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John Kozak

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Everything posted by John Kozak

  1. John Kozak

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    I agree, a hit should at least throw the aim off target.
  2. John Kozak

    AI detection

    Since, IIRC, knowsAbout value starts to drop as soon as spotting AI loses the view of target (or dies), you can try something in line of: Trigger Activation: east knowsAbout player == 4 Countdown: 2, 2, 2 (or Timeout, always confuse them) On activation: alarm = true; publicVariable "alarm"; Another way: init.sqf: {if {side _x == east} then {_script = _x execVM "stealthInit.sqf";};} forEach allUnits; stealthInit.sqf: _soldier = _this; waitUntil {_soldier knowsAbout player > 3}; sleep 2; if {alive _soldier} then {alarm = true; publicVariable "alarm";};
  3. Not really a dev branch question, but still: is there a way to zoom AV camera?
  4. John Kozak

    TMR Modular Realism

    That and also some desync issues - we had a couple of instances where a guy running TMR had a suppressor on, but everyone else (w/o TMR) saw his weapon as unsuppressed.
  5. Also notice this, by the way. It seems the collision model is sunk relatively to visual model, and since bullets are stopped by water, it's almost impossible to hit the target. Bullets don't collide with head at all.
  6. John Kozak

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    There's no "this" in script, put the variable corresponding to the box object instead of it.
  7. An idea for the devbranch experiment: may it be done that a non-killing hit also increases fatigue? This may add some counter-effect to the "soak bullets, keep headshotting" AI/player behavior
  8. Ahem... PhysX just doesn't have the routines for aircraft. It handles only collision physics, particles and (recently) ground vehicles. So, this an explicit A3-code specific bug. I'd bet it can be reproduced in A2.
  9. PhysX has nothing to do with flight model in A3, back up your point (in fixed wing discussion thread) if you want to prove otherwise :-) Real aircraft do have batteries (for full FBW)/backup mechanical systems (for good old' hydraulics), BTW, as Sniperwolf correctly stated. A question on topic: would all the current features of devbranch be released with Zeus, or would some be postponed along with perf improvements? I'm specifically interested in seeing AV camera and engine fixes in stable.
  10. Ahem... How's this connected to PhysX, would you mind telling?
  11. John Kozak

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    You can add same line which you usually put into box init (the addAction stuff) into your box drop script, so that it executes after touchdown.
  12. John Kozak

    TMR Modular Realism

    Hi, Tao, I use the modularity already in hosted games - because I love the scope overlay and weapon resting features from TMR, and using them creates no problems if some players use i.e. VTS resting. However, as TheCapulet correctly stated above, it's not possible to allow running TMR on dedi server for some players without introducing incompatibility. Having purely client side stuff separated would allow server admins to permit it on public servers just like sthud. One could possibly branch off (license permitting) a cut version of TMR and ask Six updater guys to put it up, but I personally feel it'd be not fair to you and your work. So, I'm putting it up as a suggestion, whether to take it is totally your call. Cheers & thanks for your work.
  13. John Kozak

    End of Gamespy? For Real?

    Possibly for some types of NAT, but I'm not sure of that. It's best to have a dedicated IP and/or port forwarding anyway.
  14. John Kozak

    uav in veteran mode

    No, UAV icon is available in UAV terminal mode regardless of difficulty. Note you need to have UAV terminal item and use it ("Open UAV terminal") to control UAV
  15. John Kozak

    End of Gamespy? For Real?

    Valid questions. Answers are: Not sure what PUG is, but regular public servers would most likely get much less players, since players will have to know how to connect to specific server via IP Won't affect strongly as long as whoever is hosting for the party can give his IP or hostname to all the squadmates No, it would work as before Not yet, but given A2 popularity, someone may try a take on it soon. As you can see above, BI also has plans to fix A2OA, but older titles are dependent on external solutions.
  16. John Kozak

    UAV Briefing / Intro

    I'd guess it enables/disables the new UAV feed feature currently available in devbranch in the mission, just like showGPS and showMap do.
  17. Yes, try replacing "player" with "vehicle player".
  18. John Kozak

    uav in veteran mode

    What's wrong with UAV on Veteran? I always play on Veteran/Elite, haven't spotted any specific problems with UAVs
  19. John Kozak

    TMR Modular Realism

    That's because TMR adds config classes which aren't present on the server. I wonder if Taosenai could branch off special "clientside" "Lite-edition" version, which would encompass client-side changes only. Would save a lot of hassle in making everyone install TMR.
  20. John Kozak

    End of Gamespy? For Real?

    And BI can tell the same about A2 support - why do they need to support a game they already sold 4+ years ago? You wanna play, you pay. Neither Steam nor any other middleware provider doesn't give their services (CDNs and server browser backbone) for free. No, stupid kids are throwing around insults and expect everyone to please them for free.
  21. John Kozak

    End of Gamespy? For Real?

    It can be handled without pain - for example, BIS might sell steam keys for 2-3$ for existing ArmA 2/OA owners with valid keys.
  22. John Kozak

    End of Gamespy? For Real?

    Depends on what are you are playing but there are really quite a few of them. My impressions are, the majority of pre-"cloud era" (released circa 2008 and before) MP games use GameSpy. ArmA 2 would also be affected, I reckon, because it also runs through GS. And I'm not sure whether it's really possible to save it without hooking it into Steam (which is feared/opposed by some) We still have WithSix, though. Maybe those guys would figure something out? Maybe they will even implement their own server browser :)
  23. John Kozak

    Squad.xml Problem

    Does anyone except you see your squad logo/remarks in the Player screen on the map, when this happens?
  24. John Kozak

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    True, and that's why the mere fact that there were some A2A "kills" shouldn't be used out of context to make any loud claims... And yes, I agree that this is big OT which I hope gets moved to another topic.
  25. John Kozak

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Well, as you can see, it always starts with some dubious claims which aren't based on anything. To give an analogy, whether beer or wine is better is a matter of taste and subject to holywar, but if someone claims sewage water is better for drinking - well, there's definitely something wrong. Thanks, by your hint I found the following link: http://theaviationist.com/2012/07/23/f-22-raptor-kill-markings/ What it doesn't say, however, is how many EF's were "shot down"