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Everything posted by garbol87

  1. @nkey THANK YOU! I just noticed that my DS didn't have curator running! Now everything works! :D If someone has the same problem as me your server is either not runing -mod=Curator or dosen't have it on server simply upload Curator folder from your arma 3 directory to the server and run it with -mod=Curator;@task_force_radio.
  2. Issue: Rather then replacing ItemRadio with taskForce radio the server deletes ItemRadio and dose not give regular soldiers TF radio. The long range radio works however with no problems. Both client and server are runing 0.9.2 with CBA and TS3 has plugins installed on version 3.0.14 . The server and user have the same userconfig configuration with: class task_force_radio_settings { tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = false; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = true; }; Tried setting it to 1/0 instead of true/false with same results. UPDATE: Here is my server rpt error it's over 2MB now: 17:34:10 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:10 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:10 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:10 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:10 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:10 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:11 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:11 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:11 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:11 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:11 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:11 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:11 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:11 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:11 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:11 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:11 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:11 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:12 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:12 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:12 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:12 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:12 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:12 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:12 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:12 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:12 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:12 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:12 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:12 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:13 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:13 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:13 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:13 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:13 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:13 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:13 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:13 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:13 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:13 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:13 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:13 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:14 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:14 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:14 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:14 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:14 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:14 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:14 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:14 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:14 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:14 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:14 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:14 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:14 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:14 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:14 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:14 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:15 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:15 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:15 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:15 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:15 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:15 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:15 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:15 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:15 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:15 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:15 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:15 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:16 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:16 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:16 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:16 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:16 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:16 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:16 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:16 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:16 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:16 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:16 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:16 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 17:34:17 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:17 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:17 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:17 Error in expression <_fnc_sideType } else { if (_object call bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:17 Error position: <bis_fnc_isUnitVirtual) then { _object ge> 17:34:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_isunitvirtual 17:34:17 File A3\functions_f\sides\fn_objectSide.sqf, line 22 17:34:17 Error in expression < } else { missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:17 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 17:34:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:17 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 17:34:17 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:17 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 17:34:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 17:34:17 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 I hope this helps pin-pointing the problem I have.
  3. Same issue. Players can talk on 3D but radio dosen't work.
  4. Same issue as Kilo1-1! Server crashes when using the new version I advise anyone using addons/mods that relay on CBA to use the version.
  5. garbol87

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Did someone say 3D editor?! FUCK YES!
  6. garbol87

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @RAV_RAVEN Yup chcecked it. Still occuring no matter what tried with waypoint's and what not. Helo slams the ground, get's stuck in 15-10m height and crashes in trees or buildings when it flies off. I don't use any AI altering mods. I recorded what is going on:
  7. garbol87

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    I have a bit of a problem with fast-rope. I put this in my trigger activation: myHelo SetVariable ["fastRopePos", getpos LZ]; myHelo SetVariable ["fastRopeOn", true]; Helo flies to the insertion point everything is going good but when it unloads all infantry inside it slams the ground killing anyone that is below him and then flies off. I don;t know if I'am doing anything wrong.
  8. garbol87

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Class names show up in editor when you place a unit in the right upper corner of unit window.
  9. garbol87

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Wow... It's a fictional game in a fictional setting with ficitional weapons. I think that BLUFOR and CSAT should get the "future" tech weapons vechicles and AAF the latest modern ones like the ones from ArmA2/OA. I think that this is what BIS is doing. I FOR ONE WELCOME OUR NEW GREENFOR OVERLORDS!
  10. This... This is all I ever wanted... Manly tears shall be shed when it will be released. Also are you guys wizards by any chance?
  11. garbol87

    Loosing sound in left headphone

    I have simillar issue! I have Roccat Kave 5.1 headset and I cant hear anything in front of me after todays patch everything was fine on normal branch before that. I have checked my connection, drivers, tried to see if any other game is acting simillar but so far this only happens in ArmA3. EDIT: Reported also on steam forums http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/864978835540905407/
  12. Condition of trigger: isTouchingGround player On activation: hint "PRAISE THE SUN! I HAVE LANDED" Pretty neat command tbh.
  13. That's the thing I'am talking about. Why do I need to resolve to 3rd party software when it could basiclly be built in the editor itself?
  14. The thing whit the editor that always bothered me was that no matter how old the platform is, it's core is still the same. The thing I wan't to say that the editor from OFP from 2001 is not much diffrent then editor in 2013, to be honest it didn't change at all. The only things that we are getting are either modules or diffrent commands to use to build our missions. The thing that I was expecting from "Militray-sanbox" was that not much would need to be done outside of the editor. For example would it be greate if we: 1. could edit unit loadout in the editor? 2. Make a briefing that actually worked not from modules (that sometimes work sometimes don't) but as a simple mission description tab rather then editing manually .sqf files? 3. When exporting the mission to multiplayer it would actually work whitout much tinkering or none at all? 4. Description.ext? Why it isn't actually built in the editor? etc, etc. It's 2013 and we are still stuck whit editor form 12 years ago. It's kinda underwhelming, there is so much room for improvments yet little to none are made whit the editor it self. What are your thoughts on the editor?
  15. garbol87

