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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. It's just a beta so many things is not finished yet like proper dedicated server support so players can't just re-enter server and have CAS available again if they have used them all... and then also adding CAS option after respawn. For a temp fix you could have this code running on the client: while {true} do { waitUntil{!alive player}; waitUntil{alive player}; null = [player, 500, true, 1] execVM "JWC_CASFS\addAction.sqf"; }; or you could add an EventHandler like this -> this addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {null = [_this select 0, 500, true, 1] execVM "JWC_CASFS\addAction.sqf"}]; Yes and i have been looking for some sounds but havent found any proper ones. If you can help let me know :)
  2. But he is right! Open the demo mission in the editor and double on the player, there you have the init field.
  3. jw custom

    grenade name?

    Oops... GrenadeHand or mini_Grenade or Grenade Also try Mo_cluster_AP
  4. jw custom

    Player names above heads

    I'm a little confused here, are you saying that you want to see something that is not in your view :confused: If the code snippet is placed in lets say the init.sqf all players is running it so they are seeing all player names in their view also player names that are out of your view.
  5. jw custom

    grenade name?

    Handgrenade or MiniGrenade? You could also try with: SmallSecondary
  6. jw custom

    Objects Question

    The one who created the mission used a mod to enable objects not ment to be placed in the editor. Here is such mod -> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19650
  7. jw custom

    Player names above heads

    Something like this: onEachFrame { { if ((side _x == west) && (_x != player)) then { drawIcon3D ["", [0, 0.27, 0.8, 1], [visiblePosition _x select 0, visiblePosition _x select 1,(visiblePosition _x select 2)+3], 0.2, 0.2, 45, (format ["%2 - %1m",player distance _x, name _x]), 1, 0.03, "PuristaMedium"]; }; } foreach allunits; };
  8. Added another download link.
  9. First step would be a ticket on the feedback tracker, if a ticket already exists then lets vote it up.
  10. Yeah it's pretty easy to envision such a scenario but setting it up is another story.
  11. jw custom

    Battlefield 4

    Which i for sure believe, but without PB checking the .dll files is used by SweetFX they are bound to be abused like screen recording software hooks are, or simply just replaced with a new proxy .dll intercepting whatever API's needed. Personally i'm not gonna use such modifications in MP but i will give it a go in SP to see whats it all about :)
  12. jw custom

    Battlefield 4

    You said "overwrite" before and thats never good :p Also d3d9.dll or dxgi.dll is loaded into process space just like cheats. I know sweetFX ain't a cheat.
  13. jw custom

    Battlefield 4

    It has no need for injection when you actually replace .dll files in the BF4 folder so they are loaded into process by BF4 itself... many "cheats" have been done this way. So unless PB accept these files and check them by MD5 and other functions theres a potential risc of it detecting them as "cheat files"!
  14. jw custom

    Arma3 Videos

    Surprised by enemy while testing mission :p
  15. you can't, they ain't threated as objects!
  16. Destruct type = DestructNo, no ID... i don't think they can be removed/hidden without a mod :( I guess we need to vote this ticket up -> http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14701
  17. jw custom

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    Very fun and cool video :cool:
  18. jw custom

    The what have you bought thread

    I just bought myself a Asus GTX 780 and a SteelSeries 7H Fnatic headset.
  19. Fully agree. The only reason i've stuck with ArmA despite of tons of extremely annoying issues/bugs it comes with is because no other game is even close to offering what ArmA does.
  20. jw custom

    Battlefield 4

    Thanks for the reply :) I really liked 64 player conquest on caspian border in BF3 when no decent chopper pilots were around as they dominated the freaking game, is that different now?
  21. jw custom

    Battlefield 4

    So is BF4 so far better than BF3? I enjoyed BF3 for a good 3 months before i got tired of it, should i get BF4?
  22. Posted today -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-Branch-Changelog&p=2521330&viewfull=1#post2521330
  23. jw custom

    Arma3 Videos

    Testing Close Air Support script - Cluster munition :)
  24. jw custom

    Ultra Simple Patrol Script

    First post updated with link to new version 1.6.
  25. Anyone else experience scalpel missiles missing explosion sound?