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Everything posted by gvse

  1. Congrats on making it to the official sitrep! :) Considering the quality of the mod and the website you have created, it is well deserved!
  2. Does that mean that addon makers should add code specifying AI behavior to configs responsible for their custom suppressors, as you guys have done in the latest dev revision, e.g. Mode_SemiAuto reloadTime = 0.05; dispersion = 0.0013; recoil = "recoil_single_SMG_01"; recoilProne = "recoil_single_prone_SMG_01"; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 100; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 150; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; aiRateOfFire = 2.0; aiRateOfFireDistance = 300; ?
  3. I'd really appreciate some details on that one!
  4. gvse

    MK18 Mod 1

    Exactly. The hit = 0.5 specifies the damage done when the suppressor is equipped vis a vis the unsuppressed variant (so half the damage of the unsuppressed round). Otherwise the damage is assigned to the type of round that goes in magazine, and you can find all the details here I've taken a look at the config and in my experience you do not need to define magazine class unless you are incorporating custom magazines and ammunition. The part I quote below is probably redundant, unless you are changing tracer rounds: I also believe you do not need this part because your weapons do not utilize caseless ammo.: Hope this helps ;)
  5. Thanks for the update and the fix. All's good now.
  6. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    As I understand it, if you use this code in your waypoint then the number value should control how far they venture outside the waypoint. I could be wrong, though, as it's the first time ive used this function. So far Ive been quite pleased with how it works. MCC Sandbox addon uses both upsmon and BIS patrol functions over a designated area, which you define. However, I was looking for a way to limit the use of third-party scripts and addons.
  7. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    Not to my knowledge. MCC addon, which uses UPSMON, throws errors too. For the time being I have switched to BIS_fnc_taskPatrol and BIS_fnc_taskDefend, which work very well for organizing random patrols quickly. More here
  8. Can I somehow rectify this or does it require the creator's intervention?
  9. How do I eliminate the red marker that identifies sighted enemy and their last known position? To be clear, I do not refer to debugging option (I have it switched off), but to the marker that appears when a commander assigns targets to you, only in this case I am the commander and the script paints the target.
  10. Thank you for this! Do you have any information on how the script affects performance?
  11. I could not agree more on this one!
  12. Hello, a great concept! I do have a question, though. does the mod work well with dev-branch? Im asking because Ive noticed you utilize upsmon, which has been the source of many error messages in recent dev updates to the point I reverted to the stable branch.
  13. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    Ive already asked in the Development Build thread, but perhaps you guys know of some tricks to hide the error reporting console that has been activated with the recent dev builds.
  14. Is there a way to suppress the messages about script errors that have started to appear in the console since the previous dev build? I am aware of the errors and I'd like to be able to switch off the warnings.
  15. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    This is from the latest sitrep: So it appears that the code is probably actually working for the time being despite the flood of errors.
  16. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    You need this line: Btw, the beta version posted above does not work with the dev-branch (stable build is fine, though). Loads of error messages pop up, although my impression was that the core is working (troops paroling the designated area). Anyways, I hope beerkan can come up with a solution.
  17. Great job. I like the fact that each time you restart a mission the units change clothes. Black MX looks mean. Thanks for sharing your work, man! :)
  18. gvse

    MK18 Mod 1

    Thank you. Great models, and the textures (the tiny details, like scratches) are superb!
  19. gvse

    [wip] aks-74u

    you misunderstood. im not suggesting you should be making a custom reload animation, but that you should see which one of BIS A3 animations fits your weapon best. Just go to your config and and mess with this entry: reloadAction = "..."; replacing what's in the quotation marks. You might wanna try "GestureReloadMX" or "GestureReloadSMG_02" or other weapons' animations that are in-game. good luck!
  20. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    Understood! Thanks again for the quick response! :) Hope you can work out all the kinks that show up when the dev-build is loaded. I was flooded by error messages.
  21. Thank you! :) A3 weapons seem to have recoil now. The previews and loading screens are superb, and most importantly, the mod is compatible with the beta. hurray! :D
  22. gvse

    [wip] aks-74u

    hey man, thank you for sharing your work with us! As for the weapon, you could add A3 reload animation to it, as right now it's probably the original A2 voodoo hand gesture over the weapon ;) Try the MX or perhaps one associated with the scorpion? Are there any variants of the model with rails on it so that you could add proxies for side attachments? That'd be nice. I see you are already working on the optical sight, so you got that covered. The rotating muzzle flash would be a nice finishing detail. The info here should help you (I hope cause it does not always work for me): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156047-Benelli-M4-amp-HK430%28HK416%29-Weapon-Pack&p=2407220&viewfull=1#post2407220 Other than that, good job!
  23. gvse

    UPSMON for arma3

    Thank you! Before I downloaded this ive had a lot of errors with the older version and today's (12.07) dev-update, to the point that I decided to revert to the stable build. Does this version address changes in the latest dev build or should I stick with the stable build? Again, thank you so much for your work!
  24. gvse

    MK18 Mod 1

    those icons are a pain in the butt. zach gibson's guide has some handy images you can use for the creation of these icons http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154474-Zachs-Full-on-guide-to-Custom-Weapons!&highlight=weapon+tutorial