press R key, the charger number go down, but no anim, nothing happen maybe the BIS_fnc_loadInventory update... i dont know UPDADE POST Ok i restarted from begening and choosed the old save option... and everything get allright
  15. Hi Saok i have noted somes bug. i think i have the last version , but if not, excuse me i have a liste...sry i want u to win...this mission is wowww. in order of gravity :cool: 1. / all the US army ai say OUT OF AMMO ...every time very very annoying / The collision when you build base kill ai and explode vehicule 2 . /delivery to Atsalis on altis map... is impossible its a island...and i think you cant attache box to boats /its fun to see Truck in ambush mission, still drive with the dead driver 3. for the rest i dont know cause after a reload, everything was fine. /dialog with civilian bug and unsyncho, cause accidental mission aceptance. /tips dosent appear when H key pressed and somtimes... i have some trouble with save and reload...but i must take more time to test... so i hope that will help u to win the prize sry for my english and GOOD LUCK
  16. sorry but my demande is simple... change weapon when walking :) arma is a great game...realy nice graph. nice stuff but the big thing is the "liberty" if we takling about stategie. But if we talking about the closeCLOSE combat, the simulation is not good. maby more time to swap weapon (with a good animation) is not a probleme ...but where the knif (for example)!!!! you are a bot with a gun and a brain nothig else...no hand, [(little trip) if we fall in a space time hole , to fall in the war with real contact , and basic stuff, WE ARE DEAD!!! what a warrior!!] too bad not be a real warrior: firste do physics to do closeclose combat with a real sesation of power ( call of duty 2 knif have a good "power impression") i talking about this just to say: in arma you are powerfull, but we still move like robots . ITS BETTER THAN ARMA 1 !!!!! the game is great and i love it ...but i can be better... allways :bounce3::):D BEFORE BUILDING A ARMY...BUILD A MEN P.Pavia:D
  17. every time i hope they will authorize the weapon swap in move...but it's not possible!...it's a minor change no ? it's strange, maby it voluntary but personaly i thing it's stange :)