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Everything posted by grub

  1. Mate, your link does take people to your channel, maybe link it to the vid hey. It land people on a vid about guinea pig waning chirps. Interesting yes, ArmA 2 no.
  2. grub

    Isla Duala

    Those pics are really nice hey. Really shows off what you are trying to achieve here not just with the map but the whole history of the island.
  3. Mate, you do what you want with the carrier, its your project. You would probably get less carrier comments/questions if you just allowed peeps to put their own in I suppose. Looking forward to see the towns in all their glory :) Great map, I still dont know why it reminds me so much of the old OpF days, but it does. It just feels like I'm home again :cry2:
  4. grub

    Isla Duala

    Yep. This island was loosely based on Tonal and with OA buildings it would definitely loose its African feel. Couldn't agree more. And anyone who doesn't like this FREE island made for FREE by a community member should learn how to do it themselves and make one! It's boring that we are still reading comments on other people's work that aren't really constructive or helping the author complete THEIR goals. These people don't work for us!! :mad:
  5. grub

    Isla Duala

    Candy indeed! GLT is great, not sure why it bothers people. And the viggen does add something different. Maybe there were no funds in the kitty to get Su's... I like it!
  6. grub

    Namalsk crisis

    Ok guys. Just back to the music discussion for a sec. I really recommend people who automatically turn off music (myself) don't. The music isn't running the whole time and Sumrak has done a brilliant job of an even dose of music and ambient effects. The amount of times i have been squeezing my sphincter walking around in wait of something freaky to happen or have literally soiled myself is getting hard to count. And it’s all thanks to the mood set by effects and music. Sumrak has put a lot of work into this campaign and to be honest (and I’ve played most of the ones on offer, even starred in one ;) ) this campaign is right up there with say, FDF in terms of creativity, immersion and overall quality. Namalsk has never looked so good. Grub.
  7. grub

    Isla Del Fuego

    looks awesome Oktyabr, will have a look tonight
  8. So, you going to let us know what sound mods you have combined or whatever you've done??
  9. grub

    FDFmod 1.0

    Loving the campaign guys. This mod just as solid as the good old days. Well Done!
  10. grub

    Isla Duala

    Yes. In our country there is an abundance of professionals :D
  11. grub

    Isla Duala

    LOL, ahhh Mike. A fully local Duala Warfare, Domi or Insurgency would be brilliant. Especially the rock throwing Civvies. It would really make securing an objective difficult.
  12. grub

    Isla Duala

    Well of course. Hope its all good! Nice work
  13. grub

    FDFmod 1.0

    And, nice one with the torrent guys :D I'll be seeding for sure
  14. grub

    Isla Duala

    Well done man! Is this the final full version forever?
  15. grub

    FDFmod 1.0

    Well done guys!! Long live FDF.
  16. grub

    Namalsk crisis

    This might be helpful for you :)
  17. grub

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Sounds fun! Will give it a bash. Thanks mate.
  18. grub

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Woot woot! Good enough hey :) Hey all, How difficult would these co-op missions be with only 2? I've watched a few vids but can't really guage it is all.
  19. Nice work Dasniko. 4 days? very good job
  20. Umm, now they have...and its really only in a cheap way of admitting defeat. without actually saying "we suck, we lied and now we look silly" You better all go play ArmA, but dont have fun lol
  21. grub

    Post pictures of yourselves

    Well I mean he's on the left working on Croke Park stadium in Dublin. Were you expecting him to be riding a dragon? Or maybe wielding a claymore? Geeze The_Blink. C'mon champ.....stop holding out on us.