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Everything posted by kylania

  1. initPlayerLocal.sqf: See two posts down...
  2. kylania

    sector module expression

    _owner = _sector getVariable "owner"; waitUntil { _owner in [EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE] }; :P
  3. I'd do this differently. Have two variables on each player, moab_hasHelmet and moab_inTheShit. As they take off or put on the helmet toggle the hasHelmet variable. All the trigger should do is set inTheShit variable on the player, or just everyone in the area each time it goes off to make things simple. Then separately have a script running on the player looping and every 10 seconds checking if the player has intheShit true or not. If it's true, but the hasHelmet is true as well, we're all good, sleep some more. If however inTheShit is true but hasHelmet is false... start choking. Might drop the 0.5 down to something that won't kill in 2 hits though. :)
  4. Just for your current mag. Should be able to reverse and find/select/whatever out just the ammo count though.
  5. Arguing instead of posting what what was requested is a really poor way of getting help. :mellow: So are you using the exact same code that emartinez did? Which doesn't include any usage of BIS_fnc_MP and why it wasn't working. Or were you using the function from austin_medic which does use BIS_fnc_MP, but wasn't a complete script? Neither of which really matter since you should now be using remoteExec instead (even though BIS_fnc_MP now uses it internally, but whatever). The point is "I'm having the exact same issue" is not an accurate description of your problem unless you're using the same code, the final version of which we never saw anyway. So, as I already said, post what you actually have so far and what errors you're getting if you expect to get help. We can't help with something we've never seen.
  6. kylania

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I can't get the animationPhase command to work in game that's listed in the user action for the object which does work.. very odd.
  7. magazinesAmmoFull should work I believe.
  8. kylania

    sector module expression

    I got a demo of one at home and I seem to remember having an issue like that as well. I'll post again when I get home in a few hours. :)
  9. Any chance for scripting commands to be added soon? Please please include isLaden :)
  10. The Apex Green is a little vile. Any chance we could tone it down and darken it a bit? More of a Jungle Green instead of Mountain Dew xTreme Zombie Nuclear Waste Green?
  11. Not necro'ing years old obsolete posts would be a good first step. Including even a single detail about the issue you've having would be a fine second step. There are a lot of new tools and commands to help with multiplayer scripting. Start a new thread with your code examples, errors and description of your issue and I'm sure you'll find some information to help.
  12. You can click on the View History tab at the top of the wiki to see when the last change was done. March 2016 in that example.
  13. kylania

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Known issue I believe.
  14. Coming soon Arma 4 - Neanderthal! The year is 30,000 BC. CSAT Viper teams have just taken away your female. Something inside of your head itches and you think to yourself, for the first time, "Self, I could probably bash those guys over the head with this Mammoth toe bone I've been sucking marrow out of and get back the girl!". Enjoy all new features in the lush landscape of Eurasia! 10 new weapons including - "Club" and "Bone" and "Rock". 0 new vehicles - but pre-order Arma 4 Season Pass DLC including "Wheel" and "Fire" now to reserve your copy! Industry leading infantry controls for "Run from Sabertooth" and "Use Sharp Rock" without having to take your hands off your mouse! Climb trees, fling poop and more!
  15. You can use this documentation to add ViV to community projects. Some vehicles such as the X-130 or whatever it is you can put the ramp down and at least walk up it, up to players to get it working as well as they can since they aren't bound by the need to have it A) look good and B) work with AI like BIS is. It's remained available on the infantry version but was removed from the transport version, because reasons.
  16. They've confirmed that won't happen. You can fake it with scripts though. I just wish they'd restore the action on the vehicle to animate it to save us the trouble.
  17. Think it just means you can use setObjectTexture on it now. I thought you could always view configs of ebo file objects with the Config Viewer in Eden though, right?
  18. kylania

    Ai see better at night

    Do be aware that the way AI see at night has drastically changed in the dev build and will be active once Apex hits: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150500-development-branch-captains-ai-log/page-6#entry3045162
  19. That's a good idea, but I don't think Eden Object attributes are covered by that command, just the description.ext duplicate settings like respawn and the like. Seems to be an engine command to speed up config file lookups and grab the Eden settings.
  20. That script quoted doesn't seem to make any distinction between unit types. Run that script on a unit and it'll become a "medic" trying to heal anyone hurt, especially themselves. Now, ACE itself might impose limits based on the Medic flag, but the script isn't limiting normal grunts from patching themselves up.
  21. Seems that spawn script allows you to add a custom init field, so you could try something like: cleanUp pushback _this; Where you'd previously setup a cleanUp = []; array, and then just cycle through that array for your completely random and rubbish* cleanup. { if ({alive _x} count crew _x < 1) then { { deleteVehicle _x } count (crew _x); deleteVehicle _x } cleanUp deleteAt _forEachIndex; } forEach cleanUp; Untested as I'm away from the editor. * See next post... :unsure:
  22. A Fire Mission waypoint will make a Scorcher shoot and shoot and shoot again till they run dry without lowering their muzzle. It's not really 20 seconds between shots, it's however long their reload is, but it's still a decent "Someone's having a bad day" effect.
  23. kylania

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    [wall, 'Door_1_move'] call BIS_fnc_SingleWingSlideDoorOpen; [wall, 'Door_1_move'] call BIS_fnc_SingleWingSlideDoorClose;
  24. Ahh, so the condition of the waypoint is now used to allow them to proceed past the waypoint instead of being required to approach the waypoint.
  25. Maybe loop to see if the player is the assignedTarget for the gunner and if so reassign the target?