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    GOL (gry-online.pl): 6.5/10 Pros: +Altis island; +helpful tools in the editor; +animations and enhanced capabilities of soldier movements; +finally present ragdoll; +integration with Steam Workshop; +artwork is impressive; +AI is a little better than in ArmA2; Cons: -lack of a more realistic solutions to the vehicles; -PhysX still not quite working properly; -Not too many missions; -No improvements in the interface; -bugs occasionally amuse or annoy; Let's see how the rest of it goes. finnal thought of the reviewr in google-translate: I tested the new work of Bohemia for months and the final version created in me a very extreme emotions. From the initial enthusiasm "leap of civilization", which made ​​a new installment in the series in a number of technical-gameplay issues, the shortcomings of content provided by developer. ArmA III is not a typical shooter, which is disqualified by lack of many hours of campaign , left as a being living through the community. However, there is no doubt that players would prefer to be based on something more when creating mods or mission. Therefore ArmA III, rather than bear the name of a sensational game, must be content with that it's being shuffled as a promising game, which no game should aim at launch. EDIT: made it a bit clearer whit google-translate.
  16. garbol87

    ArmA3 review thread

    Sorry didn't saw it.
  17. garbol87

    ArmA3 review thread

    Sonce it's offically relased we can start to gather the reviews and see what the press thinks of ArmA3. GOL (gry-online.pl): 6.5/10 Pros: +Altis island; +helpful tools in the editor; +animations and enhanced capabilities of soldier movements; +finally present ragdoll; +integration with Steam Workshop; +artwork is impressive; +AI is a little better than in ArmA2; Cons: -lack of a more realistic solutions to the vehicles; -PhysX still not quite working properly; -Not too many missions; -No improvements in the interface; -bugs occasionally amuse or annoy; Let's see how the rest of it goes. finnal thought of the reviewr in google-translate: I tested the new work of Bohemia for months and the final version created in me a very extreme emotions. From the initial enthusiasm "leap of civilization", which made ​​a new installment in the series in a number of technical-gameplay issues, the shortcomings of content provided by developer. ArmA III is not a typical shooter, which is disqualified by lack of many hours of campaign , left as a being living through the community. However, there is no doubt that players would prefer to be based on something more when creating mods or mission. Therefore ArmA III, rather than bear the name of a sensational game, must be content with that it's being shuffled as a promising game, which no game should aim at launch. EDIT: amde it a bit clearer whit google-translate.
  18. ArmA3 ehhh... It's build on broken promises. We have seen numerous screens of units that would appear at full relase yet they are not there. Poor desicions such as moving FIA into blufor for whatever reason, probably campaign that won't come out till next month or two. No editor improvments other than more modules, whats that youwanted a briefing editor? here is a module, you want some mission templates? Here is a module, what's that you wan't built in unit Loadout? Whelp... can't help you whit that. I got almost 4gb update today that added nothing diffrent from devbranch, nothing. This is a fucking joke. I hope the reviews are kinder because I'm not. For me arma is a 6.5/10 at it's current state.
  19. Ok so it's releaqse no loadout editor. Cool.
  20. Faction aligment, built in brefing editor, built in unit loadout editor and the list goes on... 12 years... 12 YEARS and the only thing they added are modules in the editor and some cosmetic changes.
  21. For the love of God and all that is holy! Add camera lock to Greyhawk it's near impossible to guide missles from turrets when it's jerking all the time when turning etc.
  22. garbol87

    Co 10 - Hill Hiking

    this is a mission I was working on for some time now. My first public relase. So here it goes... It's a 10 man Co-op mission, 4 objectives to complete, time to complete the mission is based on your approach to it. But I would say around 30min. Mission has rally-point system, team status script, view distance settings, virtual ammo box etc. http://www.sendspace.com/file/f4gcsy Credit goes to Crazy Hussars team and Mateck for help making this happen. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/crazyhussars
  23. garbol87

    Co 10 - Hill Hiking

    Updated to work whit the new patch. http://www.sendspace.com/file/rhj4m3
  24. @sbobovyc Yeah. Will try that. First I will make a game logic named "server" maybe this will help. I remeber some scripts in ArmA2 required that. Then I will test it whit removing that line.
  25. I just tested this in my mission and my clanmates reported that the create filler script works only for host. They can't use any item from the create (vest's ect...) only the host can. Didn't test it on dedicated server. /* @file Version: v0.1 @file name: fillCrate.sqf @file Author: TAW_Tonic @file edit: 3/5/2013 @file Description: Automatically fill ammo box with everything in the game. @usage: put in a ammoboxes init field: nul = [this] execVM "fillCrate.sqf"; */ if(!isServer) exitWith {}; private["_box","_CfgWeapons","_weapons","_items","_wep","_wep_type","_mags","_misc","_mag"]; _box = _this select 0; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box; clearItemCargoGlobal _box; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _box; _CfgWeapons = configFile >> "cfgWeapons"; _weapons = []; _items = []; _misc = []; for "_i" from 0 to (count _Cfgweapons)-1 do { _weapon = _CfgWeapons select _i; if(isClass _weapon) then { _wep = configName _weapon; _wep_type = getNumber(_weapon >> "type"); _scope = getNumber(_weapon >> "scope"); if(_scope == 2 && _wep_type != 65536) then { if(_wep_type in [1,2,4,5,4096] && _wep != "NVGoggles") then { _weapons set[count _weapons,_wep]; } else { _items set[count _items,_wep]; }; }; }; }; //Build Throw/Put magazine array {_misc=_misc+getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Throw"/_x/"magazines")} forEach getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Throw"/"muzzles"); {_misc=_misc+getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Put"/_x/"magazines")} forEach getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Put"/"muzzles"); { _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,100]; } foreach _misc; //Add weapons & Mags { _box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,100]; diag_log format["Weapon %1 added", _x]; _mags = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "magazines"); if(count _mags > 0) then { { if(!(_x in ((getMagazineCargo _box) select 0))) then { _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,100]; diag_log format["Magazine %1 added", _x]; }; } foreach _mags; }; } foreach _weapons; //Add Items { _box addItemCargoGlobal [_x,100]; } foreach _items;