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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. Equipment: - A photo camera (for recon missions) - Visual medpack application (medpack/bandages in hand, instead of magical hands) - Useable sidearm holster (menu option/key holster weapon) Gameplay: - Usable chairs, benches, couches - Order silence (not only in stealth mode) A.I. - Chit chat/simple conversations between A.I. when in safe mode (like weather, surroundings, etc.), calling to each other when under fire.
  2. ozzbik

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Using FaceAPI in FTNOIR resulted in a crash with error message for me. Can't recall the exact message though. After deinstalling no more problems.
  3. ozzbik

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    What error message do you get? Also when using faceapi make sure you've deinstalled all older IPP and faceapi software. I got an error when IPP was still installed.
  4. Single-player scenario wishlist: All missions: - Full briefing (may be skipped) by officer (animated when a.i.). When assuming officers/team leader role have the option to set waypoints. - Alternate gear selection by officer/team leader only - Selection of transport by officer/team leader only (Vehicles locked until designated). 1. Hostage rescue (random location/target/enemies): - Random reaction of enemies to spotting blufor troops on-site (e.g. killing hostage/or surrendering). - Transport hostage to home base/target location. 2. Patrol enemy territory (random location/enemies): - Selection of transport by officer/team leader only (Vehicles locked until designated). - Commence patrol in target area - Random engagement with enemy or friendly troops 3. Forward Observer - Arial/Artillery Bombardment (random location/enemies):
  5. A mod conflict detection/reporting tool (instead of searching through the logfile)!
  6. Gameplay : - In-game usable planning boards (besides in-game map). Game engine : - More realistic reaction to hits: unconsciousness, staggering, limping. - track/wheel tracks on ground/roads (leaving marks), deforming terrain (based on weight). - Moisture, left over water on terrain/foliage after raining. - Movable/destroyable furniture - Soldiers feet moving when turning instead of magically sliding over the ground. - Doors that can be breached by explosive (or destroyed by grenade impact) - Better livestock animations A.I. : - AI using covering fire (suppression) instead of only yelling to do so. - Tone down AI ability to spot enemy units in friendly (own faction) vehicles to close range only (when stolen, unseen). Other: - Easier user profile creation - clans /teams / website.. etc
  7. ozzbik

    Voice recognition for AI commands for Arma 3

    I used pilfius as well as VAC (trial). It definitely enhanced immersion for me. I've recently come across voicecommand 2.0 (former keystroke!) which is now freeware. This works in combination with W7 speech. I do hope that BIS will integrate voicecommands into Arma 3.:bounce3:
  8. ozzbik

    Voicecommand 2.0

    This is my quick setup: http://www.mediafire.com/?zn9s4m00cbc2avv Still got a lot of commands and options to go (when i have the time). I find it easier to add multiple versions of the same command (as seen in the template) so i can say things differently in the heat of the moment... :)
  9. ozzbik

    Voicecommand 2.0

    I know a lot of people use VAC, but i'm always looking for freeware software (cheapskate i know :icon_slap:) Has anyone else experience with VoiceCommand 2.0 (http://www.killerssoftware.com/VoiceCommand/VoiceCommand.htm)? It's a freeware tool using windows 7's speech recognition. Although i find it quite easy to setup, I'm wondering if someone else has experience setting-up and using this tool.
  10. ozzbik

    Voicecommand 2.0

    I'm still working on my own template as well, but i found out that you can use the VAC Arma 2 template as a guide.
  11. ozzbik

    AH-64 Pack

    Can you tell what the performance impact of the mod is? Does the mod come with wipes? (Because i drool at the sight of this mod)
  12. ozzbik

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Looking forward to seeing Arma3 in action. Just hope people understand it's an alpha build ... not beta.
  13. Gameplay: - Furniture like sofa's/table/lamps indoors - More diverse human modelling (size/weight differences) - More diverse idle animations - Co-pilot able to take over controls after pilot has been hit Better crash/hit survivability (no more exploding choppers when hitting a tree at slow speed) - Multi point tree damage (eg broken off tops) Game Engine: - Voice control of AI (through radio communications perhaps)? - Heat deformation (behind rockets) AI: - Ability to pick up weapons - Ability to really stay in stealth mode (no more running to formation) Other: Better out-of-game server management tool.
  14. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Isn't that already there (; by default)?:confused:
  15. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I know some of these wishes have been previously asked (but I really want them). Wishes: - A mod conflict analyzer/tester tool (So no more mods that partially work because of conflicts). - Real building contents.. Furniture (Tables/closets/beds etc). - Waves/ripples caused by player water movement. - Enemy radio transmissions reception when capturing enemy vehicles. - Bushes/trees/houses able to be set on fire (by explosions). - More diverse idle animations - Right and left handed A.I. :p - Different heights for characters - A land command (instead of ordering a pilot to get out or via scripting). - Flocks of birds - Bloodspatter on surfaces
  16. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Perhaps not with a captured bloody uniform :). But there are examples from history where infiltration with the use of enemy uniforms have been used (in WW2 for example).
  17. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I'm sorry if this has been requested before (searching within threads is impossible?). Other wishes/idea: - GUI settings ingame (full screen without text or radar). - Remote server manager (similar to Rcon/team duck's server manager). - Auto hover when using map as pilot, or at least real "3d" map. - A cutdown Arma Free version... so I can convert my collegues to Armaholism. :D
  18. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    :rolleyes: blimey.... missed that...sorry.. I really need to read the biki better..
  19. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Appending to AI animation request (by sarge4267): How about an idle stance (at ease). Soldiers walking around/sitting on there own, until called to attention.
  20. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    After watching the voice control trailer of Endwar... exactly :) Here's an example of how voice control can work in Arma 3 (VAC).
  21. ozzbik

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I would like to have ingame voice control (to control AI squad). When i was using windows XP i used a freeware program (pilfius) with the microsoft speechpack. In windows 7 voice recognition software is included, but for game control you need to buy something like VAC (Voice Activated Commands). Would like it ingame though.
  22. Will this engine update be introduced in Arma2 aswell ;) :D Looks like alot subtle changes in the graphics department. Or will that update be called Arma3 ;) ToH looks/feels very nice.... maybe serve as a warmup to Arma3
  23. That's because no standard video mic can handle the volume of the explosion/shot sounds. Most of the video's also have multiple environmental factors which deform the sounds. If BIS gun/explosions have big faults, it's the volume.. But perhaps they've done that on purpose (blown up speakers and such) ;)
  24. ozzbik

    Editor improvement suggestions.

    I would like the possibility to have a OPFOR unit to change sides (without scripting). Like the set friendly option for the independent faction.
  25. Real mass/weight system by Physx