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Everything posted by kylania

  1. The the waypoint behaviour to CARELESS.
  2. alex will wake up to a fixed mission, yay!
  3. Maybe leave math out of it and just use a Loiter waypoint? :)
  4. In your Sector module you have a field called statement. You can use that to run code, with access to these arguments: [module, ownerSide, previousOwnerSide]. sectorRespawn call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; sectorRespawn = [(_this select 1), (_this select 0)] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; I think that should remove the existing spawn for that sector, then add one at the module's position for the winning side. If it switches sides again it'll remove that one and swap to the other side. Probably want to have this as it's init: sectorRespawn = [west, this] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; For West to start things off for example.
  5. Trigger with a condition of all your generators activated then setDamage the wall. How are you activating the generators and what wall exactly?
  6. You can skip the script. Place down a trigger with a condition of: !alive Hasib1 and the OnAct of: Doc1 setPos (Hasib1 modelToWorld [1,-1,0]); Or a onKilled eventHandler if you wanted to get fancy. Hasib1's init field: this addEventHandler ["Killed", {Doc1 setPos ((_this select 0) modelToWorld [1,-1,0]);}]
  7. Either by reading the wiki or looking at the code in this very thread. Have you tried either?
  8. That's how. If you control it make a respawn point there, if you don't remove it.
  9. You answered your own question. Use !triggerActivated or just delete the win trigger when the missile launches.
  10. When I get back home. Had to go back to work just now. :P
  11. Or wait till July 11th :) Or upload it somewhere and someone can unbin it for ya.
  12. Not all of the objects in the Sneak Peak were properly labeled with the Apex icon at one point. Did you see any _Exp_ entries in the addons section of your mission.sqm?
  13. wiki/Loading_Screens To find the vanilla ones you can unpack some of the non-encrypted PBOs to get to the paths. For example you can unpack addons\missions_f_data.pbo to get to the a3\missions_f\data\img folder where you'll find: mp_coop_m01_overview_ca.paa mp_coop_m02_overview_ca.paa showcase_helicopters_briefing_ca.paa showcase_helicopters_overview_ca.paa showcase_infantry_briefing_ca.paa showcase_infantry_overview_ca.paa showcase_scuba_briefing_ca.paa showcase_scuba_overview_ca.paa showcase_vehicles_briefing_ca.paa showcase_vehicles_overview_ca.paa skirmish_overview_ca.paa test_overview_ca.paa So: loadScreen = "a3\missions_f\data\img\showcase_scuba_briefing_ca.paa"; or something similar to that.
  14. First in the editor go through and make sure you remove all Apex specific units and objects. Then open your mission.sqm (unbinarized!) in Notepad++ and look for the addons[]= { } section. It'll look something like this: addons[]= { "A3_Characters_F_Exp_Civil", "A3_Air_F_Exp_Plane_Civil_01", "A3_Structures_F_Heli_Furniture", "A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Rifles_MX" }; The entries with Exp in them should be Apex specific, so you'd delete those from that list. Those with Mark from Marksman DLC, those with Heli from Helicopters DLC and so on. Be sure to watch for an extra trailing comma if you remove the last addon from the list but leave others. Here's that the mission.sqm files look like non-binarized and binarized in various editors. Top left is non-, while the other three views are a binarized file in Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Windows Notepad, clockwise.
  15. kylania

    [Request] Whitelist

    Both should work, but all he's doing is kicking a player off. He's already punished them enough by disabling their input for 15 seconds with redundant messages preventing them from backing out themselves, making them wait through the flashy mission complete animation seems just a bit much. :)
  16. I spent like an hour making changes to a mission last night. Finished up and then realized I forgot to remove the unneeded CBA dependency. "Oh, I'll just edit it out!" clickity clack... edit the SQM directly totally ignoring all the "hey, this file is binarized dummy!" characters everywhere... save... mission ruined. :(
  17. You're missing a }; at the end. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; while {true} do { If ((alive mhq) and (speed mhq == 0)) then { _rspHosp call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; _rspMHQ2 = [west, mhq, "MHQ Two"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; } else { _rspMHQ2 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; _rspHosp = [west, "respawn_hospital", "Hospital"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; }; sleep 2; };
  18. switchMove won't work till you're in game, so maybe wrap that all in spawn with a delay? 0 = [] spawn { sleep 0.1; snipe SetCaptive true; removeAllWeapons snipe; snipe setBehaviour "SAFE"; snipe switchMove "InBaseMoves_SittingRifle1"; snipe disableAI "anim"; snipe attachTo [b3,[0,0, -0.47]]; snipe SetVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]]; };
  19. // Create a respawn at MHQ2 labeled as "MHQ Two" _rspMHQ2 = [west, mhq2, "MHQ Two"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; // Create a respawn at a marker named "respawn_hospital" labeled as "Hospital" _rspHosp = [west, "respawn_hospital", "Hospital"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; // Remove the points above. _rspMHQ2 call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; _rspHosp call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;
  20. What are you trying to do exactly?
  21. Instead of moving the marker try using these functions: BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition and BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition So when the MHQ is alive and stopped, add a position for it, and while it's moving remove it.
  22. kylania

    [Request] Whitelist

    Can you post your "not in the UID list" code please?