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Everything posted by Nasder9

  1. It is not much scripting, and you only have to do it once (if you save the scripts for future usage). But I am sure that someone will release some sort of pack with the scripts
  2. Well, I probably won't touch the campaign at all anyways. Haven't played a campaign in ofp/arma/arma2 since OFP Resistance. I play exclusively custom coop missions. So the campaign being included for free never even crossed my mind.
  3. I actually felt that 8 euros for KA-60, XM8 textures (and a few new versions) and amored SUV along with the units was worth it. I did feel that the M8's where a small step forward compared to the XM8's from ArmA2, new textures and a slight model facelift (3 new models though, TIS sight and laser, Eotech compact, And one with laser and a frontgrip that's only for show). But at the end of the line, I am happy to support BIS even though this DLC might not have the same "content"/cost ratio as BAF. I still think it was worth getting.
  4. I second this. I was hoping to let it download during the night, but I can manage with sparing an hour or two in the morning.
  5. Using sprocket loader it tells you, if you got BAF downloaded at least, that it's already downloaded.
  6. I've been playing for an hour or so now and I've found a few bugs already. 1. Susat sight on the LA85A2 with UGL does not have a working CQC sight while the non UGL version works fine. Following image-link shows the bug http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm110/nasder/arma2OA2010-08-2617-38-02-95.jpg 2. L110A1 does not have working laser even though it carry the "laserbox" (Not sure if it's a bug or left our intentionally) 3. The warrior's coax gun show muzzle flash when main cannon is fired. (both Desert and Woodland versions) There are no errors in the ArmA2OA.RPT file
  7. Nasder9

