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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    Heh was thinking the EXACTLY same :p
  2. jw custom

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    and yet this "half a game" has much more intertainment in it than most game i have ever bought wooot
  3. This can be "fixed" by mission makers adjusting aimingAccuracy but it seems nobody does that which turns AI into full-auto snipers.
  4. jw custom

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    It's like judging a book by it's cover! ArmA3 is awesome despite it's many bugs(*cough* ALPHA).
  5. jw custom

    Is it just me or?

    Sometimes AI operates really well while other times they seem extremely retarded. It's probably a very time consuming and not easy task but the AI needs a overhauling.
  6. jw custom

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    A troll :eek: Really you think?
  7. I've seen this a lot before latest dev update, so no this is not just brought by lastest dev updated!
  8. Steam did that, surprising :eek:
  9. jw custom

    Where is everyone?

    Very true.
  10. jw custom

    Where is everyone?

    I thought those "traditional steam gamers" had no expectations regarding alpha's as they are be too stupid to know what an alpha is... no seriously i think the majority of complainers are just "me me me, it must be my way or no way" people.
  11. jw custom

    Where is everyone?

    Oh i thought those "traditional steam gamers" were used to play traditional games where dialog/interaction with the devs are rare.
  12. jw custom

    Where is everyone?

    Well when "those" people who doesn't understand the meaning of an alpha comes in here complaining about lack of content etc. and then get an explanation yet still complains in every post they make, then i refuse to believe it's because of ignorance!
  13. jw custom

    Arma III is very laggy

    Seriously?? If you are playing BF3/ArmA to get the same kinda experience then i get your point! I have played a lot of BF3 but i've NEVER experienced anything close to what i do in ArmA(3).
  14. jw custom

    Where is everyone?

    Which is just fine and expected of the majority of the alpha buyers(just a guess). The real problem lies in people not being able understand the term ALPHA, in game terms that is.
  15. jw custom

    Houses and Interiors

    Which is understandable and just fine, but please add a little more variation :)
  16. You can still do that with the createUnit command i believe.
  17. At this point i'm not making my scripts depending on BIS_fnc_MP, wouldn't be surprised if it changed or even got removed!
  18. If you don't need to execute scripts after vehicle respawn you can just remove the setVehicleInit / processInitCommands parts and the script works again. If you need to execute scripts then feel free to try this vehicle respawn script, i have only tested it briefly as host(we need dedicated server now please). http://www.filedropper.com/vehiclerespawn_1 *Fixed an error, link updated*
  19. jw custom

    Fall from sky Hacker Fix

    Use dev branch until default branch gets updated. In steam games list right-click on ArmA3-->Properties-->Betas then select "developement - Developement Build" in the dropdown menu.
  20. Add this to your init.sqf [] spawn { while {true} do { "BIS_fnc_MP_packet" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; BIS_fnc_MP = {}; "bis_fnc_param" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; bis_fnc_param = {}; sleep 0.123; }; }; This seems to work for now. *EDIT* If you are using these functions in your mission this fix will break it!!!
  21. Well i got on some server and got infected, then i started a mp mission i'm in progress making and got that latest "message" thing. I then compiled mission with the snippet i posted and the "message" thing was gone!! I was only able to test as server/host so maybe it's different as client, i dunno.
  22. Here's a fix for current hack/plague. It seems to work, don't kill me if not! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153916-Fix-for-current-annoyance-hack-plague
  23. Really, i hope the little script kiddies parents find out about this so they can help him/her overcome his/her mental illness.
  24. Yeah true, MP is awful for you so it's no problem "hackers" is ruining it for everybody else :s
  25. Almost every server i joined today was "hacked" like this by little sad people. So if this is expected i guess it's also expected that not much MP will be alpha tested.