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Everything posted by Aelin

  1. sabre,are you going to include the reskinned units you show us always in the photothread in this addon or in a separated one or NEVER?
  2. yes I saw the readme.it seems I have to make a separate folder and put stuff there,but this will modify my normal a2 path,eg when I launch a2 without addons that userconfig folder will follow me always!!!!!
  3. ahahahahahahah richie,this will guarantee the Hell to you:bounce3:
  4. Aelin

    co08 Avgani Showdown

    ya you need caa1 and avgani map,also an unpbo application,it is not clear how to use it.....
  5. Aelin

    African Foliage

    this is useful just for map makers,right?
  6. I have installed tons of mods but when it comes to deal with "userconfig" stuff my brain collapses....any concrete explanation?
  7. it needs more maps with dense urban areas:mogadiscio,panama,moscow,bagdad...
  8. Aelin

    Isla Duala

    to the fabulous icebreakr:I saw in another thread you r going to create a city for "black hawk down" style missions in duala....hmmm...wondering its size....hoping at least the half of avgani...
  9. incoming isla duala with african environment,we need african irregulars!
  10. Aelin

    Isla Duala

    it is time to ask for african guerrilla troops!
  11. lol vilas,release the new stuff in a separate addon!!!
  12. jwcustom,why do you read into my mind?:bounce3:
  13. Aelin

    co08 Avgani Showdown

    errrrrrrr............are you sure?someone told me it needs another couple of files you must unpbo and put inside afghani.....
  14. [quote=Potatomasher;1498526 If you can upgrade that slow as hell GPU to something like 8800GT or 9800GT you would get reasonable frames with normal details. with high details
  15. always that dirty issue(mod clones),several addons affected...sometimes it needs 2 reboots to restore hope you plan to add mods compilation save option,I got tons of mods and I need to save many combinations
  16. yes but I want to give more orders to my groups:board,unboard,parachuting,etc... also I see many commands turned off
  17. where to put this tracked pbo?I see only smurfera.pbo and btr.pbo......
  18. bring whispers in a2 with a patch
  19. lol and shame on me:unable to understand how to install it and why it requires jtd fire and smoke....
  20. Aelin

    co08 Avgani Showdown

    would be nice to have a guide to install avgani...not so easy as it seems
  21. hmmm....is it a good idea to put just the hc-commander module on map without sync?I tried,I can use the hc but I am not satisfied...
  22. Aelin

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    ahahahahahah schnappy schnappy...what's your secret? hw...did this fix the "no head units in distance" issue?