    Edited ACR Troops

    Using the replacement config (desert replacement) I realized there was a problem when one of the soldiers didn't show up. I got this from my Arma2OA.RPT file. Cannot create entity with abstract type CZ_Soldier_AMG_DES_EP1 (scope = private?)
  8. You were plenty of help, you got me thinking "outside" of the box a bit, trying to find different solutions to the problem. I figured out two options to "protect" my base. 1. Disable secom from offering missions and call missions at random times with triggers that is repeatable and far away to make the base safe (best option I reckon but I am not fully sure on how to apply this without making a lot of triggers, like a grid of square triggers that trigger on the player only. 2. (this is how I did it, I am not happy with it but simple enough). I gave the player the ability to spawn an escort mission when he decides to return to base, using the radio. If he accepts this mission but does not actually do it, it will prevent more missions from spawning while he is close enough to the base to get missions spawned inside of the base. This could also be done with a trigger checking distance to base. While in base, he can abort and get new ones and then activate it once he drives through the "unsafe" spawn distance. Escort missions seem to be versus infantry only, so if the player is close enough to the base to get the escort throug or very close to the base. The base can easily defend against infantry, even at "large" numbers. I am not fully happy with the way I did it, but it felt like the quickest and easiest way to keep my base safe. Any one else who can think of more ways of doing it?
  9. I want my main base to be very far off, so it's a hassle to get to. I want the player to live of supplydrops and what secop "rewards" the player get. I just don't want a mission to spawn in the middle or next to the base when the player is on his way back to heal or getting much needed supplies. Because I've been there, heading to base only to find a hostile base right next to it that laid waste to my base. But is there a way to stop the missions from appearing on the fly? Because that could work, right now I have the missions appearing between 700-1800m away. So let's say that I do a distance check to the base and set it to 2000, if below 2000m then secom does not give any missions. And once you are 2000m away again you get missions once more. That would work just as well for me I think. But I think I've only seen a way to spawn a mission, not keep it from giving missions again and again and again.
  10. Ah, I've read that, guess it confused me the first time around because it didn't make much sense to me at the time. So to achieve what I want, I need to check my distance to an item in my base(s), then adjust the distance to the spawned missions to prevent them from getting too close to my base(s)? Should be doable right? If the base is 800m away, I can set minimum distance to around 1200m,this would mean that the closest the mission can spawn is 400m away from my base. Or are all settings "carved in stone" at the beginning?
  11. Is there a way to tell the secom to not spawn objectives in a certain area? I am making a mission where I have a base for supplies, medic and such. But I have times where it renders a hostile camp right next to my camp. This ruins the mission completely. So I want to set up a safe-zone around my base to prevent this from happening, but I haven't found any information on how, or even if it's possible. The information on the wiki is far from complete on this module and searching for it has made me come up empty.
  12. It seems based on the little reading I've done is that the FSM part is used to controll the AI to a degree. I haven't found anything usefull (it's all too advanced for my ability) that would help me use the FSM for what I want to do. I tried setting a value in a script, trigger, I tried local and global but they all reset for each part, intro, mission and outros. So if anyone hold information about this, please reply. My only other sollution would be to integrate the intro into the "mission" itself rather than using the "intro" part.
  13. I wanted to randomize my gear in the mission, no problem there. But since I have an intro and outro for my mission. Randomizing my gear for each part may result in different gear on all the parts. Which ruins the immersion a bit when you see your team enter a helicopter carrying M16's in the intro, and then when the mission starts your entire team got a G36A's Is there anyway I can randomize a value in the init of the intro and carry it through out the entire mission? So I can call upon it in the mission and the outros?
  14. !(Alive RU) works well for me. I agree to the namechange mentioned above.
  15. After you've spawned an A-10 (only tried it on this, probbably happens on other aircrafts aswell) and you remove some magazines and weapons. The weapons will shift place infront of your eyes. On the image linked below. I removed only the maverick missiles. The Sidewinders till take the place of the Maverick's and the GBU's is moved so that two take the place of the Sidewinder (on the special Sidewinder holder) and the other two stay in place. Image of the weapon shift The magazines were removed using a script after the spawn, the same thing happens when it's added to init of the plane. This happens even if you also remove the weapon connected to the magazine. Code used to remove the magazines plane1 removeMagazine "2Rnd_Maverick_A10"
  16. The [["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; Points out to "Player", and who is the "player" on a server? There are many. I haven't tried this at all. But name one of the clients "Spelare1" (spelare is swedish for player and is just a name to prevent the mixup with just "Player") And the other Spelare2 Use the above code but replace player with Spelare1 and copy the code and and this time use Spelare2 This should call it for both clients. And possible solve the problem.
  17. Give yourself a pat on the back instead for solving it. Because as you solved this, you probably helped someone else who have the same issue and who will search the forums for the solution you just posted.
  18. My testing with only one chopper shows me that it eject me but stays there until I order my team to exit, but once they are all out, it flies away. Double check the waypoint setting for the chopper that's linked to the player group. Is the condition right? (usually "this" without the " are enough for this thing) Is it really set transport unload? Are the waypoints that are synched being "triggered" or is this an issue? I know these are very basic and you've probably checked them already, but it doesn't hurt to check again. Do you have a way to upload the editor mission here? Helping is easier (for me at least) when you got the problem in front of you and the ability to test some stuff.
  19. I am not sure if this work or not. You said you synched the "transport unload" of the helicopter and the "get out" waypoints, try to remove the synch from them. They should stay in place until the entire group has disembarked even without a synch. Not sure if this will do anything, but have you tried it? I only synch them on entry, never had a problem with disembarking.
  20. I noticed this the other day. When I carry someone, they will gradually lose detail, as if the LOD is kicking in. I can't really describe it well, so I recorded a small movie to show it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L6LxeJuWL0 Due to the low resolution of the video it's somewhat hard to see, but it's easily noticeable at the end when I put him down, he becomes much more detailed instantly. This is the only issue I've noticed so far.
  21. Test this Create a group of 3. Put the player as groupleader (highest rank in the group) Place a First Aid - simulation and synchronize (not group) it to the player (groupleader) Now preview the mission and shoot one of you teammates (setdamage doesn't work), a M16 round to the chest will do the trick, now press the number of the teammate still alive, and aim at the downed soldier and you should have the fast command to "heal". They won't be healed, but they will be able to fight again. You still need a medic to actually heal them.
  22. Here's what I am trying to do... I'm using the First Aid module(s), so death is seldom instant. I want to use a trigger to activate once the player is down, not dead. The trigger runs a script to check how many teammates are alive. If you're alone the script will activate a trigger that ends the mission as lost. Based on experience I can lose my entire group and get hit, then I lay there for quite some time before I die, unless I end the mission using the menu. I want to remove this by checking the numbers of units in my group. If I am alone, I got no friendlies to save me so death is inevitable, I want the mission to end by itself after a set period of time. I got a few issues though. I can't seem to figure out how to make the trigger activate when I'm down. I thought that the "CanStand" check would work, but this triggered once I actually died, or got damage to my legs it seems. So this doesn't work (even though you can only crawl when wounded enough for the first aid module to kick in fully). I can't figure out how to check this and therefor can not activate the trigger as I want. An other issue is the "Foreach" command. It counts the known group members. So you can have dead group members and use the command, it will then include the dead group members which are not yet known as dead. Even though I am sure I am the only one alive, tried with triggers to kill my entire team except me while I was far away, then activated a test script to count my group members. I still got all counted, until my player did an automatic status check and figured out everyone was dead. Any help in this is appriciated by me, and probably a few others out there aswell.
  23. I solved this problem using trial and error. Hooray! Trigger activated by LifeState Player == "UNCONSCIOUS" And is executed with the line, pLgrp1 is the group name of Player group. _xyz = [pLgrp1] execVM "CountGroup.sqf" And then I use this code to check number of group members and check them against the numbers unconscious in the group to make sure that there is someone still able to give you first aid. This code is not the best I think, I'm switching from sqs, and this if the first script I do in sqf, but it does the trick at least. But could probably be cleaner and more optimized. (the forum layout creates a new line for long comments) CountGroup.sqf _grp1 = _this select 0; _nmbr = 0; _hnmbr = 0; // Counts the group members { _nmbr = _nmbr + 1; } forEach units _grp1; // Checks if you're alone in the group. if (_nmbr == 1) then { // States that you're alone and activates the trigger "Triggertest" hint "You are all alone"; Triggertest = true; } Else { { // Checks the lifestate of each groupmember, Alive, Unconscious or Dead. _state = LifeState _x; // if Unconscious, add 1 to hurt-pile per unit unconscious. If (_state == "UNCONSCIOUS") Then { _hnmbr = _hnmbr +1; } } forEach units _grp1; // Checks if the number hurt in the group are larger or equal to the number of group members. If ( _hnmbr >= _nmbr) Then { // Tells you that there is no one in a state to heal you. triggerTest = true; hint "No one can save you..." } Else { // If False, states that you're not alone. and hints you how many group members you have and how many of them are wounded hint format ["You are not alone, you got %1 group members, and %2 are badly wounded", _nmbr, _hnmbr] } } exit How can this script be optimized, if possible? Can this check be done in a better way?